
Chapter 11

"We're coming up on the drop zone, everybody get ready to drop."

The Lieutenant called out over the hum of the plane's engines. The members of the platoon all nodded and stood up.

"We've set up the necessary interference, stick to the plan and try to leave some of them alive for interrogation."

The platoon nodded as they lined up at the back of the aircraft. Some fiddled around with their combat suits to pass the time.

As time rolled by, the light on the wall flashed green. The back of the plane opened up as the wind howled outside the plane.

"Alright, this is the official go ahead, good luck."

With a light-hearted tone, the Lieutenant sent the platoon members off. The group casually hopped off the plane and fell towards the concealed base 1500 meters below.

"So, who gets first shot?"

Ryan called out with his arms crossed. The group fell in a circle as they waited to hit the ground.

"I will."

"You always take first shot Zander, let somebody else."

Frank knocked Zander on his head as he remonstrated him.

"Aaron's out of the question. Hope isn't in state where he would hold Hate back so they'll wipe the place clean off the map."

Uriel remarked as she glanced at Aaron who hadn't spoken a word the entire time. The rest of the group nodded as they shuddered. There had been only a few times that Hope had ever let himself slip and the group would prefer not to relive those times.

"Can I take first shot?"

Robin called out as she raised her hand. The rest of the group glanced around and nodded in unison.

"Alright then, thanks everyone."

Robin thanked the rest of the group with a smile. Time passed as the group waited for gravity to drag them to the ground.

"Looks like we're a couple hundred meters up. Everybody get ready."

Frank called out as he pulled a warhammer from his spatial pocket. The rest of the group followed suit as they retrieved their weapons.

Robin pulled out her bow and pulled the string back. Energy began to flow around Robin before forming into an arrow on the bowstring.

Robin released arrow and watched as it raced towards the base. When the arrow hit the base, it drilled straight through the base, the ground, the bedrock, and opened a giant pit that seemed to extend forever.

"Alright, split up and search the base. If you find anything that looks important store it and keep going."

Frank called out orders as he disappeared into one of the now exposed tunnels. The rest of the group split up into the various tunnels.

Aaron headed further down the hole until he discovered a lone hole. Aaron floated through the hole until he came before a door. Aaron glared at the door as his energy began to circulate.

The door warped before opening up completely as it was forced out in a circular shape.

"Ah, so one of you found your way down here, did you."

A man called out to Aaron in the darkness. He sneered at Aaron as he crossed his arms. The metallic glint of his exosuit shined brighter in the darkness.

"So, this is one of the soldiers in the rumored platoon. The secret force of the RISE, a platoon made up of highly skilled and powerful fractured duos. I must say I'm surprised, I was expecting something more impressive. You didn't even show up with your duo partner."

As the man prattle on Aaron's face began to twitch. The guy continued to prattle on while Aaron stood there.

"Don't think that fractured are stronger than everyone. Combining my vast magic power with this powerful exosuit, it wouldn't take much more than a swing to cut you in-"

The man was cut off mid sentence. His body was compressed into a tiny sphere before he had time to realize anything.

Aaron walked towards the monitor where the man was standing before. The wall was peeled away as all of the circuitry was exposed before promptly disappearing.

Aaron continued down the hallway, his steps echoing through the halls. As he passed through the halls the surrounding began to warp and twist out of shape from the gravity surrounding Aaron.

'Ah, its leaking out.'

Soon the gravity around Aaron began to decrease until it vanished. Aaron continued to roam the halls as he ripped out any and all important looking materials. Several times he came across enemies who tried to kill him. However, each and every one of them were turned into tiny spheres the same way the man was.

Eventually Aaron came across a suspiciously large and reinforced door. Aaron proceeded to tear through the door as he proceeded forwards. As Aaron stepped into the room his eyes fell onto the thing that was sitting in the middle of it.

Aaron tapped on his communicator a few times as he connected to the rest of the group.

"When you guys finish up, come to my location, your gonna want to see this."

"What do you mean? Stop playing the pronoun game."

Frank answered back over the comm. Aaron walked forwards and placed his hand on the object.

"It's better if you see this for yourself."

As Aaron hung up the comm he left the room after filling the hole back up with compressed metal from around the facility.

As the group cleaned up the rest of the facility, they all gathered back where Aaron had sent the message from. As they all began to gather, they gazed in astonishment.

"Well, something like this was bound to happen sooner or later."

Danielle remarked as she looked at the object.

"Still, to think they made this much progress, we need to get all of this back to the Lieutenant soon."