
freind love forever

Some people believe that money is needed to be happy in life.....And someone wishes that friends are needed to live life....Is this true, is friendship really important in human life?Yes this is true...Friendship is very important in human life...Don't be a friend, you are incomplete alive ...Today we will see some such friends in this novel ....who love each other...

ayeshasiddiqua · Adolescente
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31 Chs

❤️ friends forever ❤️

I was thinking that you have not eaten biryani for a long time. ... Harsh said innocently.... tha tu...they said they will make it next week.... i said lisa will make it... you flatly refused... You said Liza laughed..... and you gave up. .... only you know that your brother's talk does not go on only in front of grandmother. ....

Means and where Harsh's does not work, Liza's walks ++ ... Liza said mischievously, You Harsh smiled, my biryani is cooked ... yes sure .. now let's finish the sweet quickly .... Liza hit Harsh on the head and said ....

Liza is big, I told you how Harsh surrounded it ... you know how he laughed and hit him on the head one more time you laughed Harsh ... today Wearing this blue dress, she was ready from the heart...

She came to Rishab's house with a bouquet of white flowers in her hand. Was... first meeting Roma now she is going to meet Rishab It was ... Rishab was talking to Maria in his room and today it was a coincidence. " .. what condition have you made your own ... I feel sad to see you .. ..

Rishab said with pity because Maria had a lot of fever since yesterday ... Maria's act with Raj Because of this Rishab didn't call Maria out of anger…..but he himself called Rishab today….No Maria it is not your fault...

I know Whatever has happened because of Howa Uncle Aunty… Rishab said in a soft voice….! You are very good... why do you consider yourself bad. ... I know ask my heart ... you are a very sweet girl ... and you do not consider yourself alone ...

I will always be with you and will be ... Rishab's gaze standing at the door talking fell on Heer .... He was surprised ... Maria will talk to you later ... After disconnecting the phone he came to Heer : ...

Heer when did you come .. How did Rishab be happy with Heer asked .... which was harsh in silence, I had come to apologize for what you said ... I wanted you to ... whatever I told you in anger was wrong. • Because I was not able to accept the situation..... ... tell ...

mine is but you changed so fast.. i thought rishab only ..... only my right on that... but i was wrong... you are just maria.... i will go. I never forgive you for this Rishab never.... Heer walked away saying how to roti.....

Rishab couldn't believe that Heer said all this.... Heer listen to me Heer please one Listen to me once. Rishab went after her but Heer ran away, Howe she left. Rishab smelled the fragrance of flowers and said..... It was evening time...

Coming, Karan's eyes fell on this. ... He stopped the car outside the park and came in ... He was also playing some children ... Mehak ,,, what are you doing here Karan reached to him and asked..... Karan's voice He raised his head and looked with his red eyes….. what are you crying, why are you crying? ... how did he turn his stance = said.....

Your baba is back ahead... you should be happy 1... and you are crying Karan said .... As soon as it was morning, everyone came to know that Mehak's baba is back ahead. 3 .... no, I am happy, it said angrily, you should be surprised Karan..... but why ... you Mehak told all the things to Karan last night ....

you have heard half an incomplete thing and Told my father so much. Karan said with a pity that you must be surprised by Mehak ... have you heard Mehek how he must have been away from his house for so many years...

you are only sad that everyone had the news of his being alive :-... He stayed away from his house for so many years ... understood .... and without understanding them, you said so much ... how can you do this .. Mehak should be ashamed of understanding Karan. ... but what should I do now....

Mehak asked you Karan said. ..go you apologize to your baba....he will forgive you.....Karan said to him he left....how long Mehak stood there thinking about it....then his house Gone ..... to my baba..... ..

After coming home, Mehak apologized to his baba. The fragrance was spread all over the house….Harsh was happy…he came in the kitchen, you were keeping Liza biryani on your own…Jug jug jio my sister …Harsh said happily…

You change the clothes and come till then I do biryani.... Dadi didn't say anything Harsh asked you..... Dadi doesn't even know that I have made biryani.... that morning Phufu is at home..

. and hearing this Fufu's name made Harsh's mouth bad. Harsh's Baba had saved his life. .... Since then she had become his sister. ... and the house used to put its feet in every matter.....

He did not get along with Harsh. Giving Harsh said you Lisa stared at her... You laughed how she left…. Then the doorbell rang… Some grandmother didn't come…. Lisa wanted to open the door Went for .. ... Liza opened the door and Raj was standing in front of her. ...

