
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 3 Another physical touch

It appeared that she might be a bit cautious as she didn't notice my nonverbal cues and continued to feed me delicately. I had barely started my celebrations when she unexpectedly lifted her gaze... My eyes were perceived by her right at that moment when I was gazing at her. Her initial gaze was directed towards me, then shifted down to her chest.

My face turned red with shame and I quickly stammered, "I, I, I did not intend to offend you, May..." However, I could not continue as she was staring at me intently and her expression was severe. As I gazed into her eyes, my heart began to beat faster and I grew anxious, fearing that I might be slapped. This scene triggered a previous incident when my cousin was met with two forceful slaps from her, leaving his face visibly swollen.

Oddly enough, I had been prepared to meet my punishment, yet I held off for a bit. Rather than striking me, she put down the bowl and touched my shoulder, inquiring with sincerity, "Finn, please reveal your true thoughts regarding me, your sister-in-law."

"What?!" I exclaimed with astonishment, initially assuming she was teasing me. As I observed her expression, it was apparent that she was not being humorous, and her eyes conveyed a strong sense of solemnity. Consequently, I proceeded to adopt this serious demeanor as well. I pondered for a moment before addressing her, "You are impeccable, kind, gentle, considerate, and exceptionally good at caring for others. Not to mention that you possess an undeniable beauty." However, there was an unsaid statement that I was hesitant to speak of - your body was impressive.

Despite my response, she showed a dissatisfied reaction, shaking her head before grasping my hand and gazing deeply into my eyes. Then, she spoke earnestly, "Finn, that is not the matter at hand. "Do you believe that my femininity and attractiveness are lacking?"

I would have suspected my sister-in-law of joking around, had she not appeared so earnest. I was astonished as to how this is possible, as she happened to be the most charming and alluring woman I have ever come across.

I expressed disbelief and quickly remarked, "That doesn't make sense. May, you possess great femininity!" However, my statement seemed to strike a nerve with her as she promptly retorted, "You're wrong! If that's the case, why is your cousin on the hunt for a mistress?"

I failed to comprehend why my cousin was seeking a mistress even when he has a wonderful wife. Is it common for men to be unfaithful? I couldn't resist taking another glance at her as she was not only stunning and youthful, but also possessed an admirable character and an excellent physique. Why wouldn't my cousin be attracted to her?

When presented with the inquiry regarding her, I found myself at a loss for words, stumbling over my response and unable to provide any solace. She, in turn, was moved to tears. As I observed the expression on her face, I felt a twinge of uneasiness within me. Out of sudden desire, I embraced my sister-in-law! This marked the first instance of me holding her close, and with it came a parched sensation in my lips and mouth – a clear indication of my anxiety, which sent my heart racing as though it were about to burst out of my chest.

As I held her, her body felt incredibly supple and inviting, as though I cradled the entire universe within my arms. After taking a deep breath to steady myself, I expressed to her with complete sincerity, "My dear sister-in-law, I must swear upon God that you are a truly stunning, feminine, and captivating woman. Patrick lacks the ability to appreciate things due to his blindness."

With tears streaming down her face, she lifted her head and appeared incredibly emotive with glistening, watery eyes. As I witnessed her in this state, my heart was partially hardened. Despite the inappropriateness of my actions given my social status, I nonetheless moved forward confidently. With a gentle touch, I cleared the tear droplets from the edges of my cousin's spouse's eyes and spoke in a soothing tone, "Please don't cry, May. It's not becoming of you to shed tears. He will surely return to reunite with you."

I hesitated to utter the final sentence, as its memory caused me emotional pain.

As she shed tears, she conveyed the distress in her heart to me, expressing how she had sacrificed immensely for her husband. She recounted her encounter with him, expressing fondness towards him initially and recalling his charming words. Although I felt uneasy listening to her, I refrained from expressing myself because of our relationship as brother-in-law and because I have a fondness for her.

The greater the extent of her conversation, the more enthusiastic she becomed, delving into how he experienced a change of heart and began dating other women. She expressed her sorrow until the very end, complaining that he had not been intimate with her for over six months. She lamented the fact that she was a woman and needed physical affection.

