
Founding A Mercenary Empire

'The Golden Sun has set.' The Arin family was hunted to near extinction after the fall of their dynasty. Decades after the rebellion, the remaining members along with their retainers were found and slain to the last man. Almost. Lucian, the youngest grandson of the deposed emperor, had survived. Having been born on the run, all he knew his entire life was weakness. Thus, he resolved himself to be strong. Strong enough to avenge his family. Strong enough to take back what was his. Strong enough to live as he wished. The Golden sun would rise again.

_Primordial_ · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Leerhill Estate (2)

Lucian and Luke strolled through the vibrant streets of Leerhill town, immersed in its lively atmosphere as they made their way toward the formidable main estate of Lord Leer. The cobblestone paths were filled with a bustling crowd of townsfolk going about their day, their excited murmurs mingling in the air. News of the upcoming feast had clearly spread, igniting a palpable sense of anticipation. Although the townsfolk themselves wouldn't be able to attend the Lord's feast, a festival in the streets awaited them, and that was something they eagerly looked forward to.

As they walked, their steps accompanied by friendly hellos and nods exchanged with various townsfolk, Lucian couldn't help but notice the gradual transformation of the town's landscape. The once-congested cobbled streets and bustling crowds gave way to wider roads and paved pathways as they approached the upper quarters. Leerhill town, built at the base of low-rolling hills, showcased its architectural charm, with the more developed areas nestled closer to the hills themselves. The town seemed to harmonize with the undulating terrain, presenting a picturesque view that delighted the eye.

Their gazes, however, were soon captured by the majestic presence of Leerhill Hold atop the highest of those rolling hills. It stood as an imposing structure, commanding respect, and admiration. The main castle and surrounding buildings emanated an aura of strength and grandeur. Yet, as Lucian drew closer, a more discerning inspection revealed the cracks in the facade. The sprawling walls housed side wings and holdings that showed signs of neglect and decay, contrasting with the boldness of the main castle.

Their attention shifted as they heard their names called out from the outer gate. The guards stationed there greeted them with familiarity, but Lucian couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight of the unusually large group present. "It's odd that there are so many of them on patrol," he thought to himself.

"Lucian! Luke!" one of the guards exclaimed. It was Kyle, a younger man with plain features, brown hair, and bright brown eyes. Lucian acknowledged him with a nod and a smile.

"We've been out hunting," Lucian said, pointing to Luke, who carried a processed buck wrapped in parchment slung across his shoulders. "We're here to see Roland, actually."

Kyle's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Oooh, anything good?" he asked eagerly.

"These will have to do for you guys," Lucian replied, reaching behind his back to pull out a parcel he had tied there. He retrieved three wrapped packages and handed them over to Kyle.

A grateful smile adorned Kyle's face as he took the parcels. "You guys are the best," he said before passing them to an older guard who headed towards the guardhouse.

"Haha! You should thank Alice; she shot them down," Luke added, joining the conversation with a touch of humour.

Lucian seized the opportunity to inquire about the heightened presence of guards. "Say, how come all of you are on patrol? Isn't it usually five to a squad at the gate?" he asked.

An older guard named Alan, his beard peppered with salt-and-pepper hues, chimed in. "You know how it is with these feasts. We have less training and more patrols and inspections to ensure everything's up to scratch for when the Lords arrive."

Luke clicked his tongue sympathetically. "So you guys have to patrol and don't get to train?"

Laughter rippled through the crowd of guards. "More like we get to patrol and don't have to train," Alan replied, chuckling. "You lads ought to slow it down with the training. There's more to life, you know."

Kyle snorted; his comment tinged with a touch of admiration. "Not to these freaks," he remarked with a sigh. "If only you were able to awaken, I bet you'd make excellent knights."

"Kyle!" admonished another guard named Lancel, a towering figure with a shaved head and beard. He was one of the few in town who stood taller than Luke, built like a bull, yet a gentle giant.

Alan shook his head, his wise gaze focused on Kyle. "No point in dwelling on what can and can't be, boys. Awakening is much too expensive. Even young master Micah barely made the cut for the lord to invest in his awakening."

"Sorry, guys," Kyle mumbled sheepishly, realizing his thoughtlessness.

Lucian offered a reassuring smile. "No worries, Kyle. It is what it is."

Lancel interjected, "besides," he said, puffing his chest out, "there are other ways to succeed in life. I'm sure the Lord would jump at the opportunity to have you two as guards. You can sign up as trainees once you turn fifteen."

"I'll put you on my patrol squad. It'll be fun," Kyle chimed in, trying to lighten the mood.

Lancel snorted, his gaze shifting to Lucian and Luke. "And how is a newly promoted Patrol leader going to out-compete your superiors?" he quipped, before turning his attention to the young duo. "I'll make sure to put you under one of my more reliable Patrol leaders."

Alan nodded in agreement, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "With your talent, the two of you should develop aura and make it to Captain in a few years."

Luke chuckled, acknowledging their suggestions. "We'll give it some thought, guys."

Alan smiled. "See that you do. Take it from a captain: aside from all the training, it's easy work for good pay. Not many professions will get you a silver coin a month."

Lancel nodded firmly, emphasizing Alan's words. "Easy work, good pay."

"Thanks for the advice guys" Lucian expressed his gratitude. He gestured toward the parchment-wrapped buck on Luke's back. "We better get going to see Roland."

With that, they bid farewell to the guards and continued their journey, making their way toward the kitchens.

The main estate was well organised, its wide paved paths connecting the various buildings in a meticulous layout.

