
Coincidence? (2)

Lu Han's POV.

I don't know if it's true or not but I really wish that JieJie is really Li Ming.

"What's the day today?" I asked.. If she really is Li Ming she'll remember it right.

"September 11th" I could hear her worried and confused tone while she was combing my hairs gently.

"Do you remember what's tomorrow?" I asked again releasing her from my embrace.

"You... How do.. You are Li Jie?" She asked me widening her eyes.

Yes, Li Jie was the name given to me by our Mom. but in registration my name was written as Lu Han she might not know my legal name but she won't forget about our mom She would never forget our mom's death anniversary right?


Song Hye Kyo's POV


Coincidence?.. How could such Coincidence happened. I nearly reached for Lu Han's collar to look for oue twin birth mark. Just to realize that it's not Lu Han's body.

After retrieving my memories. The brother I looked for painstakingly is in front of me.. Oh wait it doesn't sound right.. Now my brother become a sister....

But I could not believe I've been watching his movies this whole time.. But.. I never thought that he would be the brother I looking for all these years. How many years it has been since I've been looking for him?

It seems it's already been three years.. When I was 9 I knew that I don't have my past memories like others. It was than I started searching about my memory. It was also that Year I got to know that I was adopted child of Song Family.

They treated me well and gave me everything they could. But I started to distancing myself from them.

I know it sounds a bit weird how could a nine year old could understand such things? But I could not help but isolate myself as much as I could.

Actually, I'm really thankful for them. They always think of me as their family. I guess, It was only me who thought I wasn't part of their family. But as time passed I tried to make myself independent and strong.

Although I'm not too strong but I am strong enough to keep myself safe. I won't become a burden for anyone else.

After 16 I started remember bit by bit. It wasn't until I was 20 years old when I met Kim Ji Min at hospital.

She was on the verg to die. I don't how such coincidence could happened. She gave me an old box and told me to give it to her sister Kim Ji Wan . She even gave me their old address.

I went to the old adress to look for Kim Ji Wan but that House was already occupied by someone else.

I kept the box with me...one day I suddenly saw my childhood picture in that box.. I still could not remember everything.

I went to therapist to regain my memories. The therapist said it was actually a trauma.

Seems like some incidence from my middle school triggered my memories and I started remember few things.

My dreams also played a main role in regaining my memories. I won't go deep down but it was still wasn't enough.

After recovering my memories I first searched for Kim Ji Wan and then Li Jie. It wasn't hard to find Kim Ji Wan but even after 2 years of searching I could not find Li Jie at all. Of course we were a country apart.

But was God really too gracious to me? First He let me meet Song family, then He reunited us twin siblings?

Pulling myself out from those thoughts I saw the lady in front of me with tear on her face.


Lu Han's POV

" Young lady, You shouldn't cry like that" she rubbed my hair with a smile.

"I'm not a lady!" I retorted.

"But, I want a sweet little sister instead of handsome looking brother." she pouted saying this.

How could she like Kim Ji Wan more than me?

"Jie, I become an actor as I've promised you." I said with my brightest smile.

I've always seen my twin sister in her but it turns out she really is my twin sister. But I was somehow relived too I wasn't someone without family anymore.

There are so many things I need to tell her but right now I was just thanking God. I wasn't dead yet.

If not for this body swapping, I might not meet her.

" umm.. This isn't right.. Shouldn't we crying in this moment after reuniting?" She said smilingly which gave me dija Vu. It was similar to words she said at the time we got separated.

But suddenly I remembered a serious matter.

"Jie, now you definitely can't marry that scum bag." There's no way I'll let her life get ruined.

"Don't worry I know what I'm doing." She said

Umm.. Was it emotional?

tuzicreators' thoughts
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