

In a saga where there is no singular protagonist, The struggle for the ultimate throne spans dimensions, where the supernatural is commonplace and legends walk among mortals. But the stakes are higher than power alone; behind every sword clash and spell cast lies the tale of broken dreams and shattered loyalties. In a realm where power courses through every heartbeat and ancient worlds collide, a symphony of ambition and destiny unfurls. In a tapestry woven with threads of suspense, thriller, and heart-pounding action, the battle for supremacy knows no bounds. This is a world where thrones are more than just seats of power; they are the epicenters of dominance, coveted by beings of unimaginable might from realms beyond mortal ken. As alliances crumble like ancient stone and friendships shatter like glass, each contender's journey is a whirlwind of choices that test their limits. In the midst of treacherous political maneuvers, whispers of forbidden magic, and battles that reshape the very fabric of existence, the true nature of courage and sacrifice comes to light. Amidst the turmoil, hearts are entangled, and the weight of power becomes a burden too heavy to bear alone. In this riveting narrative, where twists and turns are as abundant as the stars, the fight for the throne becomes a canvas painted with sorrow and despair. Loyalties will be betrayed, identities will be shattered, and the line between hero and villain will blur until all that remains is the desperate yearning for what was lost. Prepare to be ensnared in a tale that transcends dimensions, where the fight for the throne is a battle not only for power, but for the very essence of existence.

Adarsh_Kaintura · Fantasía
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19 Chs



HANA: Listen, everybody. We are now entering the Vampire Kingdom, and there's a high chance we can find Aron here.

KOMINA: But where are we right now?

HANA: We are currently in the Pathorid Forest. This forest is still a mystery. Many people say that whoever enters this forest can never come out alive.

ANURUJ: So how do we get out of here?

HANA: Listen to the whole thing. A few years back, a man successfully came out of this forest alive.

AMINEM: Who was that guy?

HANA: That person is none other than our King, Lee Park Chisame.

ANURUJ: But how do you know all this?

HANA: We always know about him. The Yoddha are not only the protectors of the Praja, but we also protect our king. This is the oath passed on to the next Yoddhas, and it will continue. He told us everything he faced.


LEE PARK: All the four Yoddhas, listen to me. I recently found a way to enter the Vampire Kingdom without getting caught.


LEE PARK: The Pathorid Forest.

HANA: But, Prince, there is no one who came out alive from that forest.

LEE PARK: I'm alive.

HANA: What! When did you get there?

LEE PARK: I just went there to save someone. Forget it. Listen to me now. Whenever you enter the Pathorid Forest, just try to find one person.

HANA: Who?

LEE PARK: ''Riva''. When you find Riva, tell him my name. Riva will safely get you alive from that forest and into the kingdom.

LEON: But how will we find Riva?

LEE PARK: Not you. Riva will find you.


ANURUJ: Oh, so Riva… we just have to find Riva.

HANA: Yes.

Then suddenly, a demon came out from the dense forest. The demon attacked them without hesitation. Hana dodged its attack, and Aminem was ready to kill the demon with his sword. Anuruj came in front of him, stopping the attack with his own big sword.

AMINEM: What are you doing?

ANURUJ: Are you mad? Did you listen to what Hana said? Riva will find us. What if this demon is Riva?

AMINEM: How am I supposed to know who is Riva? This demon attacked us first. So move out of my way, or I will have to use my force to move you.

ANURUJ: What is happening to you? Why are you so angry?

AMINEM: You want me to laugh at such a situation like this?

ANURUJ: I'm just telling you to use your brain.

AMINEM: Anuruj, move from my way right now.

ANURUJ: I won't let you do something childish like this, Aminem.

Anuruj didn't move from his way. Aminem and Anuruj looked into each other's eyes and simultaneously attacked each other. Suddenly, Komina and Semon intervened to stop both of them.

SEMON: Hey hey hey, what are you two doing?

KOMINA: We are here to take Aron back. But what the hell are you two doing?

AMINEM: Just leave me, or I'll kill you.

KOMINA: What are you saying? Are you mad or what?

SEMON: Guys, wait. Do you know where our team leader Hana and that demon went?

AMINEM: This is all your fault, Anuruj. If you didn't get in my way, the demon wouldn't have disappeared from my sight.

Anuruj felt a little disappointed.

SEMON: It's okay, Anuruj. Don't get sad. Our leader is not weak; she will definitely find a solution. After all, she is from the X-Rank Soldiers.

KOMINA: But we have to find her too. From now on, we will find Hana first. Let's move.

A few hours later, in that jungle, they found a girl sitting under a tree. The girl was sitting in the only place bathed in sunlight, while the rest of the forest was still in darkness.

