
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 15 I’m so sorry about this!

Chapter 15 I'm so sorry about this!

Incredibly beautiful!

My hands were trembling lightly, so I took a few deep breaths and gritted my teeth before touching her. Unexpectedly, as I was about to take her underwear down, I was startled by the faint sound of a voice sobbing. At first, I doubted what I heard and didn't give it much consideration. The truth is that how can a man stops at this moment?

I tried to remove her panties, causing her to cry even more loudly. Without realizing it, I glanced upwards and felt a surge of confusion. Her tears were streaming down her face as I caught a glimpse of my sister-in-law. Her face was drenched in tears and she was covering her mouth while weeping.

At first, I doubted my perception and rubbed my eyes in a foolish manner. However, upon confirming the reality, May was indeed crying deeply with a profound sadness. "May?" I hesitated before addressing her.

With her hands clasped in front of her chest and her body hunched over, she cast a fearful and vulnerable glance. It seemed as though her demeanor mirrored that of a frightened child. I was sexually aroused and physically erect, however, I was not animalistic. Despite being unsure of the reason for her constant changes in behavior, I paused and embraced her, providing solace and assisting with wiping away her tears.

"What's wrong, May? You don't feel well?". Despite her head shake, she still hugged me tightly and rested her head on my chest while softly crying. I was unable to comprehend the cause of her behavior tonight. Initially, she appeared to be intoxicated and delirious, but now she seems to be barely holding on and weeping.

The emotions of sorrow, affection, or vulnerability seem to transmit from her physical presence. Despite her outward appearance of strength, May is actually a fragile woman. A woman with a delicate appearance.

There was no conversation as she made whimpering sounds and I remained silent. I empathized with her and provided a listening ear while she released her sorrow. Over time, her sobs became less and less frequent until they ceased altogether. I held out a bit more before glancing downwards and noticing that she had felt asleep. As she whispered inaudibly, I approached her to eavesdrop and heard her lamenting, "Why...? Why did you... do this to me?... What did I do wrong?..."

She stated, "Patrick, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry about this..."

As I anticipated, she was unable to put her husband out of her mind, and it is apparent that she turned to alcohol tonight due to this. Subsequently, I inquired Suzy regarding the matter and discovered that May had encountered a couple of romantic partners at the corporate event, which triggered his emotions and resulted in excessive drinking to alleviate her distress.

Despite being in close proximity, May and I refrained from concluding our interaction until the very end. Upon doing so, I physically transported her to the bed and facilitated her in covering herself up for her own well-being. After ensuring that she was comfortable, I eventually departed from the scene. Unknown to me, she shed tears and opened her eyes after my departure.

After the ambiguity arose, my bond with May transformed into an uncomfortable situation that is typical of friends of opposite genders. It is improbable to return to the previous state.

Whenever I catch sight of her, I yearn to speak but am restrained from uttering a word. Initially, I believed that she and I would maintain an uncomfortable relationship indefinitely, but my perspective shifted upon hearing some news.

I distinctly recall a cloudy day with an ominous sky full of weighty and dark clouds. The atmosphere was so dense that passersby on the street couldn't help but feel overcome with a sense of gloom. As per my routine, I departed from school alone and headed towards my home. Although Tina still stands close to me consistently, I no longer hold any negative feelings towards her and it is more beneficial for me to not continue our relationship.

After bidding Tina farewell, I returned home to find May still absent. As I placed down my school bag, the telephone abruptly rang. As I prepared to respond, the incoming call turned out to be from my mother, and the initial words she spoke came as a surprise!

My mother spoke with great urgency and exclaimed, "May! Patrick had an accident!" Wait, did she just say something happened to my cousin?

I was taken aback and felt uncertain about how my cousin could have had an unexpected accident. I was also curious whether Patrick's misfortune was caused by the bankruptcy of his company or his personal accident. After my initial surprise, I quickly asked my mother, "Mom, it's me. Tell me what's going on." My mother exclaimed and instead of giving me a direct response, she asked, "Where is May? I need to speak to her, now!"

