
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

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150 Chs

Tom, Emily and Anne

Tom and Emily were ecstatic as they drove up the driveway to their new home. They had been searching for the perfect house for months and finally, they found it. The old Victorian-style mansion was everything they had dreamed of. It had a large front porch, a spacious backyard, and even a charming little garden.

As they stepped out of the car, Tom held Emily's hand tightly, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. They were a young couple, just starting their life together, and this house was the first step towards building their future.

But little did they know, their life was about to take an unexpected turn.

As they were unpacking their belongings, they noticed their new neighbor, an old lady in her 60s, watching them from her window. She had a friendly smile on her face and waved at them when she caught their eye. Tom and Emily smiled back, thinking she seemed like a sweet old lady.

The next day, the couple decided to introduce themselves to their new neighbor, Anne. They brought over a plate of homemade cookies as a welcoming gift. Anne was overjoyed and invited them inside for a cup of tea.

As they chatted, Tom and Emily learned that Anne's husband had passed away a few years ago and she lived alone. She seemed lonely and they promised to stop by and visit her often.

But as the days went by, Tom started to notice something unusual about Anne. She would often make suggestive comments and give him seductive looks when Emily wasn't around. He brushed it off as his imagination, thinking an old lady like her couldn't possibly be interested in him.

However, one day, when Emily went over to Anne's house to bring her some groceries, she caught a glimpse of something that shocked her. Through the slightly opened door, she saw Anne standing in front of a mirror, naked and well-endowed. Emily quickly walked away, feeling embarrassed and disturbed by what she had seen.

She didn't tell Tom about it, not wanting to believe that sweet old Anne could be hiding such a bold secret.

But Anne had not only caught Emily's attention, she had also caught Tom's. He couldn't get the image of her out of his head, her body was like nothing he had ever seen before. And with each passing day, he found himself drawn to her more and more.

One evening, while Emily was out running errands, Tom decided to pay a visit to Anne. He was curious and wanted to know more about her. As he knocked on her door, his heart was racing with anticipation.

Anne greeted him with a sly smile and invited him in. She offered him a drink and they started to chat. But as the night went on, their conversation turned flirtatious and before he knew it, Anne had seduced him.

Tom was overwhelmed with guilt and shame, but he couldn't resist her. She was dominant and bold, something he had never experienced before. And as she took him to new heights of pleasure, he couldn't help but think that she was a better lover than Emily.

The next day, Emily noticed a change in Tom's behavior. He was distant and seemed distracted. She didn't understand what was going on until she received a call from Anne, inviting her over for a cup of tea.

As she sat in Anne's living room, Emily was shocked when Anne revealed her true identity as a Futa. She confessed her desires for Tom and how she wanted to turn Emily into her own personal fuck toy. Emily was horrified and didn't believe a word of it, until Anne showed her the proof.

Feeling betrayed and humiliated, Emily stormed out of the house, but she couldn't get the thought of Tom and Anne together out of her head. She couldn't believe that her sweet, innocent neighbor was capable of such things.

But as she thought about it more, Emily realized that she was also curious. She wanted to know what it felt like to be with someone as dominant and experienced as Anne. And as she gave in to her desires, she found herself enjoying every moment of it.

Tom soon found out about Emily's encounters with Anne and instead of feeling angry or jealous, he was turned on. He never thought he would enjoy seeing his wife with another person, but with Anne, it was different. She brought out a side of them that they never knew existed.

The three of them started to spend more time together, exploring their desires and enjoying each other's company. And as they delved deeper into their new relationship, they realized that age was just a number and love and pleasure knew no bounds.