
Gaara: The Guardian of Sand

Silent_Cuber · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: Promise

The honoured siblings and Baki were all surprised by this. They have no idea nor are they informed by anyone that there are factions that are planning to mess up the hierarchy, even Mikazuchi didn't mention anything about this subject during their pre-meeting.


"Hmm…" - (Daimyo) said as he caressed his long beard.

"That is… no good." - (Daimyo)

"I-I see… C-Can you please tell us the reason? I-I mean, is it not favorable and advantageous to you, Milord?" - (Mikazuchi) asked nervously. She was surprised by the reaction of the daimyo.

Normally, this would be a very tempting situation to someone who always looks for an opportunity to increase their power. For them, this would be the right time to act which she would probably do as well.

This caused the other people sitting, except for the daimyo, to narrow their eyes at the woman. They have some investigation to do after this meeting.

"Hahaha, ahem… You see, dividing the country into villages was my and my predecessors' decision. It's to make it easier to lead the country. You can tell that it's quite effective by how many countries implement it till this day…" - (Daimyo) explained and continued to give more reasons.

In reality, during the warring era the Royal family had tried to unite different clans and the people within their land multiple times but that was proven to be a mistake. The group of skilled and talented shinobis at their command were utterly massacred.

The people almost found out that it was the Royal family's doing but fortunately they were able to plan this out beforehand and set up a clan to take all the blame. This was the clan where most of their shinobis came from so they were able to easily make them the perpetrator, allowing the Royal family to get away.

This dark history of theirs was passed down from generations to generations as an example and warning to the future daimyos.

Though the daimyo didn't mention this, most of what he said is still true. Politically, the division of the country into villages is advantageous but it is also a way to prevent them from uniting into one big uncontrollable group of monstrously strong people.

All the Royal family really have that makes them relevant to these villages are the money and resources they can provide. In a way, the division of the country saved their necks because now the villages are keeping an eye on each other from doing something against the Royal family. These villages can't just allow one of them to take everything and prosper on its own without the others benefiting from it.

"That's really all there is to it. Anyway, please continue." - (Daimyo) changed the topic.

The people sitting nodded and Chiyo spoke.

"These problems all lead to one big issue, we need to find a new Kazekage as soon as possible. The problem is, the death of our previous Kazekage was very sudden and we don't have any candidates that fit the role. If we pick the wrong one, it will betray people's trust and possibly crush the future of our village. So, we invited you here today to ask for your opinion and wisdom. " - (Chiyo)

"Interesting… So you're letting me choose your Kazekage?... If it comes from my mouth it will surely lessen people's doubts and worries. In addition, since I chose it I will be responsible as well. There's also the rule that only a member of the village can become its kage... Making sure that your Kazekage will have my support and backing I see." - (Daimyo) said with a smirk.

The people sitting looked at each other for a brief second and nodded their heads to the daimyo with a bit of hesitation. They are not expecting the daimyo to be this sharp.

"Hahaha…" - (Daimyo)

The chuckle made Chiyo, Ebizo and Baki somewhat uncomfortable and Makazuchi distracted from her thoughts.

"Hahaha, ahem… No need to be nervous about this. I will gladly accept your offer. I have someone in mind, after all." - (Daimyo)

"R-Really?... W-We will greatly appreciate your help." - (Chiyo) said and all of them bowed to the daimyo once again.

"If you may, I want the promising child named Gaara to be your Kazekage. Regardless of his age, he already accomplished many impressive and jaw dropping feats.

At such a young age, he was acknowledged by a daimyo and his village as a hero, tamed a mighty tailed-beast that can literally turn the world upside down, and without a doubt the first shinobi at his age to step foot in the realm of a kage. It's only a matter of time before the whole world knows and fears his name, carving it to the minds of the people.

Although his experience and knowledge may be questionable, enough guidance will turn him into a great leader. It's in his blood, after alI. The late council members also seemed to trust him and even allowed him to accompany them as their guard for a very important meeting…

And don't try to fool me, I know that you have already chosen your next Kazekage even before this meeting. It's only right to be him since you always wanted to preserve the tradition of choosing from the Kazekage clan. You're only waiting for me to say it myself." - (Daimyo) said seriously.

"I-I think you're mistake- " - (Chiyo) tried to chime in but was cut short.

"To be honest, this is quite disrespectful but I let it slide this time… Like I said, this is all on me. Gaara's education and all the financial assistance will be my responsibility. On top of that, I will support your village till you get back to your feet and stand on your own." - (Daimyo) said. He then stood up from his seat, stretched his right arm and said - "I, the Wind Daimyo, Shigen Kazekada, promised all of these." - (Daimyo)

The daimyo put his arm down and looked at the people who were shocked by what he just said. It's very rare for a kage to have a good background education other than studying how to kill people. So for their daimyo to show this much consideration for Gaara is really favorable for them.

"Do not fret. I will not ask for anything in return. This is simply repaying a debt I owe to someone. All you need to do is to manage your village till Gaara is ready to take the mantle as the Kazekage." - (Daimyo) reassured.

They continue the meeting for some time to make everything official and documented.
