
Foresight: The Power Of Future

Time is omnipotent. It can only flow like a river in one direction, from Past to Future. But what if one gets the ability to see Future? i.e. Foresight. Victor, a 16 year old, sees skillbook 'Foresight' in his room. While picking up the book, he obtains the skill 'Foresight'. What will he do with the skill? How will he use the power to see future? .....

Darkday02 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Getting myself a Mana-Art! (1)

After returning to my room in the dorm, I took a quick shower to cool my excited nerves and headed to the computer room. I decided to recall the images I saw during the time my skill got activated.

"Sarah, take notes of everything I tell you."

["Yes, Master."]

Then, I started describing everything I saw in those images and my AI, Sarah, kept writing notes of everything I said.

After describing everything, I ordered: "Sarah, send me the notes to my tablet."

Taking the tablet, I opened the notes and organized them as important and not-important. Then, I divided important notes into information and to-do list to do task according to the information.

One of the important notes contained: a silhouette of a man infiltrating the campus and heading to the forest in one of the parks in section-F while infiltrating he killed three students and two guards. The image then blurred, and then the image changed to the man standing in front of a skull-shaped rock. He took out a shovel and starting digging. He soon found a yellow-colored book. It looked like a manual book from the looks of it. He inserted his mana which had dark energy which proves that he is a contractee and got the martial or mana art it contained.

Then, my task for tomorrow was set. I will go get the art before the contractee does. After some time, I headed to bed.


Beep! Beep! Beep!


After snoozing off my alarm, I opened my eyes and followed my already boring routine. I was sitting on my table and was about to eat my breakfast, when.

Ding~ Dong~

My bell rang. I stopped my breakfast and headed to the door. Opening it, I saw Monika and Kevin standing there.

"Oh! Hey Victor, How're you doing? Eaten up breakfast?"

"Actually, no. I haven't, and I also didn't expect to you to show up so early in the morning."

"Eh? Have you forgotten that we decided to go to the restaurants in the dorm for breakfast?"

"Uh... What are you talking about?"

"See! I told you he did not even remember it." Monica said. "Now, get ready. We decided to go to restaurant for breakfast."

I got near Kevin and whispered into his ear: "Hey Kevin, did we decide something like that yesterday?"

"I also don't have a clue about this. Just get going or else she will start her tantrum here."

Seeing us whispering to each other, Monica asked: "What? Do you have something going on between you two? Huh?"

"Oh! It's nothing. Just give me a minute, I will get ready and come."

Closing the door, I got ready and headed out.


"So? Where are we going now?" I asked.

"We are going to a restaurant named 'Petite Chine'. It is in the dorm near the park that I mentioned last time, and it is the best restaurant for dessert."

"Ah! Okay."

"Just get going, I'm already starving." Kevin said.

Entering the lift, we headed for the first floor. After walking for some time, we arrived at the park named 'Mammoth Plaza'. There were restaurants, cafés, book stores, etc.

Seeing all this, I asked Monica: "Are we still in Mammoth dorm building?"

"Yeah, It isn't called 'Mammoth' only in name. It contains everything one need for their comfort and training."

After a while, we arrived at 'Petite Chine' restaurant and entered it. We ordered our breakfast and had one dessert each.

"Oh! That was amazing."

"Told ya. You are gonna love it."

"Seeing your personality, I guess you tried every café and restaurants in dorm. Right?"

"Well, yeah. I was bored the day I arrived and had nothing to do. So, I toured the dorm first. You won't believe it, there are a total of 8 restaurants and 11 cafés in our dorm building alone."

"There are a lot more outside the dorm, in the section C. It also has a mall." Kevin said.

Then I suddenly remembered about the skull-shaped rock, then I asked: "Uh... Hey, you two, do you know about a skull-shaped rock in any of the parks."

"A skull-shaped rock? No, I don't." Kevin said.

"A skull-shaped rock? Well, I think I recall something like that. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I just heard about it yesterday and thought of visiting it today."

"I see. Well, you can go, I am gonna visit some places in our section. That rock you are asking is in section-F, maybe one of the park's forests."

"Okay, what about you?" I asked Kevin.

"Hmm? Well, I will train in my room and then go visiting training grounds in section-E."



After having breakfast, I got on the bus and headed to section-F.

Arriving in front of the park that had the same entrance as the one I saw in the images, I entered it. It was named 'Votsano Park'. It had a rumor that someone buried something in this park and whoever gets it, can get great power. Well, It was only a rumor and no one believed it.

Entering the park and getting a map of it, I headed straight to the skull-shaped rock.

After walking for about half an hour, I reached the rock and was left speechless with what I saw.

"What the?"