
FLOW "Darkness Within Me"

She's an average teen with an average life, Mikaela Choi came from a wealthy family But, prefer to keep things hidden.She has an older brother, Harvey Choi. Oneday, her dreams slowly turned into reality. Monster's suddenly appeared and the mysterious guy she sees came to life!

MikaelaShu_ · Adolescente
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15 Chs

Principal's Office (ch.9)

"Mikaela Lau?" The principal asked.

She nodded.


The surname Lau was also one of her undercover name to keep her identity a secret.

"So what did she do, madam?" -principal.

"Well, principal. This girl here *points* attempted to kill my daughter." -woman

She was in disbelief on how much the story was twisted by this woman.

'Wow...two can play at that game~' -Mikaela 💭

Her eyes started to flow with tears, as she was wiping it, she started gaining the principal's attention.

"Poor child..." -worried principal

The woman's blood fumed more than before.

"Take this." -principal

She gave Mikaela a pack of tissue and asked her to sit beside her (principal) instead.

Mikaela nodded while wiping her tears.

A few moments later, the butler came.


Mikaela was shocked seeing that Ronaldo the family butler came.

"Good day, I am here for M'lady Mikaela" He said.

'Lady?!?' The woman thought 💭

She felt a hint of fear.

"Master will shortly come." He added.

'Brother?' -Mikaela 💭


Harvey barged into the office and rushed inside. Looking for Mikaela.

"Goodmorning." -Harvey

The moment he saw his sister's bleeding cheek his tone changed.

"WHO DID THIS!?!" He shouted.

Walking towards his sister to check if she's badly injured.

He sighed with assurance.

"Baby sister, go outside for now." He sweetly said.

She glanced at the principal.

"Go." The principal worded (she's a woman)

Mikaela walked out and saw his maids and guards worried for her.

Laura immediately approached her and checked her wound.

"How are you?" She asked with a worried voice.

"I'm good" She replied.

The students we're afar, since her personal body guards we're covering her.

She saw Luis in a distance, simply raising his thumb.

A few hours later her brother went out of the office, a glimpse of the woman kneeling on the cold floor can be seen on the gap of the door.

"Let's go." Her brother said.

She followed beside him and smiled.

"What did you do this time brother?" She asked.

"You'll see~" He smiled.

A few days later, Karina's family announced bankruptcy.

Author's Corner:

Hi! Thanks for reading! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)