As my mother hardly ever rushes, my heart raced with worry as my cousin expressed concerns of a significant event taking place. I quickly reassured my mother, "Take a deep breath mom. May is not home right now." Our conversation lasted over ten minutes before I ended the call. I feel as though something is obstructing my heart, causing it to become extremely rigid, resulting in an overwhelming desire to shed tears.

Unexpectedly, my cousin was involved in a severe car crash and is currently receiving medical attention in the hospital. My mother mentioned that my cousin might not be able to make it through. In a sudden moment of realization, I wondered how I should tell May about this.

Sometimes, fate is unfortunate in such a way that when you wish for someone not to be present at an event, they end up attending nevertheless. After regaining consciousness, I noticed that the door had opened. Upon inspection, I noticed that May had returned home. Watching me, she appeared to be in a state of distress as she frantically bent her head down and hastened to the kitchen.

I breathed deeply and proceeded towards the kitchen with an open mouth. Upon my entrance, her demeanor escalated to one of increased nervousness, demonstrated by her fidgeting with her fingers in an attempt to conceal her distress. "What is...is it, Finn?" She initiated the conversation.

I glanced at her and felt my heart racing, while my extremities turned icy. I was at a loss for words and wondered if I should break the news about my cousin's possible ailment. However, I struggled to vocalize as the words seemed trapped in my throat. This sensation was incredibly odd and not typical discomfort.

Her demeanor is disconcerted, indicating that she is still preoccupied with the awkward incident that occurred on that particular day. It's not surprising that I feel embarrassed when I recall that intense evening. I shamefully admit to having touched May all over her body and undressing her while sharing many passionate kisses.

"I've got something important to tell you, May." It took several deep breaths and a hard pinch on my thigh before I finally managed to say it. May appears to be physically unfit and uninterested in engaging with me, as she has consistently avoided eye contact and fidgeted with her hands.

Before sharing what was on my mind, I took a moment to cheer myself up. Then I approached her and requested ,"After hearing me out, do not panic. Ok?" She looked at me with a slightly strange expression, blushing and seeming a bit shy, making me freeze for a moment and consider hugging her.

"Finn, I was the one to be blamed for that night...", she emphasized, "You must not tell this to anyone." Her interruption caught me off guard, causing me to almost bite my tongue while trying to respond.

I experienced a brief moment of shock and quickly realized that there was a misunderstanding. Hastily, I clarified to May, "You got it wrong, May. I was not going to tell you about this. That night... Of course I wouldn't tell anybody."

Despite my efforts, my mind kept returning to the vivid memories of May's curved body and the enjoyment I experienced from having physical contact with her.

As soon as I mentioned going out, she averted her gaze and informed me, "Then go out... Finn. I'm cooking." This left me feeling at a loss and unsure of how to approach the situation. I couldn't help but imagine how she would react if she were to hear about my cousin's accident. It is necessary for me to acknowledge that Patrick is still the object of affection for my sister-in-law.

All of a sudden, the ringing phone in the living room made me jump. Despite my initial anxiety, what truly alarmed me was the moment when May placed her knife on the counter and commented, "I'll answer the phone." I felt reluctant to allow her to answer it, as it may have been my mother or my cousin's parents calling to inform her about Patrick's car accident, which could have devastated her!

I quickly intercepted her and physically obstructed her, exclaiming "May!" while purposefully avoiding thinking about the situation.

She was taken aback as I made a sudden move, so she instinctively placed her hands over her chest and stepped back before questioning, "What do you want to do?" It was then that I became aware that my behavior was far too dramatic. In an effort to appear more genuine, I grinned and conveyed, "I am not going to do anything. Let me answer the phone. Please go back to cook."

Despite my advice, she stubbornly insisted, "I'll answer it. Maybe it's for me."