
Naked Florida Man Dances and Sings to Cheer Arson Victim after He Burnt Her House

Chapter 117 – Naked Florida Man Dances and Sings to Cheer Arson Victim after He Burnt Her House

The parasitic cancerous cells of the skeleton vanished into Leo's body. Leo's blood cells quickly swarmed the intruders, and a war erupted inside him.

Muscle tissues and fibers were twisted and torn. Cracking arm bones let out a loud noise, warning Leo about the crisis. However, the guy ignored the pain in his broken right arm. He pulled another talisman from his left pocket and put it in his mouth, eating it as a snack.

Leo was never afraid of symbiosis creatures or microorganisms. Because of his evolved cells, his immunity system had never been defeated by random viruses, parasites, bacteria, or fungi.


The right arm swelled and wiggled as most intruding cells were in there. As for his left arm, nothing changed as his cells already suppressed the parasites.


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