At the Vampire King's palace...




LUCINDA: Of course, I know. You are the famous Yoddha. I think you came here to find Aron.

HANA: So you know about Aron. Now tell me, where is Aron?

Lucinda signaled for Aron to come in, and he entered the room.

ARON: Hana, so you are here. Why are you following me? Just leave me alone.

Hana was shocked after seeing Aron.

HANA: Aron, what happened to you? What is with your body? You look like an adult. Did someone do this to you, or did this girl Lucinda do this?

ARON: Just shut up. Nothing is wrong with me. I'm fine.

HANA: You've changed so much. This can't be possible.

ARON: Yeah, I've changed, so what? This has nothing to do with you. You can see me now. I don't belong to Chisame. I'm a vampire. This is the kingdom where I belong. Now you got all your answers. Leave this kingdom with your soldiers.

HANA: Soldiers... Where are all my people right now?

LUCINDA: They are still in the Pathorid Forest.

HANA: Aron, I'm not leaving you here. Chisame can't lose its Yoddha.

ARON: Are you not listening to me? I'm a vampire. I drink blood.

Then suddenly, Hana remembered the scene when Aron was fighting against the Alliance Army, and his whole body was covered in blood.

ARON: I know what you are thinking. Yes, I was drinking their blood whole, and one thing you don't know—I also killed the soldiers of Suna Realm.

HANA: Aron, I know who you are. You can't do this.

At the same time, all of a sudden, Aron hugged Hana and whispered in her ears.

ARON: I'm sorry. I have to find something.

He bit her throat and started drinking her blood. Hana couldn't resist and slowly fell unconscious.

"I'm sorry. I have to find something."

And then, the Vampire King entered the room.

VAMPIRE KING: Well done, my son. You killed your enemy. This shows you are not a traitor for us. I believe you now. Now, send her dead body back to Chisame. Seeing this will send the whole Chisame into a horrified situation, and then all the people living there will be in a panic mode. At that fear is what I wanted from those Chisame people.

ARON: Yes, I'll do as you say.

Then, Aron covered the neck region of Hana with a red cloth, picked up her body, and took it with him.

At the Pathorid Forest...

ANURUJ: It's almost 5 hours, and we still didn't find her.

KOMINA: I think she is not in the forest. It can be possible that someone kidnapped her.

SEMON: No one can kidnap an X-Rank Soldier. She can easily kill 100 normal vampires at once.

KOMINA: Then it can be possible that the demon who kidnapped her is more powerful than her.

SEMON: If what you are saying is correct, then we have to get out of this forest as soon as possible and have to find Hana at any cost.

ANURUJ: This girl Riva, is she really taking all of us to the correct path?

KOMINA: We don't have any other option. We have to follow her.

ANURUJ: But from the beginning, we just met her, and we told her our king's name. From that point, she is just walking, and we are following her. When will this stop?

KOMINA: Just keep patience. I believe in Hana. We did what she told us. We find Riva. Now we just have to follow Riva.

ANURUJ: She can't talk? Or she doesn't want to talk?

Half an hour later, Riva started pointing her hand towards a tree.

SEMON: She is pointing her hands towards a tree.

They all came close to that tree and found a secret path at the bottom of the tree.

ANURUJ: So, this is the secret path. Now we can get out of this mysterious forest.

KOMINA: Yes, let's go.

They all thanked Riva for her help. Before they went into that path, Riva gave a bottle of something to Anuruj and told him:

RIVA: You have to do many things. Take this. Drink this when you are in a bad situation.

Before Anuruj could ask something, she ran away. Then they all entered that path.

In a quiet place some miles away from the Vampire King's palace...

ARON IS CRYING FOR HANA, expressing his reluctance to harm her.

ARON: I'm sorry. I don't want to kill you... I'm so sorry.

A few seconds later, Aron cuts his hand and allows Hana to drink his blood. Even though Hana is dead, Aron places his hands on her mouth, transferring his blood into her lifeless body. Half an hour later, Hana wakes up.

SYSTEM: You have made a vampire. An X-Rank soldier is now your vampire. Provide her blood in 1 hour. If the soldier doesn't get blood, the soldier dies permanently.

HANA: What happened to me?

ARON: What? You can talk?

HANA: I'm thirsty. I want water. Do you have water?

Aron understands her true need and brings a man, cutting his neck.

ARON: Hana, I know what you want. Just drink his blood.

HANA: No, I won't do it.

Despite her resistance, Hana starts feeling even thirstier. With no other option, she reluctantly begins drinking the blood of the man. Suddenly, Anuruj and Aminem attack Aron.

to be continued...