
From Nothing: Hustle Rationality

Transmigrated to another world, without background or qualifications. Standing from the level bottom of the food chain, with an ambitious heart to conquer the world. Check out the journey of a hustler to the pinnacle of life

Aurora_Ryan · Real
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4 Chs

Finally came

Zimo looked at the man that was standing before him as though he did not know why the man was looking for him but thought, "Finally here!" Ever since he found himself in this world and checked the situation of the body he had taken over, he discovered things are very tough. 

In this way, he was lucky enough to be about 12 years old, as he had a chance to do something about his situation. It is also probably the reason he did not get seriously injured from the hit and run, and this man probably thought he was ignorant and could exploit him. This was the biggest mistake, but at the same time he did not want to ask for too much and get himself in trouble. 

From the events of that evening, he was sure that only rich second-generation children that did not understand the consequences of their actions would be that stupid. If his life was lost, this would be a different matter altogether. If he tried to call for help then the person involved would probably not be treated the same as escaping.

In the case of those from the wealthy families, it could become more like a big issue. For someone like Zimo without backing, although the issue could be hidden, it does not mean the involved party could escape especially if they had competition. 

If there is ever is something that he has learned, issues like justice might be difficult to obtain in some societies, but where there is competition, someone will always be around to take on the responsibility of embarrassing the other. 

Regardless of how you view it, it can still be seen as justice, and the existence of media in this time period, seemed to have less influence by the rich. The media industry is just starting the development journey, and someone like Zimo is aware it is a tough one. The rich thus will not want to be on the wrong side of the media, for many reasons. 

In that case, he was more than willing to let the side that caused this to offer compensation with the NDA, after all the competition would be just useful for offering the push. But in the end, aligning with them would be the most stupid move, as someone that was once standing on the same height, or even higher, he could already see things more clearly. 

In this moment, the atmosphere in the ward, between the two seemed odd, Zimo seemed to be looking at the man with some innocent eyes, while the other one was thinking about how to have this kid make sure that the police would not bother with the investigation without assuming he was being threatened.

He could read the man's thoughts but just let things develop and see what the man was willing to do. The tension thus seemed on the man's side, and his mind was racing trying to come up with the right words to use after all children are usually sometimes very difficult to convince when they operate in their perfect reality about life. 

But at the same time, he remembered this boy seemed to appear as someone that lived on the streets, so it would not be a big deal to come up with some plan. For instance, housing, or money but he was thinking about the right words to use and Zimo did lower his evaluation of the man. 

This is something that he should be capable of doing very fast without even thinking much, but this middle-aged man seems to have yet to understand human nature. 

Regardless of age, humans have their own needs, and this is something that shifts from either emotional or physical aspects. The thing that needs to be done is discover the need and use it as leverage, something the man certainly does not seem to have any idea about. 

Sometimes, in his past life he did things that people seemed to view him as heartless, but he had long understood that being successful does not lie on luck, those that think they can be lucky their entire lives are delusional. 

Anything obtained from luck can also disappear as fast as it comes, and a successful person is also not that one whose wealth seems abundant, but rather the one that is aware he can make the same or even if not more of what they have when everything disappears. 

Even when he was lying on the ground at the accident scene, he analyzed things to come up with his advantages, weakness and chances. In that moment he already knew them and figured out how to minimize those weaknesses as he took advantage of the chances he had. 

This situation was already a chance, and he had to exploit without the other party even realizing it. In the end of the deal, he has to let the other party live with the fact that they won and he lost. It would work in his favor in the long term, otherwise his obstacles in the future would be a lot. 

This is something he does not mind, but he prefers to remove some unnecessary trials in the way if necessary as they would not add on to his experience at all, but rather waste his time. The current him had already set foot on the path of conquering the business world, in this moment what he had to do was making the opponent assume they minimized expenses. But before that he had to hear what the man had to say about the whole situation. 

When the words come out of the man's mouth, he plans to analyze them and lead him into making a decision without seeming to have done anything. 

For one thing, Zimo was not going to act reckless just because the man seemed unreliable, in fact, his act of looking innocent has a purpose. The same time he wanted to hear the way the man spoke, as it is also something that would allow hm to make a lot of analysis. 

Speech is a very important aspect and it determines a lot of things, when one can coordinate it with their facial expressions. Every subtle movement can not escape his eyes and he would use that to make judgement of the man. 

Seeing the men reach his pocket he put on a puzzled face, but indeed he was puzzled what the man would do next. It seemed like a normal reaction but at this moment, Zimo was sure this man was not normal. He just tested him, but he did not take bait.

"No wonder this man is not talking! So that is how it is?"

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