

The area was bare and desolate. The landscape was littered with crevices and holes. Floating in the sky, a man was seen. He had bright pink skin and was wearing an orange gi top with a blue undershirt. His body was perfectly sculpted with inhuman proportions.

He had human-like facial features, with his sclera being black and his pupils being red. He had white pants and black boots and arm-guards. On his head, a long pink antenna was seen sprouting out of it. He was Majin Buu, now Super Buu after absorbing the Mystic Warrior, Son Gohan.

"Say Goodbye! This is the end of the Earth!" Buu shouted to someone in a crazed voice.

The person, no people he was talking too were revealed. One was wearing similar orange clothes but had orange pants as well, with a blue undershirt and boots. He had a dark blue sash around his waist that was tightly tied. His clothes and body were heavily damaged and covered in tears. He was well-muscled and had inky black hair reminiscent of a palm tree. On his left ear was a white earring with an orange gem, that shined. He was Son Goku, the primary defender of the Earth who died 7 years ago.

The other one had a dark blue sleeveless jumpsuit and white gloves and boots. The boots had golden tips to them. He was also heavily damaged, numerous stains of blood and tears riddled his form. His black hair was reminiscent of a flame. He was Vegeta, Prince of the dead Saiyans and rival to Goku.

Buu lifted his hand and a pink energy ball appeared. As he charged more energy into it pink lighting sparked around its growing radius. He shot a smug grin at the two, his teeth glimmering underneath the light of the attack.

"Time to die!"

Goku clenched his hand. He looked at Vegeta.

"Vegeta, you gotta help me out with this. We have to fuse! This is the only way we can destroy him!"

Vegeta stubbornly refused.

"No way in hell, Kakarrot! I'd rather die than fuse with you!"

"But what about Bulma. And Trunks! Do you want to be stuck inside Buu forever!"

Vegeta clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"Come on Vegeta! If we don't do this now, everything we know is as good as gone! Do you want that to happen!"

After a few seconds of contemplation, he spoke.

"Shut up! Give it here, you imbecile!"

Goku's face brightened. He threw the earring to Vegeta who caught it.

"Put it on your right ear, Vegeta," Goku shouted.

Buu noticing the exchange, charged at their location. He cackled as he put even more power into the attack. A light pink aura began to flame around him, as his attack shined with barely contained power.

"DIE!" he screamed, launching the attack at the Saiyans.

Vegeta finally put the earring on as Goku said one last thing.

"Oh, Vegeta. Once we fuse, we'll be stuck in that form for eternity." Goku sated with a mischievous smile.

"You fucking bastard!" Vegeta screamed with a look of horror on his face.

Their bodies shot towards each other, almost as if they were attracted by a magnet. The earring glowed bright orange as their bodies met. Buu's attack was lost in the sea of light, dissipating into embers of light.

The area was filled with a bright light, almost as bright as the sun. Hurricane level wind buffeted the land, shattering the ground with the force of a nuclear bomb. Buu growled and covered his eyes with his forearm.

The light soon dissipated as a bright white form was seen. The light dispersed as Buu gaped at the power the form excluded.

"W-what the...." he stammered.

A tall male was seen. He had reddish-brown hair in a flame shape with two large bangs sticking out of the front of his hair. His black eyes were stern, and his mouth was twisted into a smirk. He was wearing a gi similar to Goku's except inverted, with a dark blue gi with an orange undershirt. A bright blue sash was tied tightly around his waist. On his hands and feet were Vegeta's gloves and boots. He looked down at his hands and clenched them. He went into a fighting stance and grinned.

"All, right!" Vegito shouted, and a bright white aura erupted from his form.

Buu looked on in shock as the area was flattened once more from the sheer force of Vegito's power.

He lowered his hands, leaving his guard open. Not a split second later, Vegito appeared in front of him with a golden ki ball in his palm. He thrust his hand forward and it impacted Buu's stomach.

The golden ki ball expanded and shot out, hitting Buu dead on.

The attack stopped firing, and Buu was seen. His entire lower half was gone, and there were countless rips and tears in his body. Purple blood exploded out of his wounds. He chocked on his blood and struggled to talk.

"C-curse you! W-what did you -do to me!"

Vegito smirked at Buu.

"Put yourself together. It's pathetic."

Buu twitched before smirking. His body's wounds steamed before disappearing, as his lower half reformed, clothes and all. He lifted his head and smirked.

"That's better." Vegito said mockingly.

"Heh. I almost thought you had me there, but then again you can't compare. No one can compare to me. Even your family all fell before my hands. I relished in their screams as I turned them into candy and ate them alive. They stood no chance against me."

At that, Vegito's smirk fell off his face. A look of shock passed on his face. He had heard that his family had died, but he had not heard how. Hearing that from the monster that killed them made him go into a frenzy of rage. The way he said it so casually.... something... snapped.

"H-how dare you! You scum!"

Vegito clenched his teeth and roared in rage, as his power spiked. His hair flickered and his eyes lightened. A golden aura erupted around him with one final yell, turning his hair and eyebrows golden and his eyes teal. The winds around him slicked through mountains and the universe quaked as a result of his power. His earrings started shining incessantly and vibrating.

Buu froze, awed at Vegito's power. Wasting no time, Vegito teleported in front of Buu and grabbed his face. His other hand started to light up, and he was about to launch his attack. But before he did, he called out telepathically to someone.

'Dende, if I kill him now can we revive them later with the Dragon Balls?'

The short green Namekian dressed in the red and white guardian clothes heard him and responded.

'To my knowledge yes, Gok- Vegito, sorry. Yes, you can bring them back.'

Vegito nodded and charged up his attack. A blue ball charged up in his other hand, and he gripped Buu's face tighter. In a second, he thrust his hand out and shouted with a yell.


Buu screamed as he was obliterated in the attack, his skin crumbling into dust. Vegito looked down at Buu, and his eyes softened. The Goku part of him spoke out.

"Buu, I don't know if your hearing this but, I hope you come again. As a better person."

he silently prayed.

Buu finally crumbled fully, no trace of him left. Vegito sighed and landed on the scarred ground. He was about to speak before a twisting feeling erupted from his body. He began to notice his right side of his body becoming transparent, an effect that was slowly spreading. Vegito knew he wouldn't stay long so he contacted Dende.

'Dende, I don't have enough time. I want you to wish everyone back. Tell everyone what happened, and help them get stronger. I have a feeling Buu wasn't the last of our problems.'

And with the ending of that thought, Vegito popped out of the universe, an effect eerily similar to instant transmission. Dende looked on in sadness before flying off.


On the other side of the universe, a strange triangular planet was seen. It had floating structures and a gigantic purple tree. There was a castle located on the planet too. Inside the castle, a man could be seen standing outside a huge door.

He had a staff and was very tall. His hair was styled in that of an ice cream cone, and he was wearing red, black, and gold robes. He was very skinny with a hint of musculature. He was the celestial advisor known as Whis.

On his staff, there was a round vision ball. In it, he saw the events that had just transpired and was mildly surprised.

'Oh, how strange. I had thought I would have to wake up Lord Beerus early. But then this interesting fellow showed up. Vegito was it? I'll be monitoring his adventures closely.'

And with that, Whis turned around and telepathically opened the huge door and went inside. The door closed with a bang, sending its soundwaves throughout the universe.

I thought I'd try out one of my ideas. What do you guys think?

Arashicreators' thoughts