


Cloar stood, waiting for Hagrid and Harry to come. She turned around to the broom that was on display.

It was shiny and sleek. Tiny words were plastered on the side. Cloar squinted so she could read. They said, "Nimbus 2000" That sounded familiar for some reason. That's right, she heard a few families talking about it.

One family walked across the street into a shop. A boy locked eyes with her before he walked inside.

His grey eyes shimmered and his mouth curled into a smirk. Cloar caught a glimpse of his blond greasy hair before he closed the door.

Suddenly, Harry ran up to her, panting. "Hagrid's coming soon" he managed to say, still breathing hard.

Cloar nodded, Harry noticed the broom behind her. "What's that?" he asked

"A broom?" she shrugged.

"It's a Nimbus 2000" a cold voice said behind her.

Cloar and Harry spun around. The blonde boy was standing there, his thin lips curled into a cruel smile and his grey eyes twinkling with mischief. "It's one of the best brooms yet"

"A- oh" Cloar said, the boy's eyes were boring into hers.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "I'll go get Hagrid" he mumbled before running away.

The blondie turned to her. "My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy"

Cloar looked up, "Was this name a big deal?" she thought.

"Uh- okay" Cloar shrugged. The grey eyes no longer twinkled. His smirk turned into a frown.

"Watch your tone mud-blood" he snarled.

Cloar returned the look. She immediately disliked the boy. He seemed a bit spoiled and cruel.

She didn't say anything because she didn't want to judge a book by its cover.

Harry returned, still panting slightly. "Hagrid is waiting in the pub" he told me, narrowing his eyes at Malfoy.

Cloar exchanged looks with Draco one more time before she turned her head around in digust.

Harry looked at her, he had glowing emerald green eyes. "Who was that?" he whispered

Cloar frowned. "He told me his name was Draco Malfoy" she shrugged.

Harry snorted making Cloar look at him.

"What?" she asked.

"He has a funny name" Harry managed to say while laughing.

Cloar smiled too and they both burst out laughing.

Immediately, Cloar felt attached to Harry


A/N: Ever since I started the story, I wanted Cloar to feel attached to Harry. So, I made it happen :) !!

Hope you guys like it!!

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