
chapter 63

The Gigantos clotheslined his foe off his feet at twice the speed of sound.

Rimso transitioned into armbar position on Tenlong right arm. The giant used his free hand to prevent the snapping of his captured hand.

The captain pulled tighter on his opponent's arm.

Tenlong used his upper body strength to smash Rimso against his bent knee.

The captain still would not let go.

Tenlong did another back breaker after another.

Rimso finally relented his grip on his foe.

Tenlong spoke,"It did not felt good did it?"

Rimso did not give his foe the satisfaction of a response.

Tenlong spit out hot fire unto his foe as the captain raced away for safety.

Rimso jumped above the flames while in the front of his throne.

Tenlong melted the metal throne like a hot knife through butter.

Rimso performed a superman punch to the jawline of Tenlong.

Flammable liquid spewed out of Tenlong's mouth, as he swung his arm wildly to try to remain

on his feet.

Rimso laughed,"You do not like to be off your feet! Well do you?"

Tenlong punched a huge crater into the floor causing the two warriors to fall towards the floor beneath them.

Tenlong landed roughly on the floor landing upright, while Rimso had slowed his descent by jumping down a set of invisible stairs. Rimso had done that, to avoid any further damage.

Tenlong spat more fire at his foe as it failed to land at it's designated target.

Rimso kicked the giant in the head as hard as he could.

Tenlong countered by grabbing both of Rimso's legs. He spat out some sort of acid out of his mouth, which covered the foe's legs entirely.

Tenlong was somehow undamaged by the acid as it caused the pirate's legs to be eaten away completely.

Before Rimso could hit the ground, Tenlong punched him as hard as he could repeatably.


This went on until there was nothing remained of the pirate captain.

Tenlong then hit the ground flat on his back with a thud.

Rin and Lin rushed into the stone pirate fortress, when they see that it is blanketed in the horrible stench to go along with the sight of blood, and unintelligible body parts. They walk into a room where the floor had been destroyed and one giant body was laying spread eagle on the ground below.

Lin gasped,"It is Tenlong!"

The twins raced down to their friend's aid and check his pulse.

Rin yelled,"He is alive!"

A voice yelled,"Of course, I am alive!"

The two saw a bloodied figure siting up.

It was Tenlong!

Lin and Rin jumped into Tenlong's arms.

Tenlong yelled,"I thought that I was left high and dry! Better late than never!"

The two siblings performed first aid on the Giganto as he gasped for air.

Tenlong was helped out of fortress with the twins having a firm set of hands on each of the giant's side.

The villagers were coming towards the fortress, with the remaining women the pirates had not raped.

The trio was walking out the front and paying no attention to the villagers on the way out.

Tenlong smiled at the sight once, he got out of the villagers' view.

It was the start of new life for everybody involved.

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