
Forced to marry the Vampire King

Fantasy Romance
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What is Forced to marry the Vampire King

Lee la novela Forced to marry the Vampire King escrita por el autor Grace_Allen_3992 publicada en WebNovel. "Here take this" Eric said passing a file to me."What's this?" I asked confused."The contract for our marriage," he said with a smirk "all the terms and conditions you will have to follow"."Wait.... w...


"Here take this" Eric said passing a file to me. "What's this?" I asked confused. "The contract for our marriage," he said with a smirk "all the terms and conditions you will have to follow". "Wait.... what?! I'm not going to marry you" I said shaking my head "I was here to just inform you that I can't marry you and you will have to find an alternative". "And you think I didn't try to? 6 months, I have spent trying to find a different way that will save me from getting married to you but, there isn't any. So, miss Accola, yes we are getting married" he said with a disgusted face. Tilting my head to a little right, I asked "what if I say no?" He smiled evilly while saying "You will have to or I will make sure you lose everything you have. Your profession, your friends, your everything". ************** Claire Accola, a girl in love with life, was forced to leave her family and country and enter into the world of supernaturals when she was 15. Living with a family of vampires, who treated her like their sibling, she had no idea what awaited her. After 10 years, she was living normally as a fashion designer until when some witches demand to meet her. What will she do when she finally gets to know the reason for bringing her into the dark world? What will happen when she is forced to marry the merciless, cruel, egoistic and heartless, king of supernaturals?

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Kisah seorang gadis cantik yang hidupnya penuh dengan kegelisahan dan ketakutan,yang setiap hari selalu diawali dengan kesedihan dalam hatinya,merasa sendiri dan merasa tidak punya siapapun dalam hidupnya,pernah berpikir mengakhiri hidupnya. Dikelilingi oleh masyarakat yang toxic membuatnya semakin terpuruk. "setiap hari pasti seperti ini."gumam Daniza dengan wajah sendu. Gadis cantik bernama Daniza Gheisa berusia 20 tahun,terus menyalahkan dirinya sendiri dengan apa yg terjadi dalam hidupnya,depresi,emosi serta amarah sangat melekat pada dirinya. Perceraian orang tuanya membuatnya menjadi gadis yang sangat pendiam dan introvert bahkan dibenci oleh ke 2 kakaknya,sudah tidak ada lagi Daniza Gheisa yang manja,ceria dan periang. Bahkan sampai sekarang Daniza tidak tau apa penyebab orang tuanya berpisah. Tapi pada suatu hari sesuatu mengubah dirinya,mengubah cara berfikir dan cara pandangnya,mulai mencoba mencintai dirinya sendiri,seseorang yang temuinya secara tidak sengaja,bukan pertemuan secara langsung melainkan pertemuan secara virtual,seseorang yang selalu membawa pesan positif terhadap banyak orang,dermawan,pintar dan berkarisma membuat Daniza penasaran terhadap seseorang tersebut. Hingga Daniza mencari tau semua tentangnya,tanpa Daniza sadari dia terjebak dalam pencariannya sendiri,dia menemukan pintu masuk tapi tidak dengan pintu keluarnya.tapi walaupun begitu dia tidak menyesalinya,dia memilih bertahan didalamnya,awalnya dia berpikir kalau dia sendirian dengan berjalan jauh didalam pencarianya terhadap seseorang itu,ternyata dia tidak sendiri ada banyak orang dari berbagai negara,umur,suku yang juga berada didalamnya dan dengan alasan dan masalah hidup yang hampir sama dengannya. "Aku pikir hanya aku sendiri didalam sini."ucapnya dengan terpaku. Dia sedikit tersenyum dengan apa yang dilihatnya,dia berhenti dan mematikan laptopnya menyimpanya di meja samping tempat tidurnya.lalu membaringkan tubuhnya dikasur karna hari sudah malam waktunya tidur, Pagi haripun tiba,sinar mentari pagi masuk menembus cerah tirai yang menutupi jendela kamarnya,dan membuat gadis cantik itu terbangun,tidak seperti biasanya yg langsung mandi tapi kali ini dia membuka laptopnya untuk melihat seseorang yang berhasil membuatnya tersenyum semalam. Dia benar-benar terjebak keinginan ingin bertemu dengannya terbesit dipikiranya.seseorang itu terus melekat dalam pikirannya sampai lupa kalau jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 8 pagi,dia bergegas kekamar mandi berangkat sekolah Didalam kamar mandi dia masih memikirkan seseorang tersebut,terus tersenyum padahal dia bertemu secara virtual,entah sihir apa yang ada dalam diri seseorang itu sehingga membuatnya jatuh cinta. "Astaga apa aku sudah gila,kenapa aku terus memikirkannya."kata Daniza dengan tersenyum. Pagi ini adalah pagi yang baik baginya,yang biasanya muram dan tampak lesuh,pagi ini tersenyum dengan sumringah nama seseorang itu terus berada dalam pikirannya,pergi sekolah dengan hati yang sangat senang. "Aku akan menemuinya..

