
Update 14-06-2020

Hi, been a while. Sorry for the radio silence!

A lot has happened with Gaia Online since I last posted an update. First and foremost, I've come to the realization that I'm pretty bad at this web novel thing--to no one's surprise, really! I've now rewritten Gaia Online for the umpteenth time and gone through several iterations of the overall setting, plot, and characters.

I've decided to pursue a more traditional publishing route (or self-publishing) for this story when--or if--I manage to finish it in a way that satisfies me. Since I'm writing in my spare time, and mostly during vacations where I can really lose myself in the characters and their world, it will likely take me several years.

I hope you've enjoyed the first incarnation of Gaia Online even in its woefully unfinished form and apologize for removing it from webnovel.com. Should I be lucky enough to catch the attention of a publisher, they will likely not want my work on a platform that's not theirs, draft like state and all.

Thank you for your time, for showing interest, and for your kind comments. I will strive to become an author worthy of your time.

With appreciation, MC Shael