
Gaara: The Guardian of Sand

Silent_Cuber · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: Chakra

Shukaku got silenced. He was half lying when he said earlier that Gaara doesn't have a chance of using natural energy.


It's true that Gaara has a miniscule amount of natural energy in him as Shukaku's jinjuriki, in fact every jinjuriki has. But it doesn't mean that they could use it. It only behaves like a personal signature or fingerprint that allows them to use the abilities of their tailed-beasts. Gaara for example, the sand mistakes him as Shukaku because he has his signature. But Gaara would never be able to use it like Shukaku does because he uses his chakra to manipulate sand, where Shukaku uses it just like the rest of his body.

Since this world follows the same law which states that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another", Shukaku is quite different from other tailed-beasts. The other tailed-beasts' uses their abilities by converting their chakra into physical attacks or anything they want but Shukaku doesn't need to since he has readily-made sand laying everywhere which doesn't require chakra to manipulate unless he wants to strengthen them. If he needs more sand, he can just control his sand to crush minerals underground. This is the advantage Rasa was talking about.

"As foolish and ignorant as you might be, you're correct on that one. But it doesn't really mean that you're special or could use it." - (Shukaku) said and explained the reason.

"So I need to train like everyone else if I want to use natural energy, huh." - (Gaara)

He was expecting something like jinjuriki being a natural user of <<sage mode>>, but that would be too good to be true.

"Hmm, but how exactly are you different from people who can use sage mode?" - (Gaara)

"Well, you weaklings combine physical and spiritual energy to create normal chakra right.

Let say that a certain amount of physical energy has a power equivalent to 1, the same with spiritual energy. To create normal chakra, you need a 1(1):1(1) ratio of physical and spiritual energy.

Now, let's say that natural energy is 5x more powerful than that of physical or spiritual energy. To create the chakra used in sage mode, which you call sage chakra, you need to use a 1(1):1(1):1(5) ratio of physical, spiritual, and natural energy in that order.

As for me, since my chakra is a pure natural energy which you call tailed-beast chakra, I have [~(5)] natural energy.

My point is, unlike you, the energy I use is whole, which means that I can increase the amount as much as I want without worrying about the ratio. And since I can regenerate my chakra continuously as long as there's natural energy around me, I have almost infinite chakra! BWAHAHAHAHA!" - (Shukaku)

Shukaku explained while he drew the numbers with his sand.

"Ohh, so that's how it is." - (Gaara)

'To summarize;

Normal chakra = 1(1):1(1)

Sage chakra = 1(1):1(1):1(5)

Tailed-beast chakra = [~(5)]

If one wants to use any of those chakra, they need to combine different kinds of energy with equal ratio which I already know. Except for the tailed-beast chakra since it's a stand-alone natural energy and doesn't require any balancing.' - (Gaara)


The numbers outside the parentheses represent the amount=volume of an energy. While the numbers inside represents how much power=density the the said energy has;

Physical = 1

Spiritual = 1

Natural = 5)

"Hey, can you teach me how to gather natural energy?" - (Gaara)

"You're asking too many questions. Now, fūck off!" - (Shukaku) yelled and form a mini tailed-beast bomb, enough to obliterate someone. Gaara didn't even have a chance to react and was sent back to reality.

–Real world–

"That's interesting." - (Gaara) said to no one and proceeded to sleep.

His first time sleeping without Shukaku trying to take over him was 8 months ago.

On that day, he had a training session in one of the largest training grounds outside their village and Rasa almost killed him, saying that it was to push him to his limit. Although the doctor was able to heal his body, he was really beat up mentally and exhausted because he nearly depleted his chakra.

After someone delivered him to his house, he went straight to his bed and accidentally fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, he was in panic and immediately looked around his room which was still intact. He was in great relief and thankful knowing that nothing happened.

The next night after that, he did a very stupid and dangerous thing because of some gut feeling and try to sleep again. After nothing happened, he repeated in the succeeding days.

He also began to have a more proper conversation with Shukaku since then, though their attitude towards each other didn't really change. But, those interactions improved their relationship and trust by a lot, although in a rough way.

–3 days after the test, in the Kazekage office–

Behind the desk made from sand, Rasa was sitting while holding documents. Standing in front is Gaara.

"Starting next week, you will be attending the academy." - (Rasa) said while he scanned through the documents.

"Why so sudden? I mean, it's not like they have anything to teach me." - (Gaara)

"From now on, you will be working with kids your age. I will also increase your training, so be ready." - (Rasa) said and paused to look at Gaara.

"After you graduate, you will be put to a 3-man team like everyone else. Like I said the other day, avoiding unwanted attention is one of our top priorities, that means you will not get early graduation or any promotion. Until the war starts, you will stay as low key as possible. We did make your training a secret for a reason, after all. Being a jinjuriki already poses a problem as it is, but that can't be helped." - (Rasa)

"Oh yeah? So delivering my beat up body to hospital by myself multiple times didn't raise any suspicions, huh?" - (Gaara) said sarcastically.
