
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Derivados de juegos
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10 Chs

Jake Williams

The fifth day in Sword Art Online dawned, and for young Jake Williams, a 13-year-old boy with wide eyes and a mop of hair, it was a day of fishing. Armed with a basic fishing rod he had discovered in the Town of Beginnings, he ventured to the shores of a nearby pond, hoping to find solace in the rhythmic motions of casting lines and reeling in virtual catches.

The sun cast gentle ripples across the water as Jake cast his line. With each tug, he immersed himself in the calming routine of an angler. However, the events of the past days lingered in the back of his mind, especially the vivid memory of watching his older brother, Michael, turn into data after falling prey to a pack of monsters outside the safety of the town.

As Jake patiently waited for the digital fish to bite, he overheard conversations among other players nearby. Some discussed strategies for battling monsters, while others shared stories of quests and discoveries. The virtual world buzzed with a mix of camaraderie and caution.

His virtual backpack filled with the fruits of his fishing endeavors, Jake decided to head to the market square. He hoped to sell his catches and earn enough currency to secure a room at the inn, providing a temporary escape from the harsh reality beyond the town's walls.

Navigating through the crowded market, Jake set up a small stall displaying his fresh fish. "Fish for sale! Get your fresh fish here!" he called out, his young voice carrying through the digital hubbub. Passersby cast curious glances, and some approached, inspecting his wares.

A middle-aged player, clad in beginner battle-ready armor, stopped at Jake's stall. "How much for the trout?" he inquired, eyeing the fish with interest.

Jake, feeling a bit shy but determined, replied, "Two col." The in-game currency sounded more significant when spoken out loud.

The player nodded, making the transaction. As he interacted with other players, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursed through him. The market interactions felt like a glimpse into a normal gaming experience, but the knowledge that this world could be their doom heightened the stakes.

With some col in hand, Jake headed to the inn to secure a room. The innkeeper, a virtual NPC, greeted him warmly. "Welcome, young adventurer! A room for the night?" she asked.

Jake nodded, paying for a modest room with the col he had earned. The inn offered a sense of refuge, a place where the fear of monsters lurking in the dark corners of the landscape could be temporarily set aside.

As he settled into his room, Jake couldn't shake the image of his brother's demise. He remembered their plan to level up together, to beat fear with brawn. The boars and wolves outside the town were supposed to offer easy materials and experience, but the reality of being trapped must have distracted his brother, leading to a fatal swarm of monsters.

Contemplating the events, Jake found himself gazing out of the window at the NPC weapon shop across the market square. His eyes lingered on the displayed weapons, each one a potential tool for survival. The idea of leveling up and facing the dangers outside the town flickered in his mind. Could he gather the strength to overcome the fear that had gripped him since his brother's demise?

This day however the fear of venturing beyond the town's safety lingered, his brother a constant reminder that the consequences in this digital realm were all too real. The comforting ambiance of the inn room couldn't entirely dispel the unease that gripped his young heart.

With a sigh, Jake lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, and he wondered if he could one day find the courage to face the monsters that lurked beyond the safety of the town. The haunting memory of his brother's final moments fueled both his determination and the ever-present fear in the unforgiving world he was now in.