
Time To See Her Parents

The next morning Jake had been greeted with two beauties knocking at his door. Just the sight of them put a smile on his face as he joined them in heading to the dining hall.

Jake: "Soon I'll need to get our little group together and have a talk with everyone. Would you girls mind getting Connor, Rai, and Luna in a bit for me?"

Yuki: "Of course! Connor and Rai need to get out of their rooms anyways. Ever since you introduced them to True Qi they have been obsessed with training! Rai practices his alchemy every day with the herbs given to him by Ye Kai before he got injured. While Connor is either in the True Qi pond or in his room using the soul technique you gave him!"

She began to pour a little, she knew getting stronger and being ready for the future was important but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to spend some time talking with her best friend and brother sometimes!

Kas: "I'll get my mother after breakfast… when she came back from the fight she was very wounded from Mino and… using my divine sense I felt that her power… it's on its last legs. If she doesn't get those ingredients soon she will become crippled…"

Kas sighed to herself as she looked at the floor. That was until Jake and Yuki held both of her hands a smile on both of their faces.

Yuki: "Why are you feeling down now? You already know Jake won't leave your mom powerless forever! He will definitely get those ingredients and cure your mom before giving her the best technique he can to make her incredibly powerful again!"

Jake: "I don't know where your confidence in me comes from but I'll try my best to not let you down! I promised to heal your mother and that's what I'm going to do!"

Kas couldn't stop herself from smiling from their words. She wasn't alone in this, she had people that would be by her side helping her along the way.

Kas: "…Thank you, for helping me and supporting me through this. I'll be counting on you Jake, don't let my mom suffer for too long!"

The three of them entered the dinning hall the next second smiles on their faces as sword came flying towards Jake when he entered. With a quick wave of the hand he deflected it into the ground.

The smile left his face as he looked where it came from. What he saw was two sect elders arguing one with a empty sheath at his belt while the other had her sword drawn pointing it at the elder.

???: "How dare you say that about Matriarch Silver! Just a day after her funeral you already start bad mouthing her! I should kill you where you stand!"

???: "Ha! Is it not the truth! Because of her the sect is doomed! With the Shadow Cats defeated it's only a matter of time before they send their real forces and kill everyone here! That bitch lead us to our death by not immediately handing those girls over to them!"

Upon hearing that Jake began to frown, the man screaming his head off had black hair and red eyes. This man looked a little older compared to some of the other elders. He looked to be around 30 but his appearance screamed to Jake that he knew who this person was.

Even if Jake hadn't seen this man before he felt that he was extremely similar to the Patriarch of the Flamesworth family! The one he had stabbed through the chest with his sons treasure sword Soul Cutter!

Jake: "How dare you! A bastard from the Flamesworth family lash out at the previous matriarch now after she's dead! What you don't like how your family is about to be killed off so you decided to lash out at the sect huh!"

Jake picked up the sword in the ground walking towards the man ready to swing at him with his own sword!

???: "It's you! It's because of you my family is about to die out! It's because of you that the sect will be destroyed by those dirty beastmen! I will kill you today and avenge the Silver Palace and my brother!"

With a wave of his hand the sword in Jake's hand came flying back to the man. Instantly he rushed forward using the tip of his sword he stabbed forward towards the center of his chest.

???: "Do I no longer exist scum!"

A women with red hair, blue eyes, a silver robe, and a glowing blue blade came running after the man with her sword drawn.

Jake: "Come, the only person dying today will be you. The only thing you have is a bit of sword aura and yet you believe you can kill me?"

Jake scoffed as he moved away from Kas and Yuki. Other then that little movement he didn't take another step, instead he opened his arms waiting to be stabbed.

???: "You are crazy! If you want to die so bad then I'll grant your wish!"

The man sped up finally plunging the sword directly through Jake's heart with little to no resistance.

A smile could be seen on the man's face but in the next second his expression froze. He looked into Jake's eyes stunned at what he saw.

Jake hadn't even winced from the stab, his expression was calm without even a single look of pain in his eyes.

Jake: "You happy now? You just killed yourself I hope you have a fun time rotting in hell. When you go see Lucifer can you tell him that I'll go and see him for a nice little chat when I get the chance"

A horrified look was growing on the man's face. The attack he had used all his sword aura on to kill his enemy did practically nothing besides putting a hole through his chest and stopping his healing. This would kill a regular person but Jake was still standing their as if nothing was wrong just waiting.

Immediately the man tried to pull his sword back to evade the attack from the sect elder behind him. Unfortunately he didn't get the chance! With Jake reaching out and grabbing his arms all Jake did was lower himself and smile looking deep into the man's eyes as the Flamesworth was impaired by the sword.

Jake: "Have fun suffering for all eternity~"

Just to give him some added pain on his way to hell Jake immediately slammed his foot up to his the man right in the balls.

With the man's death the sword aura slowly disappeared allowing Jake to heal up completely as he walks off to get his food.

???: "Hold on a moment! If you don't mind I would like to have a word with you Jake!"

The women from before rushed up to stop Jake.

Jake: "Yes? What is it?"

Ava: "Where are my manners, my apologies. My name is Ava Gremory! Daughter of Jason Gremory and Hellan Gremory! I just want to say thank you for helping me with that scum and… I have been tasked with offering you a umm… proposal from the Gremory family"

She had gone quiet for a while a slight blush on her face as her thoughts ran wild trying to shake them out as she continued.

Ava: "My family would like to invite you to the Gremory household to… "talk" about the future. My father has been wanting to talk to you for a long time now. Ever since the outer court competition, he has been keeping his eyes on you and wants to invite you to dinner later tonight"

Ava knew exactly what her father wanted to try and do, even though she was against arranged marriages she didn't think it would be so bad if she was married off to someone with such a bright future as Jake.

