
Chapter One

Sophomore year, new students at Morgan High. The middle of the school year l with new students Rosario, and Aarion. The history teacher makes the students get in a group of two and Rosario and Aarion happens to find themselves together in the group.

"I'm Rosario." Rosario says as they sit across across each other. "I'm Aarion." Aarion says. They instantly click. They start to get to know more of each other while they also complete the assignment their history teacher gave to them.

History is over and Rosario walks over to her locker to grab books for her next class. As she close her locker, she bumps into the girl nexts to her. "Sorry." Rosario says. "No, it's okay. I'm Camille." Camille said. "Rosario smiles. "I'm Rosario." Rosario says smiling. "See you around then." Camille said before walking off.

~After school~

"So you wanna hang out?" Rosario asks Aarion. "It's this diner we could go to. But one thing, your paying for the food since I'm driving." Aarion said. Rosario nodded in agreement and they both get in the car to go to the diner.

"Here we are. The best diner in this neighborhood. And the cheapest with good food of course." Aarion says as they get out the car. "Rosario looks at one of the windows of the diner and see Camille sitting across from someone. "So before we go in, I'm guessing you know something about Camille?" Rosario said. "Last name is Jones, birthday September twenty something and she is the daughter of the counselor. How do I know all that? I've snooped around in the school files last weekend." Aarion said.

They enter the diner and sit down at the booth in front of Camille's booth. After Rosario and Aarion ate they talked and then decided to get ready to leave. Before they get up Camille and someone else stops them. "Hi! So there's a party somebody is throwing and I can invite others so, you wanna go?" Camille asked. Rosario looked at Aarion but he was totally focused on the boy beside Camille. "Uh, yeah. But who is your friend?" Rosario asks. Aarion stops looking at the boy. "This is my best friend Jeremiah. So, like can I get your number so I can send you the address? We have to go to gas station before the party." Camille said. Rosario gives Camille her phone and Camille types the number in. Jeremiah starts to leave out and Aarion looks at him. "See you at the party." Camille said before following Jeremiah out the diner. "We have a problem. Jeremiah is cute." Aarion said. "Yeah we do have a problem, Camille is the prettiest girl I've ever met.

To be continued. My friend will be writing the next chapter.

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