

Autor: Rose_tear
Realistic Fiction
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What is Gamble

Lee la novela Gamble escrita por el autor Rose_tear publicada en WebNovel. ...


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How to find hope

I knew working in the Psychiatric isn't going to be an easy task, especially working in the Chiyu Haengbog Hospital. One of the well-know highest rates of the people who have been healed from here. But before that, there are some weird rules for the doctors have to follow Not to provide outside food to the patients. Not to eat the food provided or the same meal as the patients The muzzle shouldn't be removed from the patient who has it. If the patients with the muzzle at midnight do not approach, then just press the emergency button and get away from them. If bitten kindly inform the other staff about it and not be self-treated. To be inside the hospital in the room assigned by 8 pm and to lock the room. Weird, isn't it? What does it even mean by the getting bitten? I know that working here will be ups and down. But one day the rules made sense the day I broke one after the other. The day I saw a patient in the middle of the hallway blood all over its cloths. Breaking his own finger one after the other as it reaches up to its arm. Rocking back and forth as it sang. “Up in the world so high I want to fall and crack my head~ Up in the world so high I want to break your neck” the muzzle falls off from its face as it slowly lifts its face up to look at me. The eyes turned red with the same coloured tears falling down its eyes. Hissing as its head moves back into the uneven position crawling towards me. The day I realize it's not the place for the one who aren't in the right state of mind. It's the place who are death at the same time not. Devoting over the flesh as I run as fast as I could through the avoiding the patients. Yang Ji-won the new psychiatric doctor selected for the children ward. The strange place gets quite after 8pm. The place with the weird rules to follow, the place where the place holds secrets more than the patients itself. The place different from the outside world the place when the one loses the emotions just to awake the monster inside them. The one looks like death but aren't. What is the truth what is the lies who are in their right state of mind and who aren’t. Is it the game of survival or the game of lies.

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Destinos del Cielo Fragmentado [Español]

Se contaban historias antes del resurgimiento de la "Catástrofe", un suceso pasado dónde la tierra no era áspera arena y los mares no se habían secado, cuando los cielos no estaban manchados de cenicienta sangre y la gente no se asfixiaba por respirar. Está historia llevaba el nombre de "La Caída", donde se narra que en él alguna vez, en estas brillantes tierras apareció un ser con hambre de muerte y destrucción, una bestia apocalíptica que no deseaba nada más que desatar un pandemonium en el mundo... Pero la caída no relataba acerca de la "Bestia" sino de su contraparte, el "Cazador" o lo que debía haberlo sido. Se decía que el cazador apareció como una luz en la repentina oscuridad, dando frente al veneno del cual él debía ser la cura. Se suponía que él era el héroe quien salvaría a la humanidad, quién hubiese pensado que en vez de ello le daría no solo la espalda sino que también la traicionaria al enamorarse del mal del cual estaba destinado a destruir. En su batalla contra la Bruja de la catástrofe, él triunfo pero antes de que pudiera darle el golpe de gracia el llamado ser del orden tiró su arma divina postrándose ante el infinito caos y su encantadora sonrisa. Ese suceso marcó el principio del fin, sin que el lobo se enfrentará a la serpiente está mostró sus colmillos libremente al mundo mientras su ahora nuevo perro besaba sus pies en sumisión. Se dice que el aquél héroe corrupto un día consumido por la culpa intentó quitarse la vida, pero la reina no se lo permitió, fue convocado mientras que la reina con una sonrisa sádica apuntó un arma en su pecho declarando arrogantemente ante él "Si deseas remediar tus errores, adelante mátame. Si no lo haces seguiré consumiendo millares de almas mientras miras sin poder hacer nada. Pero el día que mueras, el mundo morirá contigo." El cazador por su amor hacía ella jamás pudo asesinarla, y por su culpa hacía el mundo jamás volvió a intentar suicidarse. Así incontables noches pasaron mientras que ella estaba completamente a su merced y desprotegida, él nunca fue capaz de acabar con la vida de su amada. Fue así como eventualmente el fin del mundo llegó, en su pleno apogeo antes de que todo terminara la Bruja, aquella mujer maldita por alguna razón desconocida miró al cazador mientras el mundo se convertía en polvo, y dándole una última oportunidad decreto. "No vuelvas a dudar, no falles, si realmente me amas toma mi única orden, cuando llegue el momento…" "Mátame." Y cuando el cazador abrió los ojos, vió que sus huesudas manos ahora eran las de un niño. Él había regresado, para tener una última oportunidad.

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Deadly Things: The Birth Of a Psychopath

Love? Love? Yes, I was in love with you, and maybe I still am, but there's something inside of me that's bigger than your love. Something stronger.Something that consumes me more and more every day. It's like hate, but it's not, it's bigger, it's more violent.There was a very fine line between hate and love, and you always walked over it. Maybe you've crossed the border many times, but I chose not to see it.Then one day I got tired of this game. I'm tired of you walking over the line and closing my eyes to it. Our problem is not that I fell in love with you, it's that it's been so long since I've been there. Our problem is what you turned me into.because my love(!) When I first met you, I was a flower, you could kiss me, smell me, love me, but you chose to rip my leaves off.You played me to pieces. Then I became a fire. You couldn't kiss me anymore, you couldn't smell me, you couldn't love me. I'd burn you. That meant don't come near me.That meant I was burning quietly without hurting, but you, you wanted to destroy me. You didn't even let me burn. You didn't even have respect for the pain you caused.Now I'm a growing fireball. I'm not going to stop. Until I caught you.When I catch you, you're going to feel your flesh come out of your bone, it's going to hurt so much, you're going to want to disappear, but I'm not going to let that happen.I'm going to enjoy every moment of burning you. Because, darling, you didn't appreciate love. But you'll never forget the feeling of pain.The pain will enslad you to me. As long as there's pain, you'll always stay with me.

Zeynep_Marangoz · Fantasía
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2 Chs
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