Delirious and Evan make a bet in a game and delirious ends up going to Canada, what could happen? Maybe love will blossom, maybe they'd just become better friends, maybe they'll have a falling out? What kind of story is this? Well, if you haven't figured out just by the title and my misleading-ish description then just read it for yourself.
the alarm echoed through the house as the sun spilled through the cracks in the blinds. I groaned before aimlessly slamming my hand down onto the bedside table, once I eventually found it I slammed my hand down on the button as I sat up and stretched. I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes as I looked at the clock before remembering last night.
-Last night-
"Delirious, if you lose all three rounds you have to come to Canada and let me show you around." I hesitated as my face flushed 'Alone, with Evan, going to Canada...' I quickly picked myself back up out of my thoughts as I replied "Deal, but if I win, you'll have to do a facecam in your next video." he chuckled "Okay, deal." -An hour later- I sat back in my chair as I listened to Evan and the guys cheering in success. "You guys planned this didn't you..."
I looked at their characters as Nogla replied "It was Vanoss' idea since you never really talk about yourself much." I lightly chuckled "You still have to do the facecam though, since you cheated." "How about when you come we can both be on the facecam?" "I'm good, you have fun with it yourself." he sounded slightly disappointed but seemed genuinely happy at the same time. I smiled at the screen, I was happy that I would get to see Evan in person finally. But also nervous because I didn't know what he would think.
-Back to the present-
I chuckled "You asshole Vanoss." I got up and got ready as I headed downstairs, I made some coffee when the doorbell suddenly rang. I set the cup down before walking over to it, I unlocked the door before opening it. The mailman was walking away as I looked down noticing a box covered in owl wrapping, I chuckled before picking it up and closing the door. I set it on the counter before opening it, I looked inside to see a shirt and an envelope. I opened the envelope as my eyes widened, I pulled out a plane ticket, about $500, and a letter. I opened the letter to read it.
"Here's money for you to get whatever you want while in Canada since I did cheat, and a ticket because I wanted to pay for the trip. I also added an exclusive t-shirt so I'll know who you are when you get to the airport, remember to text me when you land so I can pick you up!
A friendly gesture
I rolled my eyes as I giggled, "An "exclusive" t-shirt just for me? How nice." I picked it up and unfolded it only to immediately cover my mouth as I chuckled. It was an image of my character holding a sign saying 'Where the fuck is vanoss?' "If I wore this I'd definitely get noticed, you ass Evan." I looked at the ticket '2:00 AM flight.' I looked at the time "Fuck! I'm going to be late!" I ran upstairs and started packing as I drove to the airport. I rushed into the airport as I ran to the flight, I handed the lady the ticket she nodded to go in.
I walked in and found an empty spot near the front, surprisingly not a lot of people were on the flight. I put my suitcase up as I sat down and pulled out my laptop so I could edit some videos while I'm in Canada, I uploaded the video and watched as the views and likes started going up, I looked in the comments as I rolled my eyes and chuckled 'Are you really going to Canada?!?' 'Evan is going to see delirious irl?!?' 'Here come the fanfictions! RUN!!!' I internally chuckled as I closed my laptop and put it up before resting a little.
-Time skip-
I opened my eyes as the speakers turned on "We will be landing in less than a minute, everyone please stay seated and wait until the plane has landed. I picked up my phone and texted Evan.
'I'm here.'
'I'm waiting.'
'Of course you are.'
'I wouldn't miss
this for the world!'
'Yea, yea.'
Once the plane landed I grabbed my bags and climbed off, I walked into the airport and looked around to see Evan probably looking at people's shirts. I chuckled quietly as I snuck up behind him, I set my stuff down before jumping onto his back "I was behind you da whole time!" I giggled as he moved around frantically until he realized it was me. "How the hell did you get behind me without me noticing you?" "Oh, you mean that very noticeable 'exclusive' shirt? I left it at home." he acted offended as I climbed off of him, he turned around and looked me up and down.
I crossed my arms "So, did you just invite me here so you could check me out, or are we going to your house?" he looked up at my face before chuckling "Sorry, yea let's go." I followed him to his car as I climbed in with him. He started the engine and drove out of the airport parking lot, I looked out the window with stars in my eyes. "Dude, you lied. Canada isn't full of snow." I looked at him as he chuckled "In some areas yes, I moved farther from the arctic." I nodded as I continued to watch the passing buildings and cars when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it noticing Luke was texting me.