As I heard it, I became motionless. What exactly is she implying? Furthermore, I thought the language used by her was unsuitable. My heart, despite its foolishness, couldn't resist glancing at my cousin's wife. I noticed that her expression was still somewhat sultry, but there seemed to be a certain vibrancy emanating from her that I may have imagined to be a sign of budding vitality.

My god, I couldn't let my minds flow anymore. Especially since my body heated up and felt like it might burst whenever I even brush against my sister-in-law. Uncertain whether she perceived it or not. But soon, she let out a soft cry, and then her face flushed!

The ambiance felt incredibly uncomfortable and depressing. I was even hesitant to die, as I didn't want to disappoint her. I was obliging myself to stay still as I feared any movement might provoke her anger, and subsequently, she might hold a grudge against me. On the other hand, she remained stationary, displaying similar apprehension and reluctance to meet my gaze.

A feeling of fear crept over me, but alongside it was a surge of exhilaration and pleasure that seemed foreign to my usual emotions. On this occasion, I was clenching onto her tightly yet cautiously, feeling as if I was on edge due to heightened sensitivity throughout my body. She was hesitant to make a move, but a sudden cry from outdoors jolted us out of standstill.

Suddenly, like being jolted with electricity, we abruptly thrust each other aside, making eye contact before fleeing in opposite directions. The sound of distress I just heard was emitted by my young niece, giving me the impression that she may be experiencing hunger. After a brief moment, she said to me in a flushed face, "Thank you, Finn. I, I' feeling much better now. I'll leave you alone."

As I gazed at her, my mind went blank, and I merely nodded in response before seeing her off. I felt the spot on my chest where she had applied a significant amount of pressure after she left.

Over time, my sister-in-law and I developed peculiar emotions towards each other, whereby we would occasionally blush and experienced an accelerated heartbeat when our gaze met. Since then, I have been struggling with insomnia and must occupy my mind with various thoughts every night to gradually drift off to sleep. It was difficult for me to determine if this was the experience of being in love. Due to the excessive falsehoods, I began to have romantic feelings for my cousin's wife...

Despite being away for a month, our cousin had not returned and has not bothered to communicate with us, giving us the impression that he had completely disregarded our existence. As I observed May becoming increasingly irritable and exhausted, my emotions were conflicted and my heart felt uneasy. Part of me wished for my cousin's return while another part resisted the idea, leaving me torn and conflicted.

Occasionally, I pondered whether my cousin genuinely desired her, and if not, what could she do about it? However, I realized that my perspective may be irrelevant since it was solely the affair between the two couples and did not concern me at all.

In the blink of an eye, a month has elapsed and I have observed a transformation in her from initial anger to subsequent suffering, followed by grief and a haggard appearance, and ultimately a gradual returned to normalcy. I had perceived her to be distancing herself from me over time.

But while sleeping until midnight one night, I realized that my door appeared to have been tampered with and subsequently experienced an itching sensation on my face, as if someone was using their hair to pick at it.

Nonchalantly, I plucked it away with my hand and chose to disregard it, presuming it to be trivial. Nevertheless, I extracted it and swiftly tossed it back up, leading to an intensification of my itchiness. In a state of bewilderment, I exclaimed, "Cease!"

Out of nowhere, my senses were alerted by an intoxicating odor and a strange sensation. In a state of confusion, I opened my eyes only to be taken aback by the sight of a looming dark figure right in front of me.

Before me standed a dark silhouette, unmistakably recognizable as my sister-in-law even though she was not present physically.

Initially, I was in shock. I initially thought I was still dreaming. However, when I realized that she had come to my room in the middle of the night, I became apprehensive and froze, being careful not to make any movements or sounds. Unbeknownst to the woman, I had arisen from slumber as she leaned over me, her long hair cascading onto my face, her gentle breath emitting a fragrant scent that permeated my nostrils.

Under the luminosity of the moon, with eyes barely open, I caught a glimpse of her, sitting at the foot of my bed with her lengthy locks and a more relaxed nightgown, attentively observing me. As the moonlight cast a feeble glow, I refrained from widening my eyes and thus remained unable to discern the look on her countenance.

I was pondering about her unexpected visit to my room during the night without uttering a single word - what was the intention behind her action?