"It's a tempting offer," Luke mused longingly. "A simple life."

Lucian nodded; his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "In some ways, it would provide stability and a decent livelihood. The work itself seems straightforward, just as they mentioned."

A wistful smile played on Luke's lips. "Not to mention the camaraderie we share with the guards. We would settle in comfortably, surrounded by good friends. And our Lord, he treats his people well." His voice trailed off, and he released a sigh that carried the weight of unspoken dreams.

"Hoooooo," Lucian echoed, his eyes drifting upward to the sky, partially obscured by clouds. "It would indeed be a simple life, but it wouldn't be our life, would it?" he questioned, his tone strong with resolve.

Luke's eyes met Lucian's, understanding passing between them. "What happens if a wandering noble takes an interest in someone like Alice or Lady Emily?" he pondered aloud. "Even if we were to defend them, we'd be powerless against any accompanying knights they might have."

"Exactly," Lucian affirmed, his gaze returning to the path. "Strength, my friend, is the greatest support one can have. We need to be strong—not just for ourselves, but for those we care about. Strong enough that we and those around us can live comfortably, regardless of the whims and wills of those we encounter."

The words hung in the air, carrying a weight of determination. "No need to say more" Lucian thought to himself, confident that Luke would not waver.

The morning draped the surroundings in a dreary ambiance, with heavy clouds hanging overhead, threatening rain. However, within the bustling kitchen quarters of the hold, the atmosphere buzzed with activity and purpose.

"Luke?" Lucian called out.

"Yes, Lucian" Luke responded.

"Let me take the lead this time when negotiating with Roland. He tends to drive a hard bargain, and his old merchant habits surface in tense situations."

"Alright, Lucian, but I get your next turn," Luke replied, striking a light-hearted deal.

Roland, the esteemed head chef of the estate, stood at a wooden table near the kitchen entrance. He was a stocky figure, his red cheeks and short stature giving him a robust appearance. With a neatly trimmed brown beard and tied-back hair hidden under a hat, his jovial demeanour contrasted with the hint of steel that gleamed in his clear blue eyes. Engrossed in his work, he expertly dismantled a cow.

"Ho, Roland!" Luke's deep voice rang through the courtyard, capturing Roland's attention.

Roland's face broke into a warm smile as he spotted the two youths. "How was the hunt?" he inquired, genuine interest lacing his words.

"Not too bad. We got a bit sidetracked and ventured deeper into the woodland than planned, but it was worth it," Lucian replied, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

As Luke laid the parchment on the wooden table, he began unwrapping it, drawing Roland's gaze. "So, what do we have here?" Roland asked, his curiosity piqued.

"We managed to bring down a buck," Lucian replied, pride in his voice.

Roland's brows furrowed, concern etching his features. "I'm not sure if going deep into the forest for a Brownwood buck is worth the risk, Lucian. You boys should be more careful," he admonished, his voice stern with caution.

With a mischievous grin, Luke fully unwrapped the package, inviting Roland for a closer inspection. As Roland pressed the package flat and observed the meat, his eyes widened slightly as he noticed a greenish tint in the marbling along the spine. A low whistle escaped his lips.

"You crossed into the Great Western Forest, didn't you?" he asked, surprised.

Lucian shook his head. "No, we were lucky. We caught it in the deeper parts of Leerhill Woodland," he clarified.

Roland picked up various pieces of the meat, thoroughly inspecting its quality. "Well portioned, minimal loss in the skinning process. Exceptional marbling," he remarked, his expert eye discerning the value. "This is a remarkable catch. The rarity alone makes it worth at least 10 silver coins. Considering its good quality, young age, and the fact that it's already processed, I can offer you 25 silver coins."

Lucian interjected. "Come now, Roland. Let's not overlook the increased value that Lord Rinlow's presence will bring."

Roland froze, a hint of annoyance crossing his face before he started tapping his fingers on the table—an unconscious habit when deliberating over prices. "You're well-informed, lad," he acknowledged. "I'll give you 35 silvers," he conceded, a touch of defeat in his voice.

Lucian rolled his eyes inwardly, recognizing the game being played. "Come on, Roland. Only 10 silvers extra? I'm sure Lord Rinlow would be willing to pay more if we cure the meat and provide him with the jerky directly."

Roland chuckled, acknowledging Lucian's cleverness. "And how do you propose to convince him to pay up instead of simply taking it? Lord Rinlow isn't known for his moral compass," he retorted, his voice laced with a touch of scepticism.

"True," Lucian admitted, "but surely there's something more you can do for us," he implored.

A sense of resignation washed over Roland's face as he rummaged through the processed cuts of meat. "Ahh, what a shame," he sighed, feigning disappointment. "If it were a horned buck, the price would have easily doubled. The marrow within the horn is a true delicacy."

Lucian chuckled, a triumphant glint in his eyes, as he pulled out a set of antlers from his pouch. "Then let's settle on 70 silvers, Roland."

"By Layla's teeth," Roland muttered, caught off guard by Lucian's unexpected move. "Why didn't you show those earlier?" he scolded. He washed his hands in a nearby bowl and reached into his apron, retrieving a notary parchment.

"You only just reminded me of them, Roland," Lucian replied innocently, a smirk playing on his lips.

Roland's tone turned serious as he filled in the notary and handed it to Lucian. "Head over to the Lord's office after collecting your coins from the accountant. He has requested a meeting with the two of you."

Lucian nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Roland. We'll find him," he assured, building within him.

"Off you go, boys," Roland said, waving them off with a mixture of pride and amusement, watching as they departed.