
Chapter One : The Beginnings

Since long before I was born their has been supernaturals existing along side eachother, their bloodlines scarcely ensuring their survival. Witches, drawing upon the earth. Their power only as strong as their fleeting lifespans, yet being one of the oldest species. Vampires, bound to night by old dark magic yet immortality stopping their reproduction. Lycanthropes, only as strong as the ever changing phases of the moon yet like my kind fleeting as the seasons. And Dragons, the selfish and greedy near immortal species of shapeshifters who power never fades over time.

My mother and father were Witches, well not just any witches. Lineage witches, descended of one of the nine original bloodlines. Their union created me, something hated by the Council. And when I turned three I lost them. I was born during a war between the local species in New Orleans, and my father and mother were killed stopping it. I never got to say goodbye, and so I went to live with my aunts. My Aunt Sophia was the sister of my mother, and a Photomancer. Her wife was my Aunt Lenore, They raised me. Kept me safe with their stories of the supernatural world, and yet today is the day… The day I turn eighteen.

Getting up out of bed with a grunt walking towards my mirror. My hair was a mess, taking hold of my comb I holding it up to my head; slowly pulling it through my hair. Getting it caught in my knots a few times. I opened my drawers, taking out a Red Crop top, and Skin tight ripped jeans. Getting them on, before I put on my Black leather jacket and shoes.

Something inside told me I was going to have a long day, once I was done I looked to my triple moon goddess birthmark. Unlike my aunt's I was a firstborn of two lineages. My mark had the symbol's of both, in the middle of the moon goddess mark lied a pentacle representing mastery over the five natural elements.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door, looking over as the door creeked open. My aunt Lenore poked her head through the enterence, speaking in a calm and Caring tone her crystal clear voice sounding almost melodic.

"Adonis, If we dont leave you will be late for school…"

Letting out a sigh, looking to the mirror once more. Taking hold of my mothers talisman, putting it around my neck. Then hiding it under my shirt replying

"Yes Aunt Lenore."

I hurriedly finished up, flicking the lights off. walking down stairs, grabbing a slice of toast on my way out before I opened the back door. Walking into the passanger side of the car, putting on my seatbelt. Aunt Lenore got in the car, taking it out of park and into reverse. However, I soon lost interest and before I knew it I found myself infront of school. Kissing my aunt on the cheek, I said

"love you"

Before I quickly got out, walking into school. I knew people were gonna known its my birthday, It was Samhain afterall. I would just have to live through it…

The plot thickens ~

Valentine_Valendorcreators' thoughts
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