
The Races of Egid

Here I will compile information on the races of Egid. I imagine that this will remain incomplete for some time, so be sure to check back when new chapters of the main volume release! A little information on races before it gets detailed, though: some races alter themselves with the use of magic or science. For example, all races use advanced medicine, healing magic, and/or holy miracles to fight disease, and in turn, increase their lifespan. That's why some lifespans, especially humans, seem a bit too long, considering the medieval culture of Egid. I will account for this in the listed average lifespans of the main races. Also due to magic, some mighty warriors and genius mages may live for indefinite amounts of time. That's why the lifespans listed here should be taken for a grain of salt. I will, of course, not account for this in the listed average lifespans of the main races.

Humans: Found the world over. Extremely varied and adaptable. Have the unique ability to breed with any of the other sentient lifeforms of Egid, producing half-children. Due to this, humans have incredible diplomatic advantages over other races. The average lifespan of around eight decades. There are many subraces of humans, much like our world.

Amazons: Most unique Human subrace. Only female. Most genes seem to be dominant, meaning that that the offspring have very little if any resemblance to their fathers. Amazons are built for battle, have advanced muscle development, and around ten percent push seven feet tall. They possess dark, wheat-colored skin. Tend to always have either black hair, or a deep shade of crimson not seen naturally in other races.

Elves: Incredibly varied, found everywhere. Live indefinitely, typically close-minded. Elves seldom reproduce due to random stages of fertility

Forest Elves: Inhabit jungles and forests all over the western continent. Favor bows and druidism

Tan'Lian Elves: Originally from the large island nation Tan'Lia. Unable to use magic, but are able to channel fighting spirit incredibly well, making them the global leaders in martial arts

City Elves: Highly intelligent. Tend to favor magic that has set parameters and rules, such as enchanting, runistry and alchemy

Low Elves: Mixed elves. Generally decent at both fighting and spellcasting. Sometimes called mutts, but are accepted in most communities

Dwarves: Short, thick, hairy. Master smiths and miners. They have dense muscle and bone structure. Because of their heft and low center of gravity, they excel at swinging almost comically heavy weapons, such as battle-axes. There exist many clans of dwarves all throughout the mountains of Egid. Great Dwarven cities are structured like icebergs. Only about 10% of their cities are visible from the surface.

Halflings: Close relatives to dwarves and humans. Closer to 3/4 the height of a human, not 1/2. Anatomy is more comparable to humans than dwarves, just significantly shorter. For what they lack in muscle, they make up for in mind. They are known for being very good rogues, engineers, and alchemists. Their nimble hands also make them very efficient craftsmen. They live just about anywhere you can find humans, elves, or dwarves. Halflings have very few of their own villages.

Gnomes: A very sparsely numbered relative to the dwarf. Half of their existence is ethereal, and are closely related to earth spirits. Because of this, they're incredibly sensitive to magic involving minerals. Not much is known about the gnomic culture, but the gnomes that make their existence known practice incredibly difficult careers with relative ease. Most gnomes tend to be runists, jewelers, appraisers or even geologists.

*In progress*

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