Raj did not expect that Liza would open the door ..... Raj's heart blossomed on seeing this 1 .... Wearing black home frock .... Hands filled with black glass bangles Dressed in .. :: .. Chudiya was probably the most liked. Seeing Raj in beautiful blue eyes, mischief flashed....G .... Hey Mr. Emotional you....

Liza brought smiles on her face and said..... my name is Raj hai... ok mister jazbaati raj.... kis se meet hai aapko... he said it with fun .. it said with fun ..... spoiling others name is probably the favorite work of both of you sister brother....


Raj said you smiled Liza... no this is our nature...well inside..... Raj was enjoying talking to him. .... Come on Harsh is up. ... Liza reached near the door, you Raj You Raj laughed seeing this: .... Hey Raja Sahib has come ... As soon as he came to Harsh's room, Raj shouted slogans after seeing this .... Sister downstairs and brother upstairs. Raj smiled ..... ....

The party that Mahesh gave in the night is not it. 3..I was telling you that I will go in your car .... ok saying to see Harsh drawer ... what are you looking at ... .. Raj said angrily and I have listened to you. 6. He picked up and read that you had written that cigarettes are not good for smoking. ....

Harsh smiled after seeing the letter. ... Harsh says howva put my hand in the cupboard. The giddiness ensued... Reading Raj made me laugh out loud 1 ... Liza Hersh screamed and ran downstairs. Had to see that out of the two ...

Raj also went back to it ... Liza what is this .. who wins this paper ... Liza said innocently, you made Raj laugh ... when Harsh did stare at it. .Harsh said angrily....

Not now... I said now. To Tina's husband ... Do 33 ... Hey I have given ... .Harsh pagal ho gaya area ka waste wala... Hearing this, Harsh was shocked...when Raj said loudly 1. Liza what should I do..Liza smiled at yours...

nothing just Joe Say, go on listening and said ... and I will understand like this, yes if you take a cigarette from the page or you drink it, I ... Lisa's left, you Harsh threw her pillow and hit her. ..Liza also started hitting…Now both of them had started fighting which was not going to end before 2 hours….

Raj asked both of them to close the door and he left… No Heer Rishab can't do this Karan explained to his sister who was crying with Karan as soon as he came..... No Karan, he has done this to me....

if he did this neither you I will not leave it 9 ... Karan woke up saying ... where are you going .... to ask Rishab. Because he was very angry and in Heer's case too much… was only…

You came out of the house, Karan. 7..Karan he came you Rishab Karthik and Harsh were standing outside Rishab's house….Karan came in anger…but he didn't say anything because he didn't say anything without knowing both sides Could Rishab ....

what all.. this is the story of Maria ... what is all this. Told it .... i ok so after listening all it got cold. ) ... Karan hit Rishab with a slap, didn't scare me. ..... give me compliments Harsh said you Rishab slapped him 1 ...

bastards all because of you my wife is angry with me I want ..... 13..Harsh hit it...you are all ready Mahesh and Raj were there...we are all ready but the girls don't know anything..Karthik said....

Who said that we are not ready, everyone looked back after hearing Anamika's voice ... Those 5 friends were there in the same bay ... Rishab saw that Heer's eyes are swollen ... Well Harsh you bring Liza along too Taking Mahesh said... no he had to go to his friend... let's go out again.. .

Those people took 3 vehicles and left it :: : ( ... except .. after reaching the restaurant, everyone said to him that heer ki ... because she was thinking that Rishab did this, said that Karan who was so angry. Had left the house now was talking to Rishab with a laugh.....

all of them in the parking lot, tu simran took the key of kartik's car from him. 9.. and said that we all will go together.. Ok, come and tell, Karan said to the worried mandi ...

. yes if you reach safely, you will tell ... Harsh's tongue is itchy ... Should... Simran said you put your hand and said you all laughed. I left... when Harsh Mahesh and Raj were about to leave in a car..... ...

The tire of Mahesh's car was damaged, you were changing that tyre… then his eyes read on a fakir... he was there. This is the danger of eyes ... Mahesh quickly went close to that fakir..) . Raj and Harsh also saw Mahesh going to the fakir like this and they went quickly ...

Mahesh stopped his tears by going to the fakir ... who were coming out seeing his condition ... why K and Mahesh were Baba who were taking out the gond food from the garbage bin lying in the parking lot. He was coming... Baba what are you doing..

