

Efua’s POV

I got out of bed by 5:00 am and headed straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I groaned at the site of a little zit that punctuated my right cheek and went straight for it. I proceeded downstairs to the kitchen to have some tea before taking a bath. As I got down the lights to the living room were on so I guessed maybe Mum got up early to do some chores but it wasn’t so and I was greeted by the sight of my stepdad sitting on the couch in only a wrapper displaying his slacked, very hairy and protruding pot belly reading a newspaper. I gaged mentally and walked silently to the kitchen.

"Good morning," he greeted still looking at his newspaper.

I brushed him off and continued my journey to the kitchen. I poured some water into the electric kettle and plugged it in.

"Why are you acting like this Efua," he said from behind me.

I didn't reply I just kept on doing what I was doing.

"I'm talking to you!" he said grabbing my hips from behind violently.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK BASTARD!!" I yelled as I pried his hands away from my body. He grabbed my hands and took me to the nearest wall pinning them above my head.

"I can see you haven't changed huh," he said chuckling lightly. I spat in his face and he grinned madly as he cleaned his face on his shoulder.

"Are you scared we will continue our game from back in the day?"

I felt so weak and vulnerable. The tears where threatening to fall but no way he wasn't going to see me cry.

"You know you've become so beautiful beyond my imagination. I mean your curves can cut gold. I've missed you so fucking much," He breathed licking my temple and nipping it harshly. I became limp as he kissed my neck. The tears finally rained down my cheeks. I tried to scream but it didn't come out as a scream but more of a moan.

"Efua darling?" I heard mum call from the living room.

He quickly pulled away and went to open the fridge. I let out a harsh breath that I didn't know I was holding and swallowed the remaining tears before going to the sink.

"Ef- there you are... could you boil me some water?"

"Honey do you need something," she said spotting stepdad rummaging through the fridge.

"Yes actually I need an apple." He said pulling out an apple. I groaned and stormed out of the kitchen.

"Efua? EFUA!!" mum called.

"What's wrong with this girl God!" she wondered.

I got to my room and banged the door shot. I leaned against the door and slid to the ground allowing the tears to rain down my cheeks. I don't really know what's wrong with me. Every time he harasses me I just ...I don't know. I sighed and took a breather. I won't let him mess with me this time. No way Efua you are a strong woman. In life you mustn't learn to only be the warrior but also the shield and the sword too. I'm going to get through this... I hope.

The alarm rang signifying it was six a.m. and I picked myself and went into the bathroom.


I sat in the conference room having a meeting with some new clients on a particular project but couldn't pay close attention because of you know who. Ever since our last encounter I haven't stopped thinking about her. God she was beautiful. I couldn't even believe she could get prettier than that. The way she smiles, walks even the way she sips her drink drives me crazy.

"Mr. Solade ...excuse me Mr. Solade!" a voice said breaking me out of my trance.

"Wait...what-yes," I said blinking twice only to see a room filled with scowling men and women glaring at me.

"What do you think?"

"About what?" I said looking clueless.

"How our expenditure will look in our income statement at the end of the year,"

What the hell! I'm an architect not the bloody accountant...how am I supposed to know that.

"Weeeell..." I said pretending to be on the same page as them.

"I bet Mr. Solade will agree with me that they won't impede on our net profit, right sir?" Seyi said cutting in.

"Absolutely!" I retorted playing along quickly.

I grinned at him and he shook his head unimpressively head at me.

After the long meeting Seyi came over to me and began scolding me.

"Were was your big fat head Jimi" he said folding his arms and widening his eyes a little bit.

I just smiled and rolled my eyes. Seyi Lawal could be such a Dad sometimes. Well I guess that's why he was made head boy back in high school. But here we are today ... successful.

"I'm sorry I've been feeling off today...but thanks for the save, I owe you one,"

"You owe me a lot not one ...what is even getting you like this self?"

"Guy guess who I saw this weekend?" I chirped and he gave me blank expression.

“I’m not good at guessing,’


"Efua?... Who is that? What kind of name is Efua?" he said scowling and thinking deeply.

I scowled also, surprised he had forgotten about her.

"Efua that fine girl that joined us in SS3," I said growing impatient as he still pondered hard.

"Oh!!! You mean the witch!!!" he said widening his eyes.

"Wow out of all things to remember someone with," I said rolling my eyes.

"That's not the only thing I remember her for ...plus both of you were you know." He said wiggling his eyebrows and grinning.

"You dey craze," I shook my head at him.

"So what about her?" he said chuckling.

"Guy if you see dat babe GOD! As in you go bow!!" I hyped hopping a little bit.

"Oh really, you know you're with Amaka now," He said skeptically.

"I know but I haven't stopped thinking about her and-"

"Dude look this is not a movie ... you can't just abandon Amaka because a better girl came along... don't treat her like a rebound bro stick to her,"

"I know but-" I said.

"No buts ...I'm hungry lets go and eat jor," he said quickly cutting in.


"No buts lets go,"

"Crap u nigga!!" I yelled and he smirked at me.

After lunch at KFC I went to our family's hospital for my annual checkup reluctantly. I really didn't want to go but Amaka has been pestering me on going so I just decided to go for her sake. I got to the reception and the receptionist said to wait my turn.

Some minutes went by and I got in. When I got in, boy was I shocked to see who my doctor was.

A/N: Who do you think is the doctor? Find out in the next chapter.

Jor- pidgin for ‘please’

Dat- that

Craze- crazy