
Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

In a world torn apart by endless wars and conflicts, Kai is a Free Shinobi, a mercenary who roams from village to village, taking on any mission that pays well. With his unique abilities to learn any jutsu with just a glance and use them without needing hand seals, he quickly becomes one of the most feared and respected warriors in the land. But despite his reputation as a skilled and ruthless fighter, Kai is a lonely and isolated figure, with no real connections or attachments to anyone or anything. He spends his days on the battlefield, never staying in one place for too long, and his nights in the arms of various women who try to melt his frozen heart but fail to truly connect with him. As the years go by, the world around Kai only grows more chaotic and dystopian. Villages fall, people die, and the lines between friend and foe blur until they become meaningless. And yet, Kai continues to wander, taking on mission after mission, making money but never finding any real purpose or meaning in his life. As the years turn into decades, Kai becomes a legend, a figure of myth and fear to those who know of him. But to Kai himself, he is just a man, lost and adrift in a world that has no place for him. And in the end, he realizes that all of his power and skill, all of his accomplishments and victories, have meant nothing in the face of the endless cycle of war and destruction that has consumed the world around him. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · Cómic
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159 Chs

Defeat Over and Over

The silence that hung in the air was broken by Naruto's raspy voice, "You mentioned the power of the Akatsuki Leader. But how is it that you can use it?"

Kai merely shrugged, keeping his words as concise as ever.

Naruto's brow furrowed, but his realization was swift. "We just experienced one of your techniques, and you took down all of Team Seven in under ten seconds," he noted, a mix of respect and determination evident in his tone.

Kai met Naruto's gaze, his own eyes as inscrutable as ever. "I have four more techniques to display that originate from the Akatsuki. Care for a rematch?"

Despite his earlier defeat, Naruto's determination remained undaunted. He pushed himself up from the ground, gritting his teeth, his voice filled with his characteristic brashness. "I never back down! That's my ninja way!"

Kai nodded, acknowledging Naruto's spirit. "Courage is a commendable trait, but it can also be blind." As he spoke, chakra swirled and concentrated within his palm. In an almost unfathomable display of speed, Kai reappeared next to Naruto. The blonde didn't even have time to blink before Kai's hand streaked toward his face.

But instead of striking him, Kai's hand merely passed by Naruto's ear. An instant later, a deafening explosion rocked the vicinity. Naruto's eyes widened in horror as he beheld the sheer scale of devastation left in its wake.

"Deidara's Explosive Release," Kai remarked, his voice as neutral as always.

Before Naruto could fully process what had just occurred, Kai initiated his next move. A sword materialized out of thin air, its sharp edge glinting menacingly. With another swift motion, Kai slashed the blade upward, its tip grazing Naruto just enough to shred his clothing without harming his skin.

"That's Kisame's combat style," Kai said, his voice betraying no pride or malice.

Stunned by the rapid-fire onslaught of techniques, Naruto barely had time to catch his breath before Kai launched two successive attacks. The first was a display of serpentine grace and agility, a clear echo of Orochimaru's signature style. Naruto found himself immobilized, unable to counter or even deflect Kai's moves. The second attack was a maelstrom of elemental fury, combining different natures of chakra to deliver a powerful blow reminiscent of Kakuzu's techniques.

Exhausted and breathless, Naruto looked up to find Kai standing still, as if the entire skirmish had been nothing more than a light warm-up. The cold, precise warrior spoke again, "Orochimaru and Kakuzu," Kai's tone remained unchanging, "I dealt with them, so they won't be a concern for you."

The implications of Kai's words hung heavily in the air. Here was a man who had faced and defeated some of the most formidable enemies of Konoha. His strength was undeniable, and his prowess unmatched.

Tsunade, who had been observing the entire exchange, sighed heavily. She recognized the lesson Kai was trying to impart: no matter how skilled or determined one might be, there was always someone more formidable out there.

The tension in the air was palpable. Naruto, though his spirit burned brightly, was clearly outmatched in both strength and skill. His body, battered and bruised from the onslaught of techniques, trembled slightly as he pulled himself up to a standing position. Every member of Team Seven was silent, their gazes fixed on Kai, as the weight of his raw power bore down on them.

However, Kai's voice, when it cut through the silence, was steady and devoid of any boasting. "Beyond these techniques, I have countless others at my command. Plus, several unique moves I've crafted myself." He shifted his gaze to Naruto, studying him intently.

Naruto met Kai's piercing stare, his eyes ablaze with the indomitable will that had seen him through countless battles. Yet his body was a different story. Fatigue had set in, and every muscle screamed in protest.

"The Five Great Ninja Countries will convene soon. Your fate, as a Jinchuriki, will be decided," Kai continued, voice firm. "Most likely, we'll keep you hidden from potential threats. Until that time, heed Tsunade's advice. I'll impart a few jutsus for you to learn. Clear?"

Naruto swallowed hard, the weight of his situation heavy on his shoulders. He gave a reluctant nod. "Understood."

Kai merely acknowledged this with a slight incline of his head. Then, without preamble, he turned to Kakashi. "We need to talk. Come."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise evident. But he didn't protest or question. Instead, he fell into step behind Kai, a silent shadow following a formidable force.

Tsunade, who had been silent throughout the exchange, now stepped forward. Without a word, she reached out, intertwining her fingers with Kai's. The subtle gesture spoke volumes about their relationship – one of mutual respect and deep understanding. Together, the two powerhouses began to walk away, leaving the younger shinobi in their wake.

The rest of Team Seven exchanged glances, their thoughts clearly mirroring one another. How did one handle someone of Kai's caliber? The overwhelming might he had displayed was a stark reminder of the vast world out there, filled with ninja whose skills far surpassed their own.

Sai finally broke the silence. "He's... powerful."

Sakura exhaled slowly, her fingers brushing against the tears in her outfit. "That's an understatement."

Naruto, however, was silent, his gaze distant. The confrontation had sparked something within him – a renewed determination to grow stronger. He might have been defeated today, but he was Naruto Uzumaki. And he would rise again, no matter the odds.

Kai, meanwhile, walked alongside Tsunade, Kakashi trailing slightly behind them.

Arriving at the Hokage's room, Kai and Tsunade moved to the grand desk, taking seats side by side. The office was draped in the low light of dusk, shadows playing on the walls from the dying sun. A gentle breeze whispered through the open window, tousling the curtains and bringing in the scent of early evening.

Kai waved a hand, and a sealed tube materialized in front of them. Suspended within the tube was an all-too-familiar eye, its distinct pattern an immediate point of recognition for Kakashi.

Tsunade instinctively reached for Kai's arm, her fingers wrapping around his wrist in a reassuring hold. Kakashi's pupils constricted in response to the object before him, a rush of memories threatening to overwhelm him.

"This," Kai began, his voice even and steady, "is Obito's other Mangekyo."

The silence that followed was heavy, laden with the weight of unspoken emotions and history. Kakashi's voice, when it came, was tinged with bitterness and regret. "I don't deserve it."


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