
G Examination

One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions… There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Orangess · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

( 8 )

When You Huo came out of the confinement room, the corridor was completely silent.

The room opposite his containing the bald man had no noise. There was only blood flowing out from the room.

He frowned slightly in disgust and walked around the blood stains.

After for a short time, he suddenly stopped his steps.

There was a strange feeling of being watched from the shadows. Like something was looking down at him. Like a pair of lifeless eyes staring at him quietly.

You Huo looked up.

Above him was a white ceiling. Apart from a dim light, there wasn't anything else.

"Oh fuck! I almost slept past the punishment time. That damned deadpanned face didn't———" Someone rushed down from upstairs and when he turned the corner, he quickly stepped onto his brakes.

"You! Cough, you're out?"

You Huo retracted his gaze from the ceiling.

The person who came was invigilator 922.

He looked at You Huo and immediately changed back into his official tone. He said a quick, "Excuse me" and stroke quickly down the corridor before opening the bloodstained door.

After a moment, the bald man was taken out.

922 carried the limp middle-aged man and walked with difficulty.

"Why are you still here?" He asked.

You Huo stuffed his hand in his pocket and said lazily: "Waiting for you. I have no interest in turning into smithereens."

922: "Where's 154?"

You Huo: "Don't know."

"Where did that damned bastard slack off to?"

922 muttered lowly.

He readjusted the bald man and didn't have the energy to complain. He tilted his head in the direction of the door and said: "Let's go, I'll take you back to the examination centre."

Small western building, second floor.

Qin Jiu crossed his arms and leaned lazily against the window. His eyes looked down.

The light from the room projected out into the woods as he watched 992 take the two examinees into the snowstorm.

Qin Jiu narrowed his eyes and seemed to be in thought as he looked in the distance.

The back bird suddenly let out a hoarse cry.

After a moment, Qin Jiu finally grunted and stood up.

He walked over to the desk and played with the black bird's beak. While feeding it some grains, he said: "Don't you think something is missing?"

The black bird hoarsely cried out: "Ah."

Qin Ji: "An invigilator?"

Black bird: "Ah."

Qin Jiu knocked on the bird's beak and then moved to go downstairs.

Before he took more than two steps, the black bird flapped its wings and followed.

He looked around the hall and turned down into the corridor. He could faintly hear the sound of a chair moving in one of the confinement rooms. It was the room You Huo was confined in earlier.

Qin Jiu raised his eyebrow. He knocked on the door three times: "Anyone here?"

The chair inside clattered a few times.

Qin Jiu: "Can I go in?"

The chair inside slammed on the floor.

Qin Jiu unlocked the door.

The moment the door opened, he saw the missing Invigilator No. 154. He was tied to the chair with his hands behind him and there was a large ball of paper in his mouth.

On the paper, someone had calmly used a marker to write a few words: Who's a fucking woman.

Qin Jiu suddenly laughed.

154 wanted to slam the chair again to remind Qin Jiu to free him first

but, when he saw Qin Jiu laugh, he felt a little scared and gently placed the chair down again.

Since it was a curse, Qin Jiu didn't appreciate it for too long.

After a moment, 154 was finally freed from the ropes.

He massaged his red wrists and complained: "I've been an invigilator for three years and I haven't seen an examinee like him! The others would cry and beg and yet he just sleeps? Others wouldn't dare provoke invigilators and he just tied me up without any fear!"

Qin Jiu sat at the desk listening. He then said lazily, "Your complaints almost rhyme. Continue."

154: "......…."

If possible, he wanted to shove the paper ball with the curse at his boss.

"As an invigilator, you were locked in the confinement room by an examinee. Don't you find it shameful?" Qin Jiu narrowed his eyes and asked.

152 maintained a stiff deadpanned expression: "Dammit. Fortunately, I didn't let 922 see. Otherwise he would laugh at me for two years straight."

Those who are familiar with the mechanics of this system knew that invigilators were selected from previous examinees. Only the top elites would be able to change their identity.

These people were also ranked according to their level and strength and it was also the invigilators number.

If the number is a single digit, they are the top of the top. No one would dare provoke them.

For example, 001.

"You said earlier that...…." Qin Jiu hesitated for a moment. He seemed to be trying to think of an adjective. He eventually raised an eyebrow and said: "That examinee was sleeping in the confinement room?"

"Yes. When I went in, everything was the same as usual. After staying in the confinement room, anything can happen but to him it was like there were no changes. He didn't have anything that he feared."

154 thought for a moment. He then wondered: "But is this possible? How can there be such a person? I have only seen one person like that in my entire lifetime."

Qin Jiu narrowed his eyes. He used his finger to stroke the beak of the black bird sitting on his shoulder.

"Maybe his life has been too smooth sailing and he hasn't encountered anything that he is scared of?" 154 guessed. "But no matter how smooth sailing it is, it will only last until today. This group of examinees must have been out of luck for them to encounter this type of toothpaste-like problem as their first question."

Qin Jiu quietly glanced at him.

"The problem is like squeezing out toothpaste. You squeeze one out, you get another. I don't know if this is some kind of bug."

Qin Jiu: "Who came up with that ridiculous name?"

"922 that fool did. It has nothing to do with me." 154 spoke stiffly. He continued, "But it's just an analogy. Back when I did the exams, I feared these questions the most! It wasn't that difficult but the amount of information you get at the beginning was a complete zero. You couldn't figure out how to earn points, so I automatically affected defeat for the first round of answer submission. It was fated for one of our companions to become sacrifice"