

𝔱𝔯í𝔞 - 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫


Kleio had planned to go to the celebration before meeting Eros, but now that she had met him, she just wanted to go even more and see him, even if it were just one last time. After all, she was the queen of Sirens, and he was the primordial of love, how would their lives ever intertwine?

And so, when she got back to the Trench, she was met by expectant looks. One of her close friends Marina approached her, "How is the poor boy?"

"Poor boy." Kleio laughed, "He was not captured, he allowed himself to be taken, in order to punish those pirate scoundrels. Quite clever if I do say so myself." And with that, she waved her hand at the other Sirens milling around. "Dismissed."

They went back to their jobs and duties while Kleio swam back towards her castle, Marina following behind her. "Kleio, if I did not know better, I would say you were quite smitten with this boy."

"Well you do not know better in this case." Kleio sighed. "I am, and he seems to like my company, but who knows how long it will last. We have such different lives."

"What could he possibly do or be that would keep him from being away from you? Could you not Siren sing him?"

"I would not even if I could. Marina, he is Eros. He cannot he affected by my song; it seems the only beings who cannot be affected by Sirens are primordials."

"Eros?" Marina's voice lowered in shock. "Eros? As in the primordial of love and attraction? That was who that was? Oh Zeus. Kleio, you are one lucky Siren."

"Let us not get ahead of ourselves, Marina. I met him only once, and perhaps one more time before we probably never see each other ever again because he is a primordial and I am the queen of Sirens." They had arrived at the door of the castle. "Well, thank you for lending an ear, Marina. It is much appreciated. I will be seeing you later, perhaps tomorrow you can help me get ready for the birth celebration?"

"It would be my pleasure and my honour, my Queen." Marina bowed her head in respect before giving her teal tail a swift swish and swimming away.


The next day came the celebration. But that was not until later on in the afternoon, and it would probably continue on till late in the night considering Zeus would be involved.

Kleio began her day by getting various little treatments to make her look even more beautiful, most of them simply enhancing her already present beauty and accentuating it. She of course had to get it all done above ground, in her ground palace, which was on a little island near the Trench.

She had her nails painted a deep red. Red was Kleio's favourite colour, and it just so happened to be the colour that looked the best on her. Her makeup was done as dramatically as always, with heavily smoked eyes, and dark red lipstick. Her skin was already flawless and her high cheekbones clearly accentuated.

When the time got closer for Kleio to head off, she slipped into her dress, which was a red velvet one, who's top clung to her chest like a second skin, showing off an ample amount of cleavage, but not too much. A pair of platform heels adorned her feet, encrusted with diamonds and delicate little rubies.

Just as she finished putting on her jewellery, which consisted of simple silver chandelier earrings, a silver necklace and a diamond cuff, there was a massive wave outside her palace. Her lips curled up into a smirk when she realised what, or rather who, it was.

She lifted her dress and walked outside to see a brilliant blue chariot being pulled by horses made from sea foam stood on the shore. It was commanded by a man with tanned skin, a golden trident and a golden crown engraved with blue swirls atop his head. By his side stood a beautiful woman with long curled black hair, and tanned skin. There was an elegant silver tiara atop her head.

Kleio smiled, and walked towards them, and when she was stood close enough, she leaned in and her and the other woman air-kissed each other's cheeks. "It is so good to see you Kleio." The woman smiled at Kleio.

"Likewise, Amphirite."

"What am I? Rotten seaweed?" The man joked, causing Kleio to turn towards him with a teasing smile on her lips, and a raised eyebrow.

"Indeed you are, my dear friend." She shook her head, amused, before leaning in to hug him. "It is wonderful to see you Poseidon. How has everything been?"

Yes, those two people were Amphirite and Poseidon. Amphirite was a beautiful sea nymph that Poseidon was entranced by, and he married her. Poseidon himself was the god of the sea, and ruler of all of it, except the Trench, as that was the home of the Sirens.

"Wonderful to see you too, Kleio. Everything has been wonderful, the ocean is as pleasant as ever, just as I am sure you know. I heard there was a little spat with you and some mermaids the yesterday?" Poseidon helped Kleio get on the chariot, and once she was settled, he commanded the horses to start their journey up to Mount. Olympus, the millennia-old home of the Olympians.

"It was not a spat, more me killing one of them for trespassing into the Trench. And then scolding the others for coming near my home. They know the rules, and they should not have disobeyed them." Kleio shrugged from where she was sat beside Amphirite.

"Well said. Anyone you might be looking forward to seeing today?" Poseidon raised his eyebrows; a questioning look on his face.

"Actually, yes."

"Oh, do tell." Came the sea nymph's response as she laid her hand on Kleio's arm.

"I went on a little hunting trip yesterday, and there was someone there, captured by the men we were there to kill, or we thought he was captured. It turns out he was merely fooling them, and us. He was only captured so he could kill them, and when we did the job for him, he revealed himself as Eros."

"You spoke to Eros? And he spoke back? Nicely?" Poseidon sent her an incredulous look.

"Is he not normally that way?" When Poseidon shook his head in response. "Ever stop to think he only treated you how he had been treated?"

"That is fair. I have only ever seen him be rude to Zeus, Ares, and occasionally Hera. He gets along quite well with the others. I just assumed he was uneasy around new people, or those that seem to have more power than he does."

"That is bloody ridiculous. Eros is a primordial, why would he be worried about whether Zeus had more power than he does. Anyways, yes, I spoke to Eros, and he spoke back. And I think he might like me. He seemed interested."

"I am not surprised, Queen of Sirens. Have you seen yourself? You are basically a goddess." Amphirite smiled at her friend.

