
Gaara: The Guardian of Sand

Silent_Cuber · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 8: Academy

"Oh yeah? So delivering my beat up body to hospital by myself multiple times didn't raise any suspicions, huh?" - (Gaara) said sarcastically.


2 years ago, after Yashamaru died, there's no one to take care and heal him so he had no choice but to go to the hospital for treatment himself. Rasa thought that it's no good and would just attract attention if continued. So after a week, he ordered Gaara to learn medical ninjutsu from one of the best medic-nin in the village to heal himself, increasing his work load. After a month of training, he mastered all the basics. He did not really prioritize it since he had a lot of training and lessons going on but his progress was remarkable nonetheless. Although he's not the best at it, he is above average, when it comes to basics at least, and his chakra control also improved a lot.

But right now, he's not really in the mood. He just learned the other day about their plan to start a war and him as the main reason for that. He knew from the start that he's just a weapon, but hearing it in front of his face like he was created for that purpose only was not pleasant to his ears.

"That's enough. Make sure to behave yourself in the academy. I will give you the rest of the week to rest. Dismissed!" - (Rasa)

With that, Gaara left the room using <<sand body flicker>>.

–A week later, at the academy–

Gaara sat on a free seat in the back of the room. He just finished introducing himself in front of the class. Everyone is looking at him strangely. They've been attending the academy since they were five but this new kid started at the age of 8.

Although he's the son of the Kazekage, none of the students know that. Not only is this their first time seeing him, he doesn't even have a last name. And for some reason, their teacher is sweating a lot.

All the teachers know Gaara's background since they were informed about his admission, and that causes fear and despise. Although they haven't heard anything new about him in the past years, they still can't trust him. He is, after all, the crazy kid who killed many innocent people before and the jinjuriki of the demon tanuki who wreaked havoc inside their village 2 years ago.

They were also briefed about the implementation of a more advanced curriculum but not the complete details about the war. Right now, not many people know about this, especially the civilians. It's to avoid any leakage of information and minimize the risks from having a traitor.

The people will probably not agree with Rasa's plan and start a revolution to overthrow him if they learned. Unlike the previous wars, they have learned their lessons and know how foolish it is to start a war again at a time like this where the village is on the verge of collapse. Even the students don't have any idea they are being prepared for war.

And all of this happened because of Gaara's rapid growth in power, giving Rasa the motivation to start a war. He is by no means a saint but he felt guilty when thinking about it. At the same time, he doesn't really have a choice. He didn't even know it would come to this. All he knows is that he needs strength to protect himself from the enemies he will be facing in the future.

'Haais. What a drag.' - (Gaara) said as he propped his cheek on his palm.

"Hey! Gaara, right?" - (???).

Gaara looked to his left and saw a girl sitting next to him. She has long dark blue hair, yellow pupils and fair skin.

"My name is Shinsuki. Nice to meet you!" - (Shinsuki) said while gesturing for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too." - (Gaara) said and shook her hand.

"Okay! Let's begin the lesson." - (Teacher)

'What a boring class. And that annoying kid next to me couldn't shut her mouth even for a second, blabbing about stuff I don't even know. I'm surprised the teacher didn't kick her out.' - (Gaara) thought and went straight to the training field.

As someone who is a step away from reaching kage level, a normal training ground will not be able to withstand his attacks so he was being trained in a huge field.

–A week later–

It's break time and Gaara just finished his lunch. While he was walking around the academy's training yard, a boy suddenly jumped behind him with a scissor in his hand.

The sand inside his small gourd hanging on his waist reacted and held the boy mid air. Like his father, he uses a seal that expands the space inside his gourd to store his sand.

Gaara looked at the kid like he was waiting for an explanation.

"You monster! You're the one who killed my brother!" - (Boy)

Gaara took a closer look at the boy's face and remembered something. When he was 4, he killed a kid who accidentally bumped into him but the other kid was able to escape. He's really in a bad mood at that time.

The kid continued yelling at him, attracting the attention of other kids.

"Let me go! You monster!" - (Boy)

Gaara doesn't really know what to say. He knew he killed the kid's brother but at the same time he didn't. So, he just released him.

The kid tried to attack him again but fortunately a teacher appeared and restrained him.

"What are you doing?!" - (Teacher) said to the kid. He then looked in front and saw Gaara.

"E-Everyone, the break is over! Go back to your class!" - (Teacher) said and dispersed the crowd.

–Inside the classroom–

There's no teacher yet so the whole class is noisy. Everyone is talking about what happened in the training yard, specifically about Gaara.

'What the hell?' - (Gaara) thought to himself

Inside his head, he could hear Shukaku laughing.

'BWAHAHAHAHA!' - (Shukaku)

'Shut up, fatty!' - (Gaara)

Since then, the annoying girl next to him stopped talking to him. She usually starts blabbering when in the classroom but after hearing the rumors about him being a killer she just peeks at his direction from time to time, like she's hesitating and scared to approach him. Honestly, Gaara didn't really care.

The other students also began to learn from their shinobi parents and the brother of the kid he killed that he's the infamous crazy son of the 4th Kazekage and the one who wreaked havoc in the village. But as kids, they don't really care much about that stuff, especially the kid they're talking about is the son of the strongest shinobi in their village.

Just like that, years came by quickly.
