
Chapter 33: Annalise

As promised she went to the infirmary at first light to get bitter herb. It had a few uses but the most common was to prevent unwanted pregnancies. She was so embarrassed asking the elderly woman for the herb, and seeing the knowing look on her face. Annalise practically gulped the contents of the vile she was handed down and ran from the room. That's where she encountered Henry outside of her door. "Good Morning, Princess. You're up early."

"Good morning, Henry." She said lightly.

"How is Jameson?"

Annalise's eyes widened. "How..?"

"You're practically glowing, Princess. You're only ever this happy when he's involved. I'm guessing he found you in the garden last night?"

"He did." She said looking down at the floor. "He is... we are working on finding a way out of my predicament."

"And what did you come up with?" He asked with a knowing smirk.

"Have you always been so nosy, Henry?"

He shrugged his shoulders, smirking. "Only when my two closest friends are involved. "

With a sigh she entered her room, Henry following, and went to her desk. She sat and began to frantically drawl her quill across the page. After tossing two or three drafts to the side she finally looked down at her work satisfied. "Henry, be sure my father sees this one."

He looked at her, his confusion clear, "What?"

"I need him to believe that Jameson is still at Thorngate. Therefore, father needs to see it before it gets sent on to the fort."

He smiled at her nearly like a proud father, "You've grown into quite the cunning woman."

"Perhaps those years at court did some good." She sunk further into her chair sighing. "Well, always awful, tonight's dinner with Alion will be unbearable."

"Only because you were out all night with another." Henry grinned.

"You're worse than a fish wife, you know?"

He laughed loudly. "Maybe you should return to bed, Princess. You've woken up mean spirited."

"I have not, but I am rather exhausted." She stood walking over to the large bed and crawled back under the covers. "I just hope that when I wake, I'll only have one fiance."

Henry chuckled sitting on the sofa. "I wasn't aware that Jameson had worked up the nerve to ask."

She blushed slightly. "He actually hasn't... but..."

"After what you gave him, he should?"

Annalise pulled the pillow from under her head and threw it at Henry. While he could have so easily dodged it, he allowed it to hit him before looking at her with feigned shock. "You're more trouble than you're worth."

She woke late that afternoon to gentle fingers brushing her hair out of her face. "Um, Jameson?"

"Try again, doll."

She shot up, fear gripping her heart, as she came face to face with her uncle. "Alion, what are you doing in my room?"

"The maids said you'd been in bed all day and I was worried for my bride."

She shrunk away from him, while keeping her face a still as possible. "I am fine, just exhausted. You shouldn't be in here. Where is Henry?"

"Knight Captain Claireness has other duties besides you, Annalise."

Feel uncomfortable she slide out of the far side of the bed and stood there with it between them. "You should go."

He ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair before turning his icy blue stare to her. "Annalise, relax. I was your uncle and now your fiance. Besides, we all know that you've no purity to question."

She swallowed hard, she had until last night, and the soreness between her thighs was proof enough. "Just shows that beggars can't be choosers."

He laughed as he approached her, leaving her pinned between two walls, the bed, and him. "Indeed they can't." He reached out and she turned her head to the side, but his fingers in her hair brought her gaze forward once more. "Though you look so much like him, I still see Mareena in you."

Annalise groaned as she tried to pull away, only to hit the wall. "I had heard you had a fondness for my mother."

"Aye," He said stroking his hand though her hair. "She was a beauty beyond compare but I guess you shall do. There is something about having her daughter that fills the void she left."

"If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you remove it from my hair." She said glaring at him.

He laughed stepping closer to her, pressing his body against hers. "You spend some time with the men and suddenly you think you're tough. Don't make me laugh, Annalise. You've been nothing but a pretty little puppet for all your life and that is what you'll remain."

He leaned in but before he could do more she screamed, "Henry!!"

The door was kicked open with enough force it bounced off the stone wall so hard it nearly closed again, but Henry stepped in wearing full armor and his helm, sword drawn. "Back already, are you, Knight Captain?"

"Go." Henry said in a deep growl.

Alion turned leisurely and went towards the door as if on a stroll. "We'll continue this later Annalise."

As soon as the door was closed Annalise sunk to the floor pulling her knees to her chest in hopes of regaining her composer. "Thank you, Henry..."

Henry walked over to her, pulling off his helm, to reveal that it wasn't Henry at all. "You're welcome."

"Jameson! What are you..?"

"I wanted to see you." He shrugged.

"How'd you get Henry's armor?"

"He gave it to me, of course." He got down on one knee pulling her against him. "And I am glad I came. Did he hurt you?"

"No." She said in a soft whisper. "Though he was... handsy."

Jameson sighed, his shoulders dropping under some unseen weight. "I'll kill him. If he touches you again, I'll..."

Annalise cut him off by pulling him forward and pressing her lips to his in a deep, sensual kiss. "You can't kill every man who tries to marry me, Jameson." She giggled against his lips.

He sighed contently as he kissed her again, "Oh but I can. I'm deadly with a sword, lest you forgot."

She just reached up unbuckling his, or Henry's, armor, and then helped him out of it. She then pressed her cheek to his chest listening to the accelerated beating of his heart. "I love you."

"And I you."

"Speaking of men marry me," she said pulling him down on the bed with him. "Perhaps there is another who might offer their hand, officially."

He laughed as he crawled atop her, sitting with his thighs of either side of her. "Maybe one." He leaned down kissing her so sweetly it stole the breath form her lungs. "But he won't be asking until he is sure that he is the only one you've said yes to."

She gasped as he kissed her neck. "Does he forget that I've so many fiances because I would do anything to see him safe."

The assault of his tongue against her neck continued. "He is aware. And while he loves the lengths you'd go to for him, he'd still prefer to be your only intended."

Her back arched as his mouth traveled down to her chest. "Then he best think of a way to end my engagement and fast. Or has he forgotten, my wedding is only days away."

He pushed up far enough to look into her eyes. "He's... I am aware. And I am working on something."