"Thank you, Amphirite. But your beauty as well, knows no bounds. Anyone you are looking forward to seeing?"

"Oh, I would quite like to see Persephone."

"Yes, I miss her. Hades as well. He is very good company, regardless of what everyone says about the poor man. It is his birthday today, and I will not hesitate to Siren sing whoever bad mouths my friend to throw themselves off the mountain, and that includes Zeus." When she said that, thunder boomed above her. "Oh, come on, Zeus! You know you would not die!" She called up.

"Stop provoking him, Kleio. You know how grumpy he is about Hades." Amphirite scolded Kleio, just as a mother would scold her child.

"Yes, just because Hades is a better person than him, and by some miracle, does not cheat on his wife." Kleio muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes. And just as she said that, a bolt of lightning came down right beside where she was.

"Kleio, with all due respect, please watch your mouth before my brother strikes us out of the sky." Poseidon said, exasperated.

"Fine." Then, the corners of her lips lifted up, and she continued on. "He is going to get what is coming for him when I am up there. I am quite sure Hera will not mind."

"Do with him what you will, dear friend, but save it for when we are in Olympus, and away from you." Amphirite patted Kleio's arm with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

"You are very amusing, Amphirite. Thank you so much for your support." Came Kleio's sarcastic reply, accompanied with a matching smile, but she did keep quiet for the rest of the ride, only commenting on sights she saw.

Soon enough however, the chariot began slowing down, and the hooves of the sea-foam horses touched down on the white, marbled floors of the front of the main palace. Poseidon got off, then held out his hand for Amphirite, and once he helped her out, he turned around to help Kleio, only to find she was already off, and brushing the top of her dress.

"Thank you, Poseidon, but I can help myself out." Kleio shot him a sarcastic smile, and he responded by nodding, eyebrows raised. Kleio walked forward so she was in front of the couple, turned around, smiled and said "Well, thank you for the ride, but I will see you later." And then she waved her perfectly manicured fingers and walked off into the throng of people stood inside the castle.

The first person she ran into was Dionysus, and his face brightened as soon as he saw her. "Kleio!" He grinned, opening his arms wide. She smiled back and walked right into them, hugging him.

"Hello Dion, how is Ariadne?" She pulled away. Ariadne was Dionysus' wife.

At the mention of his wife, the god of wine smiled even wider. "She is fine, thank you. She decided to stay home for this one."

"Give her my greetings. It was nice talking to you, but I am a woman on a mission tonight."

"Would that mission be, perhaps, setting Zeus in his place? I saw how annoyed he was earlier, and I can only assume that was your work?"

"You assume correctly on both terms. Goodbye Dionysus, I shall see you later." She waved, before walking deeper into the crowd. The next person she spotted was Hera, and she headed right for her. "Hera!" She called, and the goddess turned around, a smile appearing on her face as soon as she saw the Siren.

"Kleio! I am so glad you could make it."

"Likewise. I have a favour to ask. Do you mind if I siren sing Zeus to do something? He seemed very annoyed at me earlier, and I did not like that. I would appreciate any suggestions." The Siren explained, her hands intertwined at the front of her dress.

Hera smirked and her eyes lit up. "Oh, what a wonderful idea, Kleio. Yes, I give you permission, and I think you should make him do a ridiculous dance and embarrass himself."

"My, my, you are quite the evil genius, Hera." Kleio raised her brows and smirked. Hera simply smirked back, and bowed her head, accepting the compliment, then she waved and headed off to talk to someone else.

Kleio turned her gaze to where Zeus was stood, and to her surprise, he was with Eros, and they appeared to be having quite the heated argument. She lifted her dress slightly and sauntered over there. Once she was close, she spoke whilst walking. "Hello, Zeus."

Both Zeus and Eros looked over, their eyes widening in awe of how beautiful she looked. Zeus had a massive smirk on his face, whilst a beautiful smile graced Eros' face. "Greeting, Kleio. How lovely to see you. You look ravishing."

Kleio stopped in front of him. "Thank you, but might I remind you that you have a wife. And speaking of your wife, she has given me permission to siren sing you into doing something will make you look like an absolute dolt."

At that statement, Zeus's eyes widened, not from awe this time, but from shock, and the smirk disappeared off of his face, and was replaced by a look of fear. Eros stood watching the exchange, the smile on his face never wavering. Kleio opened her mouth and let a song come out, directed wholly at Zeus.

But because he was a God, she had to make it very powerful, and as a result of this, a few people surrounding her looked dazed. Zeus, however, began dancing like an idiot, a dazed look on his face. People surrounded them, all of them laughing at their 'King'.

Kleio could not hold it for very long, and so she shut her mouth, stumbled slightly, before righting herself, and fixing her crown. She turned towards the crowd. "I suggest you all scamper before he gets knocked out of this stupor and blasts you all into smithereens."

Everyone bolted, going back to their conversations, and casting occasional looks at Zeus, who was crouched on the ground, hands cradling his head and trying to right himself. Eros placed a hand on Kleio's arm, and she looked over at him.

"Brilliant job, but you might want to think about getting away before he comes for you."

"Oh, Eros. How you underestimate me, do not worry your head over it, he cannot hurt me, I am under Hera's protection, as she has vowed thousands of years ago, to protect me from her husband's rage, and desire."

"I see. But please, for my sake, let me take you somewhere safe?" He gave her a look, and in his eyes, she could see he was pleading her to agree and take his hand.

"Very well." She nodded, reached out and placing her small, slender hand in his larger one, and allowing him to lead her away, and out of the palace.

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