5 Swat like a fly

How should he search for her?

Should he ask around? But babies are not supposed to talk this soon.

How about hacking the web? That would probably work but from where would he find a computer and a place without eyes.

The baby boy was going nuts. A year has passed away since he was born and he had yet to start his search. He sighed.. glanced at his invisible watch and sighed again. Time had passed on too quickly for him. He wished he could stop time. This way he would be able to search for the soul without the pretense of the first hurdle.

Unconsciously, the baby boy had gripped his hair in frustration. He shrieked when he saw a hand inching towards his non-existence hair. He didn't have a fluffy blob of hair but he still loved what existed. Therefore, he opted for the best course of action.

A hand was swatted - "like a fly"; away with a force only a baby could.

The person chuckled in delight. They hovered their hand over the baby again, in order to play with him again.

However, the baby was not a regular baby. He was a boy who aged a year old but with an infinite time of reincarnated life's memories. He bared his teeth to snap the persons hand.

That would hurt like a freaking hell. Biting has never been a pleasure for the recipient except in ...

The baby cheekily smirked. He laughed, grinned but stopped his imagination from running wild.

"Ouch!!!", the voice shrieked.

It was too loud for the baby boys' ears.

Sheesh, he frowned. For a while, he had felt remorse for the person but now he certainly wouldn't even look at that annoying person.

Outside of the cradle, the person hadn't given up on her quest to irritate her child. She had to make him turn to be the cutest. If she didn't prove that then, her best friend sister wouldn't stop gushing about her child.

It was an understatement to say, that at the moment Anna Ketina was jealous. She was super jealous. She had seen her best friends daughter play with her best friend whereas her son refused to play with her. He acted like an adult when he was not even close to one.

While Anna thought about all the stuff which was pretty much useless to the baby boy. The butler at the end of the room was bewildered by his mistresses actions. His mistress was acting too childish. He agreed with the fact that their young master acted like an adult. But, that was the young master and Miss Lucy's daughter was their daughter. "Geezzzz", the butler muttered under his breath.

The room was the same as usual but Anna had unfortunately grasped the young master of the household in her hold. The butler prayed for his young masters well being and exited the room to call his master.

Soft hands grasped the baby boy. It felt weirdly warm to the baby boy. But, he knew that this alien, overly warm creature was his mother. He didn't want to swat her hands again, in case he would hurt her feelings. For the baby boy, this was being too overly sweet.

But, the baby boy had a scowl plastered on his face, he didn't want to acknowledge it. He just wanted to find the soul and leave.

"Finally you're in my arms, my child Huston", Anna gingerly grinned. She was happy even after she noticed the scowl.

Anna knew that this was a rare opportunity because Huston didn't let her hold him often.


Unaware of her surroundings, Reina continued to stare at the numerous portraits of her family at the beige wall in her room. The golden-framed portrait at the center of the beige wall consisted of Reina, Lucy, and Arin. Reina rested on her fathers' arms whereas Lucy had a scowl plastered on her face.

Reina shook her head at the oblivious action of her mother. It looked like a peaceful, happy and charming family. It was what Reina felt like she had always wanted.

Over-confidence about something could prove to lethal. So, there was a possibility of Reina losing all of this. Was she being a pussy?

The grey eyes of Reina turned dark at that thought.

The hands which rested at sides initially were now clasped together.

'I shouldn't be happy right now'

The nightmares Reina saw every night could be the support of her argument. They didn't leave much to contradict.

In all of Reinas' nightmare, she had seen something vanish. That something could be the model of the portrait in front of her.

Reina tried to get rid of her fear but it always crept in. At the end of today, she was not strong. She was just not strong enough.

Big droplets of tears had started falling on the sheet of the cradle.

'Mummy, I am very scared right now', Reina was scared.

The security camera room was in chaos. People were shocked. They needed to inform their master of this news.

"I will not go"

"Me too"

"Neither me"

The men shivered at the thought of being butchered at the spot. Neither of the men wanted to face this doting families wrath.

"I will"

Claps and sighs of relief could be heard in the small room. Everyone appreciated the person who had stepped out. They had even begun to choose an amount of money to donate to a charity in appreciation of being thankful.

No one knew the future. Future was unpredictable and so were choices. But, choices could be made. The men in the room should hope that they made the right choice.

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