Mahesh snatched the food from his hand and threw it ... who are you ... they did not recognize Mahesh .... Baba I am your son : ... Mahesh said you looked at him carefully ...

but could not recognize ... who is my son, your son Mahesh said you .... he must be surprised And happily asked you are my son. :: ... Yes I am your son ... You are Mahesh :: .. My son is Mahesh .... He says how will I faint .....

They haven't got food for a long time, because of which they are in this condition... and they have forgetfulness, they forget things as well as human beings. Came to the hospital..... He told Mahesh after checking his up.... Beta Mahesh I don't know what your Baba has done to you ....

But now he needs you Beta. .. don't leave them alone. .Mahesh they got the punishment for their actions…. now you just fulfill your duty, leave everything else on the upper one .... Karan also said ..

they all were ahead of the hospital after listening to Mahesh's baba ... everyone said this to Mahesh and he left from ... after all that Raj came ... he could not leave Mahesh alone .... and was Mahesh's best friend.

.....mahesh tell me what do you want to do.....

i don't understand anything.... i had heard that if i ever meet baba in life, i will punish him 5.... but in this condition i see him I am in a lot of trouble. 9 ... whatever you will do I am with you ... may Mahesh be satisfied with the words of Raj ...

Look Mahesh they don't have much time...less than 10 years they have... Do whatever you have to do... Those people talking that next in the ward... Mahesh woke up because he was only allowed to go to Mahesh.... Mahesh disrespected you, he was playing with his things...

baba let's go home - ..Mahesh said - said you got scared quickly and hid behind the tabel .... no I will not go ... Mahesh wondered what has happened to him ... no I I will not go home. : ... don't know what happened to them that they didn't want to go home... Mahesh didn't hold his tears Baba you go to my house....

your house... yes my house... but you Who are you... He forgot Mahesh again... I am your son. But if you kill me, you will not kill me. .. Prithvi he used to kill me ... and didn't even give me food ..... ok now you won't die anyone ..... you go with Mahesh .....

... Raj brought Mahesh and made him sit in the car ... Raj was standing ready with the car ... Mahesh you have decided that you will keep them with you Raj asked S ... yes .. you did very well smiling Howe said .... and they went home..... night was enough 9 ...

but he was still sitting in the launch..... Preeti had brought tea for him.... You are fine Mahesh Preeti asked him, you nodded his head….You don't share your sorrow with anyone….But maybe I am not even capable to share your sorrow. .... what Baba is doing Mahesh asked .... He has slept ....

Mahesh had made him stay in his room .... Preeti Suddenly Mahesh said that you love her Started seeing face was down .. but she was feeling that he is crying .... Mahesh tell me what happened with you ... and why is this condition of baba... Preeti my mother died in an accident had gone :- ••

.her ... ... but my baba got married only after 2 days of my mother's death ... and said that from now on this is your mother.. We started thinking of that woman as our mother… but she was very dirty. .. used to kill both of us -... my sister used to get Haniya to do all the housework...

And we used to try to come out of the house .... one day she also got that chance · .... my baba brought a lot of jewelery one day of .. but that woman should not tolerate that ... our baba should do something for us .... she turned baba against us ..... baba also started killing us ...

one day That woman brought the jewelry and hid it in the cupboard of Haniya .... has been accused of theft. ... and started beating Haniya .... I also started beating him then Baba saw it .. and killed a lot ... and at 3 o'clock in the night we both left the house after coming to our wife's talk.... ..

we both sister and brother left alone on unknown paths :: ... Haniya walked for 4 hours and I was tired ... Haniya told me that brother is hungry .... that time Subha's 6 o'clock Were... I didn't have money: ... I went to ask for food for my sister, then the dhaba man reprimanded badly ...

At the same time your baba came ... and told him not to have children. should be scolded .... they told me that beta you look like a good house .... but why are you asking like this ... I didn't say anything just said that uncle my sister is feeling hungry ...

your father said that bring your sister and sit with me and have food :- ... There was no harm... where did Mahesh cry... Preeti didn't stop him, she wanted to let him cry. Was worried that the loss didn't know where had gone...

I was crying while looking for my sister :: : ... your baba calmed down that you will get worried.... but we didn't have to search much. .. because her dead body was lying near the graveyard... Mahesh hiccupped... Preeti was crying too... know Preeti someone raped her and she killed her by slitting her throat....

seeing this you lost my life ..... that time your baba hastily took the sheet from his car and put it on it.... i cried a lot at that time... but my sister you are was dead..... your baba said give your father's address .. let me tell him.... but i screamed angrily and said He is also responsible for this condition....