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His Collateral

"That is not your place. From now on, this is where you will sleep." Alessandro said, his gaze fixed on the couch. I had a lot of questions on my mind. I wanted to ask why? I was his wife, wasn't I? He knew she was burning for answers but he didn't spare any emotions. "This marriage, means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. So it would be better if you knew your place." ********************* Orphaned at an early age, Bella now lives with her uncle Aldo, his wife Theresa and their children Luca and Marion who abuse and mistreat her. When faced with mounting debt, they trick Bella into a marriage with business mogul, Alessandro Rossi. Unaware of the lies, Bella is filled with a new hope for a life far away from her abusive family but instead of finding solace she finds that her husband treats her no differently than the others, that is until he discovers that he too has been deceived into this marriage. As secrets start unraveling fast, both discover the harsh reality of their situation and what brought them together. Soon dark truths are revealed about their families past and how deep these debts truly run. Now, how far would everyone involved go to protect themselves from getting exposed? DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY WORK. Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER: •This book is purely a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. •I do not own any rights to the graphics used in this book. All pictures, videos, songs, etc belong to their original owners.

ThatNgirl · Ciudad
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Reincarnated with a wonderful system of artist, but I'm married to my detested boss of the past life!

Chun Yang is a normal guy, who is not ugly or handsome, also had a medium job, despite working in the Hightech Fenglian Megacorporation the best in the technology business. Even worse than having a common appearance, was having no luck in love! However, he thinks it isn't his fault, but his boss the powerful leader of the corporation, the most handsome man who ever stepped in front of Chun Yang, the talented Fang Lian. Clearly, the blame is on this handsome boss who makes all the women that Chun Yang likes to lose their mind and ignore the ordinary guys like Chun Yang! After another day of work, Chun Yang thinks he can finally rest for the weekend, but the manager of his department makes him go back to work because they have deadlines to meet. Strangely only Chun Yang attended the workplace, he didn't care much about it, as others might be late or elsewhere in the company. Yes, he had a naive thought! The last thing he remembers is a pain in his head and everything around him turns black when Chun Yang wakes up, he realizes that he is no longer Chun Yang! He became a woman named Ning Yin, who came from a prestigious and ancient family in Chinese society! Ning Yin is a beautiful lotus flower, she is like a fairy that descended into the mortal world, but Ning Yin had a purely icy temperament and didn't care for many mundane things. Ning Yin only wanted to be a prestigious painter, dedicating her life to art, but her first painting was stolen by her "best friend", who also came from a prestigious family, not only stolen her painting but was also chasing her husband! Can one say that Ning Yin died from the shock? "How silly, she died was poisoned!" Chun Yang thought as she had all of Ning Yin's memory in her mind. Chun Yang, now, Ning Yin, she felt depressed, very depressed, she had lost her bird and the worst she was already married! "Hi Host, I'm Lana 045, I'm your wonderful artist system!" Said a female voice in her mind. However, this didn't make Ning Yin happier, only felt very wrong, after all, all the MCs in the world earned systems blessed with powers of an immortal, but he won an artistic system? Was not that a joke? Soon to become the greatest painter of all time was her greatest goal in this life! She had no choice, or make or would die without a chance to reincarnate again! Even if, Chun Yang, he did not even know how to draw with crayons! Then she met the "husband", at that moment she felt she wanted to turn a table and point to the face of Buddha and say many ugly truths! Is not that his ex-boss stallion, that all women run after? So how can he be married to this heavenly and pure fairy like Ning Yin? This isn't scientific! Fang Lian is a serious man of few words, looking very cold on the surface, but his masculine beauty and wealth beyond imagination made the mind of all women to ignore this defect and ardently desire to marry this man of ice!  Fang Lian didn't love Ning Yin, well that was until the immortal ice fairy, become the malicious demoness! Why was she wearing provocative clothes for go out? Clearly, it was to do him jealous! Why did she give up wearing high heels and started wearing sneakers and sneakers? Clearly, she wanted to get his attention! Why did she become more and more fierce against him? Clearly, it was to provoke the beast in him!   Why could not he resist any of her charms? Clearly, because he fell in love with her! Follow Ning Yin on her journey to reach the top of the painting world!

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