Jang Man-Wol is a CSI agent from the another planet. She met an elf named Koo Chan-Sung. And, their adventure began when they both traveled to a space called Hotel Del Luna. Woo Whee or also known as Woo Ma-Wang is the iconic emperor who ruled the galaxy. Hotel Del Luna is a space in the galaxy, which is part of his territories.
A long, long time ago in a peculiar, peculiar galaxy...
After leaving the freezing planet Neptune, a group of pixies y toward a distant speck. The speck gradually resolves into a silver, space Hotel Del Luna.
Civil war strikes the galaxy, which is ruled by Woo Whee, an important moose capable of fraud and even abduction.
Terrified, a backward elf known as Koo Chan-Sung ees the Empire, with his protector, Jang Man-Wol.
They head for Imperial City on the planet Venus. When they finally arrive, a flight breaks out. Man-Wol uses her peculiar light sabre to defend Koo.
Man-Wol and Elf Koo decide it's time to leave Venus and steal a space wagon to shoot their way out.
They encounter a tribe of aliens. Man-Wol is attacked and the elf is captured by the aliens and taken back to Imperial City.
Man-Wol must fight to save Elf Koo but when she accidentally unearths a scheming hat, the entire future of the peculiar, freezing galaxy is at stake.