

This is more than a fantasy, more than a historical, more than a romance story. It is a story of two beating hearts becoming one, two souls melding. A fight for the good, for love, for beauty, for something worthwhile. A story that depicts a love that grows, a love that softens, a love that strengthens, a love that won't fade.

This is the story of Cephas The Loyal.



Rose walked around in the garden of the Fae, with a sword at her side, a picture of what she was. A guardian, a warrior, a keeper. She had been that for two centuries, and she loved it. Couldn't imagine herself as anything other than what she was. How could she, when she had so much joy and contentment in what she was in what she did?

But there were those, who scorned her and what she was, what she came from, especially because she was a woman.

a woman could not be a warrior, they would say. a woman could not protect. there was a time such blind statements would get to he, make her doubt herself and cower. But not anymore, she had told herself over a century ago. she would not for the life of her, hide her face, and belittle herself simply because short-sighted people with narrow minds tried- and failed- to do so to her. so now every hurtful word was something she fought against, not with weapons or even her words, but with such gentle strength, that those who tried to pull her down fell in line because, in the end, she left the without a choice. she had a calling, a duty and she would serve, no matter who tried to out rule her. so now, after so long of fighting herself, she stood taller, stood stronger, and less than willing to back down.

She crouched and plucked up a wildflower.

But if she were being totally honest, aside from the ridicule she sometimes faced, it was right and fair to say that although it was a sweaty job, being a warrior didn't make her any less feminine, it did not make her any less of a woman. Having the warrior part of her did not mean less of the other. She sniffed the flower and smiled.

And just all together sat on the grass. As a guardian of the Fae, she was very in tune with the earth, the green. While the green thrived, she did as well. Being one with nature, she found herself happiest when she was closest to earth. And that was why, maybe, she thought, was why she gave it her all protecting the garden of the Fae, protecting what was of the light. Its prosperity was hers as well.

And there were those who threatened it. she bit her lower lip and looked skyward. there were those who were willing to try to bring her world down, who were willing to try and taint its beauty, darken its light. but she would not let it be.

she looked around her, in awe of all of the beauty she saw, and relished it.

And so right there, she promised herself, that whatever it took, however long as well, By God she would not let the dark be.


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