
Fractured Hearts

Akai fell in love with Ryder who is her childhood best friend.She kept her feelings hidden.A deceitful third party involvement manipulated Ryder into believing that Akai had broken his trust. "Ry..Ryder please listen."Akai begged, grasping his hand. Ryder yanked his hands from her grip and his expression turned cold. "I don't want to hear anything from you.You are nothing to me now." "You are going to believe her?"Akai's eyes welled up with tears. "I don't want to believe you.In future don't appear infront of me."he left after saying those hurtful words,Akai fell to the ground sobbing. Years passed Akai returned to the city working as a waitress to support her life. But fate delivered a cruel blow when Ryder and his fiancee walked into the restaurant. "Didn't I say you better stay away from us?How dare you appear in front of us?" "Mr Thompson I didn't think we would meet here." "I made it clear previously that I never wanted to see you again."His words were too hurtful to bear for Akai. "I didn't mean to hurt you Ryder."Akai said, trying to explain. Ryder scoffed,"Hurt?I hate you for what you did to her.How can you hurt my woman?" Akai looked at his eyes to find the glimmer of the boy she once knew.But that boy was gone replaced by a man consumed by rage and hatred for her. She knew she lost him forever.Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. Will Akai and Ryder ever find their way back to each other, or is their love lost forever, a casualty of misunderstandings and hurtful words? Will they be able to overcome the lies and betrayal that tore them apart, or will their hearts remain forever fractured? ---------- This Novel is not translated but an original work written by author Audenzia_16.

Audenzia_16 · Ciudad
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108 Chs

A Sense of Belonging

During her journey, she had already informed Ryder about her visit to his University, and she was waiting at the spot he had specified in his message. Akai was observing the surrounding scenery, taking in the vibrant atmosphere of the campus, when suddenly, a familiar figure came into view. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Ryder walking towards her, his smile radiant, his eyes shining with warmth.

As he approached, Akai's eyes shone brightly with fondness, and her face blossomed with delight. She felt a rush of exhilaration, her heart brimming with joy

"Thanks, Akai, for bringing it.",he took the tiffin from her hand.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked him, her eyes scanning his face for any signs of fatigue or stress.

"I'm feeling much better."

Suddenly, another figure came forward, and Ryder's eyes shifted to introduce the new arrival. "Ryder, who is this?" the newcomer asked, their gaze fixed on Akai with interest.

"My friend." Ryder replied, his smile warm. "Her name is Akai."

The stranger's eyes lit up with recognition. "Oh, I've heard a lot about you from him."

Akai's eyes widened slightly as Ryder's friend, approached her. "Akai, I'm Savannah, Ryder's friend. Nice to meet you." Savannah said, their handshake firm.

Akai's response was a little delayed, her mind processing the unexpected introduction. "Nice to meet you too."

As she gazed at Savannah, Akai felt a twinge of surprise, her thoughts racing with questions. Who was this person, and why had Ryder never mentioned them before? She felt a pang of curiosity, her eyes locked onto Savannah's, searching for answers.

Savannah's warm smile and friendly demeanor put Akai at ease, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of being caught off guard. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions and a hint of uncertainty.

As Akai gazed at Savannah, her eyes scanning her features with interest. Savannah's slender figure stood out. Her long, dark hair was tied in a braid, its silky strands framing her heart-shaped face and accentuating her bright brown eyes.

Akai's gaze lingered on Savannah's smile. Her skin had a golden glow and her features were delicate yet striking.Savannah's style was effortless, her casual attire exuding a relaxed elegance.

In Akai's eyes, Savannah embodied a sense of grace and poise.Akai felt a pang of insecurity as she watched Ryder and Savannah's easy interaction, their banter and laughter seeming to exclude her. She felt like an outsider, a feeling that only intensified as Ryder's gaze lingered on Savanna's face. "Ryder, I'm going back."

Ryder's response was curt, his eyes still fixed on Savanna. "Yeah."

Akai's heart felt heavy as she turned to leave, her mind replaying the scene she had just witnessed. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she had interrupted something special, something that didn't involve her.

Throughout her journey back, Akai's mind drifted back to Ryder and Savanna's relationship, her thoughts consumed by questions. What was the nature of their friendship? How close were they, really? And why did Akai feel like she was losing her best friend to someone else? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her with a sense of unease that lingered long after she returned to Thompson residence.

"Akai, come here, let's have our lunch. Today, I have prepared your favorite dish, chicken parmesan with garlic bread." Mrs. Thompson called out.

Akai's hunger pangs struck as she approached the feast. Her eyes dilated in awe at the sumptuous spread - tender chicken, simmering greens, velvety rice, and a woven basket of golden, crusty bread. The scent of bold, freshly roasted coffee and decadent treats perfumed the air, tantalizing her taste buds.

As they sat down to eat, Mrs. Thompson dished out generous portions of each dish, her hands moving with a motherly touch. "Akai, you shouldn't neglect your health. See how much weight you've lost."

Akai smiled weakly, feeling a pang of sadness. "I know, Aunty. I'll try to eat more."

As they continued their meal, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and laughter, the love and care of the Thompson family enveloping Akai like a warm embrace. She felt a deep sense of belonging, knowing that she had found a second family in the Thompsons.

After savoring the delicious lunch, Akai and her grandmother prepared to leave. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Thompson, for the wonderful meal and warm hospitality," Akai's grandmother said, her eyes shining with gratitude.

Mrs. Thompson embraced them both, her hug warm and tight. "Welcome. Take care of yourselves, and don't be strangers."

As they bid their goodbyes, Akai felt a lump form in her throat. She had grown attached to the Thompsons and their warmth. "Thank you, Aunty, for making me feel like part of the family."

Mrs. Thompson's eyes misted over. "You are, Akai. You're a dear friend to Ryder, and that makes you family to us."

With a final hug, they parted ways. Mr. Jack, the Thompsons' loyal driver, escorted them to the car, his kind smile a comforting presence. As they drove away, Akai gazed out the window, her heart full of joy and appreciation for the love and support she had found in the Thompson family.

"Grandma, I'm so grateful for today."

Her grandmother's hand wrapped around hers, warm and reassuring. "Me too, dear. You are blessed to have meet them in your life."