
chapter 11

Tenlong tried to break down the wall, but it would not work.

The Giganto spoke, "What's going on? These are the same walls that I had destroyed so many times before."

Lin spoke, "These walls are covered in some sort of extremely powerful ki barrier. I never have seen

anything done at this scale before. We will have to destroy the source of the barrier, whether it be an

object or even a person."

Tenlong spoke, "So we will have to kill everything so that we can get out?"

Rin spoke, "Calm down, it may not be that simple. Don't get careless, or you will die a fool's

death! Remember what Master J has taught us."

Tenlong spoke, "I hadn't forgotten, I am just a little eager. Let me check out my theory!"

Lin spoke, "Stop it," as Tenlong punch a massive hole into the floor.

The opening closed up after him.

Rin spoke, "Where has he gone, Lin?"

His sister didn't answer as two voices come bellowing from atop of the hall's raised platform. It had two people sitting on a throne made out of numerous human bones. The first person was a woman sitting on the other person's lap. She was wearing all black fetish gear made out of some kind of leather. This female had on her face, green war paint, to match her black hair and pale white skin.

The other voice was that of a male troll that was thinner than most of the other trolls. He had been wearing body armor made out of the bones of his many victims.

Lin spoke, "Take care, brother these guys are no slouches."

The woman spoke, "You two weaklings are our victims now! We will rape you to death!"

The sleazy woman got off the troll and stood to her feet.

The troll spoke, "I am called Yetu and this is my whore, Kerrin! Prepare to die!"

The two foes drop down to the floor and race towards the twins.

Lin and Kerrin got near each other, as they vanished into thin air.

Rin cried out," Lin! Where have you gone?"

Yetu spoke, "You need to worry about yourself since you will be my slave soon enough!"

The swordsman spoke, "Good luck with that!"

The troll spoke, "Your sister will be our troll-wife, soon enough!"

Rin spoke, "Why don't you rape your own women? Are they all ugly like you are so that you couldn't get it up anymore?"

Yetu spoke, "Female trolls are only one in a million trolls. We look the way we do now, due to

being too incestuous. We needed new blood to keep our kind alive and strong! So we took your upside


Rin spoke, "Not anymore, we will stop your criminal ways, even if we have to kill you down to the last troll!"

The two stop their banter and started to size each other up.


Tenlong was deep underground laying in a two-story pile of gold and jewels.

He spoke, "Where am I? I never have seen so much gold in my life, let alone this many jewels.

Tenlong hears something heavy walking towards him in a dimly lit cave. He jumps down to his feet and yells, "Come out and fight!"

The creature turns around the corner to Tenlong's amazement.

It was a green dragon that was over twenty tons and over one hundred feet tall.

Tenlong jumped out of the way, in the attempt to dodge the dragon's flames.

He spoke, "I can spit stuff out of my mouth too.

Tenlong spat acid unto the dragon as it shook off the acid as if it was water.

The warrior spoke, "Well, that did not work!"

The dragon covered Tenlong in flames, but he moved at Mach three to get out of the flames.

He punched the dragon with a superman punch right in his face.

Tenlong was hit with the creature's tail and knocked into a nearby pile of gold.

He got immediately out of the pile and charged the dragon with his fiercest dropkick to the monster's chest.

Tenlong was amazed at the toughness of the dragon's scales. He was covered in flames as the giant had enough. He was not even dodging the flames.

He yelled, "That is enough! I got to stop playing around."

A white aura covers the Gigantos and protects him from the flames.

Tenlong punches clean through the dragon's chest and comes right through the beast's rear end.

The Gigantos yelled, "Feed me more! Feed me more! Feed me more!"

The warrior soon had his wish, we saw that the dragon was not alone, since he was part of a Weyr. (It is the name for a group of dragons).

Five more green dragons the same size of the first dragon, come to avenge their fellow dragon.

Tenlong covers himself in a huge ball of ki that blocks the dragons' flames. The floor was destroyed by the aura, as levitated up two feet up into the air.

He yells out, "Take me on for size and tell me how my ki arrows feel."

The dragons all are attacking the warrior's aura shield.

One hundred arrows pierced the five monsters' flesh. The dragons are gored through their heads and most of their internal organs.

Tenlong had been successful in his defense, but he did not drop his guard.

Two larger green dragons that are weighing over thirty tons and are one hundred and twenty feet


Tenlong tried using the ki arrows on the two dragons, but it was not very useful.

He spoke, "Hey! You must be stronger to match your increase in size over those other jokers."

The dragons breathed fire on Tenlong and the aura couldn't protect him as it had done before.

Tenlong tried to dodge, but he was crushed into the rocky ground by the foot of the nearest dragon. He was under the foot of the dragon, as his breath was leaving his body. His arms had been

pinned under his massive body. He would not give up. His body starts to get extremely hot, as steam is coming off his hardened flesh. His body heats up to over one thousand degrees. His clothes burn off completely, as he starts to get up.

The dragon loses control of his grip over Tenlong, as it struggles to keep at its feet.

The giant's whole body gets hotter and hotter, as he speeds up to Mach four. He is hurting the

dragons, but not breaking through their scales.

Tenlong yells, "Feel my full power and all of my speed.

He was covered in a ball of ki and storm steam that was over twelve hundred degrees. He sped up to full supersonic speed (Mach five) and gored the two dragons into oblivion.

Tenlong did not have time to rest since he was faced with a dragon that was over one hundred

fifty feet tall and sixty tons!

The large green dragon roars at the hero and forces him down to one knee. This one would not be as easy to beat, as the other ones were. Tenlong couldn't move due to the roar, shaking up his internal balance. His eardrums burst into blood, as the fluid gushes out of his ears.

Tenlong yelled, "I can't get my balance back.

The dragon spews flames all over the body of the giant at a temperature of over two thousand degrees!

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