
Fenikkusu Sureiyā

Promising his late grandfather that he was going to be one of the 5 heavenly Generals like he once was. 9 years have passed since then, Cory decided to build a team of slayers (samurai) so he travels the continents searching for people who are qualified. Starting with his brother but instead of finding his brother, he finds out the unbelievable truth about the slayer system the more he finds out the worst it gets so he decided to stop the corrupted system that’s led under the elders. A dark fantasy world with glorious fights, dark secrets, mysteries, demons, love and not to mention a world where dreams can come true with hard work, but don’t be fooled because dreams can also die. join my discord I will be posting pics of characters and we can have discussion on any one of my books https://discord.gg/zDJ34NWW

Parago_n · Fantasía
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84 Chs

P.S= #45: Kyona Island once The Island Of Experiments Part 3

[Kyona 7 years ago]

TEP! TEP! TEP! A tall blind young man with blonde hair wearing a black kimono and A young woman with sliver blue hair and sky blue eyes wearing a black jacket with a white shirt with a red tie with a black skirt with a black high length boots with heels.

"Why did I agree to work with you." [Nathaniel Natsu (World Strongest Slayer)]

"Relax Blind boy if I didn't need your help would you thought I would ask you for help I am the Strongest Elder after all the elder that is blessed by the universe." [Celeste Silva (12th Elder)]

"Hmm enough of that." Said Nathaniel.


"Stop calling yourself the strongest when your not."

"How dare you." Said Celeste.

"Can we get started." Nathaniel replies.

Out of nowhere a bunch of man surrounds them. "Huh an Elder and a Heavenly general working together but how."

"What do mean by that we are best of friends right Nathaniel." Said Celeste

"Not even i believe that we came here to destroy this place." Said Nathaniel.

"Where is Goujirou and Teddy king?" Asked Celeste

"What are you waiting for kill them now."

Nathaniel draws his half sword and slash them in their chest.

"Don't kill them they are still humans." Said Celeste.

Nathaniel turns and looks at Celeste "They kill people and kidnap children and experimented on them they are lucky Im only offering them death. Don't tell me you think they should live."

"I guess your right." Said Celeste.

Someone sneaks up behind Celeste and punches at her but Nathaniel use his sand to block his punch Celeste turns around and coats her hand in Haku and punches him WHAM!! as soon as her fist came in contact with him her blow up.

Oh I forgot maybe I should use Haku on them. She thinks to herself.

[Inside the lab]

"We got Intruders and it's Celeste and Nathaniel."

"But why are they working together."

"It's a good thing that the boss and the doctor isn't here Where are they exactly."

"They are in Gohar Paradise City."

"We need to evacuate the test subject now."

"What about the works they can die."

"We should release the failed experiments."


"Really no fight we just get these guys." Said Nathaniel.

TEP! TEP! TEP! A tall black ayakashi with red horns and short white one he's tall but not as tall as the tall one he has blue horns. They walked out of the lab. "Don't worry we are here to kill you." Said the tall one.

Celeste appears behind the short one, "So your the experiments huh but I thought they only use kids."

When did she. He thinks to himself

He turns around but Celeste appears Infront of him where did she go. He thought to himself.

"Over here." Said Celeste.

"So it's just only two of you too bad Nathaniel you take the tall one and I will take the short one." Said Nathaniel.

"I am taller than you damn it."

"And yet still your short." Said Celeste.

The short ayakashi punches Celeste into the air and jumps up above her TMP! he coats him self in Haku he punches Celeste into the ground he lands on the ground that's for calling me short.

Celeste gets up and brushes off her clothes "That was uncalled for."Celeste said, rubbing her sore shoulder.

What hell she's still alive not to mention hurt. The Ayakashi thinks to himself.

"You didn't have to punch me just because I said you were short huh? look you even tear my clothes aw and I loved this one. It seems you can use Haku finally someone I can fight." Said Celeste.

Celeste grins and cracks her knuckles, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. "Alright, then let's see what you've got!" Celeste dashes towards him and punches him which sends him flying through the lab.

"Get up I barely punch you." Said Celeste.