
Calamity or a Blessing?

Yesterday I had a deep, restful sleep. Today we woke up due to the roaring noises of the war-tanks and marching of soldiers. Hearing these sounds, my parents have a worried expression on their face, wondering what caused these many tanks to activate, but I, being a curious teenager, ran to check what's happening.

Through the balcony, I saw many war-tanks, 60 tonnes heavy giant, 11 meters long, 12 feet wide and height of 7 and a half feet, two people can be seen, half body inside the tank and half outside, holding a big machine gun.

Running beside the tank is fully armed Indian army soldiers, marching with AK-103 Assault rifle in their hand, wearing green camouflage clothing covering the entire body, and I guess they are going towards the Jungle.

Well, my parent's home is situated in the suburb, therefore we are close to the forest and I guess that they are going towards the Jungle, seeing the direction in which they are going.

Few fully armed military officials stopped and started banging at the door of the sleeping people and are gathering everyone in a crowd, one of them saw me looking at them therefore he signaled me to come down with my family.

We live on the third floor and my father's younger brother's family of four, lives on the second floor. Both the families gathered, we did basic greetings towards each other and we all left down.

An army official saw us just as we reached the ground floor, he nodded emotionlessly and called us. I saw his name on his batch, Major Puneet. He looked 26-28 years old, 6 feet tall, well build body, his skin is tanned, and his eyes contain fierceness of a beast.

We walked towards him, he told us with a serious expression, "You guys will have to shift to a temporary base and will have to leave this place."

Me and my family was startled by this.

"How I can go to a random place, I have children aged 5 and 6.", my uncle asked worriedly.

"If you want to live, do as told."

This answered shocked everyone, I felt fearful seeing the seriousness in the face of the army official. Everything was fine by yesterday and now THIS. The most irritating thing was that we have no idea about what's happening around us.

Why do we need to leave this place?

Why is army here?

"Sir, please explain what do you mean by this?", I asked trying to know more.

"Listen kid, the world has changed. Monsters, plants and other individuals have started evolving. They are mutating at a very fast pace. The World is in a state of Emergency, so if you guys want to stay alive then do as I say.", Puneet answered the query in a single breath with a dead serious expression.

"Sir, please tell us where is the temporary base, how will we reach there, and can we have time to pack a few of our belongings?", my father put forth, multiple questions like a bullet, respecting the time army official was giving us.

"We will take care of the transportation, you guys can take half an hour and afterwards you will have to reach here. No one shall be late or we will leave you behind.", Puneet said this and left to warn other families.

I went ahead to help my uncle pack things up, since in his family there are only two adults and in our family there are four adults. Since we have limited time, therefore each of us went ahead to pack things up as fast as we can.

The first thing we started packing is food, since it is the most important thing during any apocalypse, and yes, I decided to call it an apocalypse since I don't know how long it will take to take care of things. Or will things will even get back to how it was?

Today I understood how tough it is to decide what to take or what not to if given a limited time.

Girls I understand how irritated, you guys become when we force you to buy clothes fast.

Finally, we packed what we could, it consisted of Water, Food, Flashlight, First-Aid Kit, Powerbank, Electronic appliances, Towels and some clothes. Now our basic survival kit is complete. I went up to check if everything was packed above also, and to help them also.

It took us about 25 minutes to complete our survival kit, we ran to the ground floor, worried if the half an hour limit may be over, and fortunately for us we reached on time.

A soldier was waiting at the T point of the road. He is standing there silently, just signaling the people to go towards the direction of the bus. This is the normal day to day transportation vehicle in Delhi. It looks like all the Delhi Transportation Vehicles were put to work.

We are fortunate enough to be the last one to fill the bus. If we were just a minute late then we would have to wait for 5-10 minutes. And I felt that each minute is precious.

The driver started the engine. The bus is packed to the brim, and being one of the last passengers, we have to stand near the main gate of the bus.


Suddenly tank started firing rounds, consecutive gun shots are also being heard. And the sudden tank fire scared the shit out of me.

The driver started accelerating, as the bus was going away from the jungle, the sound of gunshots and tank rounds decreased, I don't know what will become of us.

After 25-30 minutes of jerky and uncomfortable journey we reached the temporary shelter.

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