'Hanging out with
your boo?'
'Shut up Luke,
Hows Ohm by
the way?'
'Okay well have fun!'
'You too, and tell Ohm I said hey!'
I chuckled before setting it down and continuing to look out of the window. He parked as we climbed out, I grabbed my stuff as Evan lead me into the house. I set my stuff down before falling backward onto the couch, I let out a tired sigh when I noticed Evan glance at my stomach a few times. I looked down noticing my shirt lifted up a bit revealing some of what abs I had, I slightly blushed as I fixed it before sitting up and looking at Evan. "So, what's for dinner?" He thought for a moment "Pizza?"
I rolled my eyes "You probably eat pizza all the time." he chuckled before leaning against the counter, "So? What do you want?" I thought for a moment "Do they have tacos or something like that here?" he nodded "We aren't pizza maniacs you know" I chuckled "Then, tacos?" he nodded before grabbing the phone and ordering some tacos. The doorbell rang as I stood up to answer it since Evan was in the bathroom, I opened the door revealing a kid who looked about 18 "That will be $24.36, sir." I nodded "Just a second." I grabbed my wallet as I pulled out a $50 "Keep the change." I handed the money to him and reached out for the bag when I noticed his shocked face.
"Oh...I don't suppose Canadians watch me as well huh?" He slowly nodded "So you really came here?!?" I looked back into the house before whispering to him "Well you see, this asshole cheated and now here I am, but you can expect a facecam video from him soon." he chuckled and nodded "Are you going to be in it?" I thought for a moment before shrugging "We'll see how things go." I winked at him "Oh! Can I get an autograph?" I nodded "My first autograph shall go to you then." he looked like a light on a Christmas tree as he handed me a pen and paper, I signed it before handing it to him. "Oh, and if you don't mind. I'd like this to be kept a bit of a mystery." I pointed and circled my face "And that I was ever here." he chuckled as he nodded
"Sure, but you don't mind if I tell my friends I met you? They'll be so jealous." "Go for it, thanks for the tacos by the way, cya!" I smiled at him as he waved. I closed the door before walking into the kitchen and pulling out my tacos, Evan walked into the living room then the kitchen with a smile on his face "I guess you're getting recognized on voice alone." I chuckled "Hey, it's the only thing they have to listen to in my videos besides your guys' and the game sounds. I'm not surprised they can recognize me on voice alone, even with the shitty mic. My voice is my voice."
He chuckled before reaching over the counter into the bag for his food, I grabbed a plate before sitting down in the living room. We ate tacos as we watched television, I wiped my mouth with my shirt sleeve before unknowingly leaning my head against Evan's shoulder as the jet lag kicked in. I closed my eyes as I fell asleep, my eyes slowly fluttered open as I noticed I was laying on top of something or...Someone...I lifted my head only to meet Evan's face, my face heated up as I slowly sat up and climbed off of the couch. 'I must've fallen asleep.' I looked around the room when my stomach suddenly growled, I looked at it then the kitchen as I smiled. I slid the eggs onto the plate as I set the cooled pans into the sink, I turned around noticing Evan looking at the food. "Did you make this?"
I rolled my eyes "No I ordered it from Denny's" he chuckled while shrugging "But it sure does look good." he grabbed a plate and filled it with some eggs, bacon, sausages, and toast. I internally sighed as I grabbed some and ate, I leaned over the counter as I ate a piece of bacon and watched the television. Once I finished I looked over at Evan "So, what are we doing today?" he thought for a moment "Well I have to upload a video today so, we could play some games with the guys."
I nodded "Sure." I followed Evan upstairs into his gaming room, it was pretty spacious. "You can use the computer over there." He pointed to a black and blue colored setup. I looked at him with a raised brow "Did you buy this before we even did the bet?" he looked at it then me before rubbing the back of his neck, I just shook my head before sitting down and setting everything up. "Gang beasts?" I looked at him as he shook his head "Let's play falling flat." I chuckled "Sure."