Jake didn't know how to reply, he wasn't stupid. He knew what her father must be thinking but, it was also a opportunity. He didn't have many allies in the sect, in fact he had more enemies then allies! With his massacre in the competition he got on a lot of people's bad sides.

This was part of the reason he never left the palace! If he went out he would only have more trouble following him!

Jake: "It would be a honor to join you and your family for dinner. Just tell me the time and place and I'll be there later tonight!"

Ava was pleasantly surprised by this, with Jake spending most of his time ignoring everything else and focusing completely on cultivation she thought he would refuse.

Ava: "Ok! I'll be sure to let my family know you will be coming over tonight. Please be there around 6! We should be more then ready by then, see you in a bit!"

With that Ava left the dining hall taking the body as well just to get rid of the garbage as she heads too meet with her family.


Kas: "Looks like we will have another sister soon…"

Kas sighed a little as she looked at Jake walking towards their table with his meal.

Yuki: "Can you blame her? Honestly I got lucky that I met Jake first. If he wasn't placed in the same housing as us I might have never gotten the chance to be with him. Now that the nobles have seen his power and his potential they are bound to want to get closer to him"

Kas: "I guess you are right, he did say their would be more following him. It was only a matter of time for some lucky girl to join us"

Jake sat down across from the girls, the smile returning to his face as he ate.

Jake: "What are you girls talking about?"

Kas: "We are preparing to add another sister to our little group is all~"

This made Jake cough and choke on his food a little making him chug his water.

Jake: "W-what!? It's not guaranteed that she will be joining us yet! If she refuses what her father is going to try and do I won't force it. Feelings are cultivated slowly, you can't force something to grow like that"

Yuki: "Oh really? For our first time it was almost instant~ guess we were just meant for each other!"

Jake lowered his head shaking it lightly as he covers his eyes.

Jake: "That… that was different! I didn't force you to chase after me I gave you a chance and you took it. There is no way we couldn't feel something for each other after what we did that night…"

He was blushing a little obviously embarrassed thinking back on how he tried to play it cool. Even though on the inside he was nervous as hell! He was a virgin after all! With the thought of being a quick shot or insecurities starting to build with his thoughts.

It was good that after he did it he was feeling a lot more confident about himself.

Kas: "Look at you, being all embarrassed just because of a little love making session~ aren't you cute"

Usually it was Jake doing the little teasing to the both of them. This time it was his turn! This went on for a couple minutes before they called Luna, Rai, and Connor using their communication jade's.

It didn't take long for the group to gather at their own table. Connor even used his new found powers to create a noise canceling array around their table!

Jake: "Ok I will just go ahead and tell everyone now. I will be heading for the Icy Planes today. After dinner with the Gremorys tonight I will be leaving the sect for a while to look for the ingredients and opportunities outside the sect.

This silenced the table, the group knew it was bound to happen at some point but. They never expected that it would happen so soon after the Shadow Cats attack.

Kas: "D-do you have to go right now…? Would we be able to come with you?"

Jake: "Unfortunately no, you can't come with me. The faster I get the items needed the faster we can heal Luna. As you all know, I can't die. If I go out then I am guaranteed to at least come back alive, I can't protect everyone even if you guys are getting stronger I can't take the risk"

They couldn't help but feel frustrated with themselves. Luna especially had her nails digging into her palms as she heard him.

She regretted letting that needle hit her! She regretted letting the situation get so bad that Mai had been killed and the sect is in so much danger that many of the noble households and people of the sect have already started leaving.

She felt this was all her fault but she was powerless to stop it!

Jake: "I'm the mean time while I'm gone I expect everyone to keep cultivating. Luna, I will be giving you a technique that will allow you to cultivate your soul. It will create something called a soul physique which helps to quicken the materialization of the soul. Your body might be crippled for now but your soul won't be!"

He had already planned to help her out with the techniques he had but with him leaving he could only impart this technique onto her for now before he left.

Jake: "Before I am back I want everyone to have at least created their golden core. It is required for you to have viscera consolidating realm to its peak or to even step into the bone refinement realm before I return"

Yuki: "How long will you be gone…?"

Jake: "I will try to be back in 1 year. I don't know how long it will take to get everything and what might happen along the way but I will try to make it back a year from today"

Connor: "Ok… if we are done here I will be heading back to the training chamber. I don't know about all of you but if we want to be able to go with him next time then we must get stronger!"

Connor had changed a little after feeling himself grow so powerful in such a short time. He was starting to feel like one of those training junkies who feels their best when they are training!

Rai: "I will follow soon, I've been taking care of Ye Kai while he has been recovering so it should take me about 30 minutes before I can join you"

Jake: "Ok good. I will be going now to meet up the with Gremorys before I head out. I'll miss all of you very much while I'm gone but I promise I will come back!"

Jake held Yuki's and Kas's hand looking into their eyes before a new sensation could be felt on his hand. When he looked down he saw Luna's arm also extended to hold his hand.

Luna: "Please come back quickly. If you don't the sect might be destroyed before you are even able to heal me"

She had a serious look on her face but with her taking the initiative to hold his hand she still had a rose red blush going across her cheeks.

Jake: "Of course, I'll be sure to heal you no matter what. I promise!"

With that he had finally broken away from the group and headed for the dinner with the Gremorys. His clothes changed into a clean more formal robe as he cleaned up nicely just to look presentable before the noble family.

Jake: "Time to go see her parents huh?"

Hope you enjoy the extra long chapter this time! Please remember to put a review and comment to give me feedback on my work!

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