
FLOW "Darkness Within Me"

She's an average teen with an average life, Mikaela Choi came from a wealthy family But, prefer to keep things hidden.She has an older brother, Harvey Choi. Oneday, her dreams slowly turned into reality. Monster's suddenly appeared and the mysterious guy she sees came to life!

MikaelaShu_ · Adolescente
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15 Chs

Juice Box (ch.6)

She swiftly took an empty seat at the end of the cafeteria. Placing her lunch bag to save her space.

The long line made her eyes twitch, wishing for her favorite side dish to be available.

She then took a stainless grey tray and lined up.

As she went closer at the counter, she saw her favorite side dish close to gone.

'Shit! PLEASE!!! PLEASEEEE!!!!!' She intensely thought, making her drip of sweat and biting her lip.

The moment she reached the counter she immediately asked for kimchi.

"Sorry student, we're out of kimchi." The kitchen staff said.

A word she didn't want to hear.

Instead, they gave her a different type of side dish which made her sad.

She's wealthy but wants kimchi which was made in a school cafeteria you ask.?

Well the kimchi made in this cafeteria was the best she's ever had.

Even though she asked her personal chef multiple times to make this exact type of kimchi, it never fit her taste.

She also tried to approach the old lady making the kimchi, but she strongly refused.

Making Mikaela line up every single day trying to eat the old lady's homemade kimchi.

Her face went dark as she walk towards her table.


She stopped and looked at her lunch bag that was placed on the table.

"EW!" A girl shouted in disgust.

"Who owns this dirty lunch bag!?" She asked with a furious look.

A group of girls were surrounding the table Mikaela chose.

Seeing her bag thrown like that made her blood boil.

'This little b*tch' -Mikaela 💭

She walked towards them boiling in anger, grabbing the girls shoulder.

"WHO THE F*CK!?" She shouted as she looked at Mikaela from behind.

"Hey you." Mikaela answered.

She tightly gripped the girls shoulder and her eyes went even darker.

The girl flinched from the pain and tried to shove Mikaela off.

"B*TCH LET GO OF ME!!!" She continued to shout, attempting to push Mikaela.

"Why did you throw my bag? Who THE F*CK ARE YOU!!?" Her cold voice suddenly distorted making her yell.

The students who heard Mikaela stopped eating and watch them fight. But nobody stood for her.

One of the three girls grab Mikaela and pushed her away.

Luckily she was strong, she kept her balance and look at the three girls.


"Disgusting ugly peasant! touching my expensive dress which you can never afford!" The girl continued to bicker her mouth.

"Ho? you seemed familiar" she mumbled.

She suddenly remembered the girl looking at her the very first day.

"HA?!" Mikaela smiled grabbing her black hair.

"I REMEMBER YOU!" She yelled pointing her finger at the girl in the middle.

Her expression didn't give a hint of fear. Instead, she was amused by the fact that this was not the only reason they've thrown her lunch bag.

*Clack *Click

She walked closer to them and leaned at the girl in the middle.

"Hey~ you like him? yeah?" She whispered with a teasing voice.

The girl was shocked grabbing her friends juice beside her.

The moment she threw the glass juice, Mikaela immediately grabbed her wrist making the juice spill a little on both of their hands.

Attempting to shove Mikaela off, she miserably failed.

"L-LET GO!" She bickered.

The other girls tried to grab Mikaela, but she didn't move at all.

The other students recorded the entire situation with an entertained expression.

The two girls did everything they can to separate her hand, but she didn't move a single inch.


Mikaela laugh in joy seeing the scared faces of the three girls.

The third girl finally lost her cool and grabbed the chair from behind.

Attempting to bash Mikaela's head from the back.

As she lift the chair, a guy ran and grabbed it.

"HEY!" The guy shouted.

The three girls look startled making Mikalea wonder who that person was.

She looked from behind and it was her deskmate.

'I wanted them to hit me though...' Mikaela thought 💭

Since alot of students were surrounding them, she was planning to take the hit.

He took the chair away and talked to the girls.

"Hey you, Karina." He said with a cold stare.

Karina the girl at the middle, after hearing her name coming out of his mouth her eyes widened.

"So you remembered?" She replied with a flirty voice.

Twirling her brunnet hair and sparkling eyes.

Mikaela's face was full of disgust, shaking her head in dismay. She walked towards her lunch bag and checked her food.


Everything was in shambles, the food her maid made cannot be eaten anymore. Which made her more angrier.

She went onto the nearest bin and threw the lunch bag.

Fuming with anger she marched towards the three girls,who was busy flirting with her deskmate.

Mikaela, without a hint of hesitation grabbed Karina's hair and dragged her on the floor.


"ARGHH!!" Karina shouted in pain trying to take Mikaela's hand off.

"LET GO!!!" She wailed.

The students were so shock that a few didn't record it anymore.

The two girls stood with fear, while Mikaela's deskmate didn't bother to stop her.

She continued to grab her hair tightly and went to the nearest bin she found.

The bin where her lunch bag was thrown.


She dropped Karina's head on the floor making her dizzy.

Attempting to stand, Mikaela stomped on her belly and asserted more strength.

"AGHH!" She shouted, crying in pain.

Mikaela looked coldy and carried the bin, dumping it all at Karina's body.


"That was so cool!"

"Serves her right lol"

"She stinks~"

Students whispers were heard, giving a digust look at Karina.

She looked at her friends asking for help, but the two didn't move. Instead, one of them silently laughed. While the other froze.


Mikaela wiped her hand with a towel and dropped it on Karina's face.

"D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G~" She worded with a small laugh.

After that she went back at the counter asking for more food.

The students didn't bother to help Karina and returned to their seats.

But now that her table was dirtied, she looked for another table to sit in.

But the tables are still full.

"Hey!" The guy shouted.

Mikaela looked and saw his deskmate waving at her.

"Sit here!" He added, pointing the sit beside him.

Although she doesn't want to.

But now that she was the center of attention. She has no other choice but to accept his offer.

His friends welcomed her and raise their thumb with satisfaction.

The guy across reached for Mikaela trying to whisper something.

"That girl has been sticking next to us the whole time~"

"Thanks~" He added.

He then returned back to his sit and ate.

Mikaela was still not satisfied, since her tray still has no kimchi.

The guy noticed and gave her his.

Her mood suddenly brightened and gave him a delighted thanks. As a return, she gave her strawberry milk to him.


The guy smiled and thanked her.

After eating they went back to class together.


He placed his hand below his cheek and looked at her.

"Mikaela, I forgot to tell you my name" He said.

"Oh yeah." She suddenly realized.

She kept on calling him deskmate that she didn't get the chance to ask his name.

"You are...?" She asked with an awkward smile.

He extended his hand.

"Luis." He said.

"Luis Tora."

Author's Corner:

Hi! as i've said before, Mikaela and Harvey are both kind to people they trust. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) Since Luis Tora always help Mikaela, she gave him a similar treatment (not romantically though!!) (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)