
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

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150 Chs

Clair and Nova

Clair had been a teacher at the local school for several years now. She lived a simple life, focused on her job and her harem of women. As a female-only harem, they had a government required mandate they must fulfill - to bear children for the country's population growth. This mandate required them to have a futa, a woman with both male and female reproductive organs, to join their harem and impregnate all the women for a month. After the month was over, the futa would leave to fulfill the same mandate for another harem, and the women would have a break period of eleven months to recover and prepare for the next mandated futa.

It was a system that had been in place for decades, and everyone had grown accustomed to it. However, things were about to change for Clair and her harem when their first mandated futa arrived. Her name was Nova, and she was unlike any other futa they had encountered before. She was strong, muscular, and exuded a certain aura of dominance that made even Clair, the leader of the harem, feel intimidated.

At first, the women in the harem were apprehensive about Nova's arrival. They were used to the futas being temporary visitors, and they didn't know how to react to one who would be staying for a whole month. But Nova quickly put their fears to rest. She was kind and understanding, and she made an effort to get to know each woman in the harem personally.

As the month went by, Nova's presence in the harem became more and more apparent. She bonded with the women, and they began to see her as one of their own. Her strength and confidence were contagious, and soon the women found themselves feeling more empowered and confident in themselves.

On the last day of Nova's mandated stay, she called a meeting with Clair and the rest of the harem. To their surprise, she announced that she would be staying with them permanently. She explained that she had grown to love the harem and didn't want to leave. She also revealed that as she was a futa and could keep the girls in the harem pregnant, so there was no need for them to have another mandated futa.

The women were overjoyed at the news. They had formed a strong bond with Nova, and the thought of her leaving had been daunting. Nova assured them that she would only have to leave for one month a year to fulfill the mandate of another harem, and she promised to return to them every time.

With Nova now a permanent member of their harem, the women's lives changed for the better. She brought a new level of love and support to the group, and they all felt blessed to have her in their lives. As for Clair, she found herself falling for Nova, both as a leader and as a lover. Together, they led the harem with love and compassion, and the women were grateful to have such a strong and caring leader in their midst.

The mandated harem rape may have been a requirement, but for Clair and her harem, it brought them an unexpected gift - the love and companionship of Nova, the futa who became an integral part of their lives. And as they welcomed the new life growing inside them, they knew that their harem was now complete with the addition of Nova, the futa who had captured their hearts.