
Chapter 3

Alex hurries outside and asks the playing kids "Did you see Peter?" The oldest boy answers with his little chest puffed out "He ran away after we told him we don't want to play with him." "But why? Football is a game played by multiple people." "Yes, but my mother said that it is dangerous to play with him and I have to keep my distance." A little guy besides the leader chips in "My mother also said that I can't play with scum. So I told him so." Alex's eyes widen in shock. "But why? Why would your mothers say this?" "Because he is with the Mafia, his father is a bad man. And if I play with him than his family will harm my family. I don't want that."

Alex tries to get his bearing. He knows this is the point where to make it or break it. But there is too much information for him to keep his calm. Mafia. That explains the black guys in suits. And Peter's father is someone important, which explains him being called "Young master" by his attendant.

Alex breathes in deeply. He has to handle this situation for Peter's sake. He breathes out. 'Focus.', he thinks to himself. Than he turns towards the kids: "I know all of you want to listen to your parents and that is a good thing. You want to protect you family. But please remember, Peter is a child like all of you. He likes dogs and wants to play with kids his age. He talked with me a lot and was really happy to play with you. So maybe you can look at him and take him for what he is: A little kid who wants to play with his friends."

Alex watches over the surrounding kids full of anticipation. "We don't want to. He is scum.", pouts the little guy in front. With this Alex knew he failed miserably at his first challenge. He straightens his back and looks down on the little speaker "Then I am really disappointed in you." He holds the child's gaze for a bit longer to get the point across than he asks one of the kids in the back who seems unsure whom to follow "Leon, do you know which way Peter went?" Leon just points towards the rear end of the garden. Alex starts running.

Searching frantically he looks in all the bushes and behind every obstacle on the playground. He finally manages to spot Peter hiding behind the biggest tree trunk and cowering in himself. "Peter! Here you are." Relieve can be heard in Alex' voice. Peter looks up. Tears are staining his cheeks. He looks at Alex with pleading eyes. Alex can't bear it and crouches next to Peter. "Come here" and ushers him in his arms, rocking him back and forth.

Peter starts sobbing in Alex' chest. "Why?" he repeats over and over again. Alex strokes his back, soothing him. When he finally calms down Alex takes the little head in his hands and forces him to look him in the eye "Peter, I know this is hard. You didn't do anything wrong. I can't promise you to make everything magically better. But I can promise you two things: We will work hard to make friends, even one friend again. I will help you. And secondly: Even if everyone leaves you I will always be your ally. I will protect you und help you until you don't need me anymore."

He keeps Peter's gaze for a long time. The just recently stopped tears start flowing again but now Peter shows a look of determination that is new on the originally shy boy. He nods. And Alex feels that this nod cost Peter all his trust he ever dared to pour into a person. And this trust now lay on his shoulders. Alex gulps down this excitement and pride he feels. The responsibility is already weighing hard on him.

The rest of the day Alex tries to coax Peter back inside to the other kids. But Peter is still traumatized by the sheer rejection he saw in their faces. Alex doesn't want to rush him so they stayed behind the tree trunk hidden from the others and telling each other stories. Peter's eyes considerably lighten up each time Alex talks about Zero. Inside Alex's mind forms a plan to get Peter back together with the other kids.

For lunchtime Alex finally manages to get Peter back inside but only with the promise of food and a table solely shared with Alex. Inside Alex feels the stares of the other children while he and Peter eat in the corner. Alex purposefully sat Peter with his back to the others so he doesn't have to see their stares. With this he manages to eat in silence while Alex shoots disapproving looks to the other kids.

His supervisor, Ms. Helen came over to their table and Alex relays the situation. Ms. Helens lips tighten in a determined line when Alex says "Ms. Helen, if you allow I have a plan. But I need your permission and have to speak with Peter's parents." He thus elaborates his plan. Frowning Ms. Helen concludes "Well, since it is a special occasion. You can try it."

When Peter is picked up by yet another man in a suit Alex calls out to him "Excuse me. I would like to have a word with you regarding Peter." The man turns back and looks Alex up and down. "Yes?"

"My name is Alex and I am the teacher who is especially assigned to help Peter adjust. Today the other kids started to avoid Peter saying he is the kid of the Yakuza." Alex pauses to let this sink in.

The other man straightens his back und uses his full height to look down on Alex with a look that dares him to speak further. Alex let out an inner sigh. This is the attitude which caused Peter so much trouble.

"I want to help Peter get his friends back. They just have to see him again as just a kid. So I thought if Peter brings something along that is way more interesting than his Yakuza lineage we can divert the kids." Now it is Alex' turn to look up at the suit-guy, determination in his eyes. "I am listening.", is all suit-guy allows, but Alex spots clear interest in the other's eyes.

"Please bring Peter to this address tomorrow at 7 a.m." Alex hands him a slip of paper and the other one nods and puts the paper away. "I have to check with my boss. But it should be fine." After pausing a little the suit guy looks back down at Alex with new found interest and adds, with his eyes showing sincerity "Thank you, teacher." Alex nods and hugs Peter tight to his chest before he waves him good-bye.

Alex went home that day feeling emotionally exhausted and giddy with excitement at the same time. "Zero, tomorrow is my first challenge as a kindergarten teacher. If I can pull this off, I can make one kid really happy." Alex buries his face in Zero's fur and breathes in and out, trying to calm himself. Zero, sensing his owner being agitated slept on the floor beside the bed. With this Alex manages to touch his fur while sleeping. Maybe due to this Alex actually managed to sleep peacefully.

The power of just one loyal ally.

Syndalacreators' thoughts
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