

Mount. Qingcheng, the most secluded area covered by thick forests with spirit beasts guarding it. If one climbs to the top and listens carefully he could hear the voices of the immortals. That is where the WangShi jaizu kingdom resides, their Emperor, Wang Jun can be seen sitting on his throne, the mahogany wood carved into a detailed resemblance to fire, the walls painted in sky blue paint to resemble the water. The ceilings decorated with the Xiangyun, the mystic cloud used to resemble air. The floors covered in dark wood to represent the forest life.

WangShi jaizu is well known for the mastery of all the elements, their people could channel the elements with much ease than the other kingdoms. The people were divided by their mastery of each element.

The master of water, Madam Li Na and her husband Li Jie were King Wang Jun's second in command, they were known for their harsh discipline and strict rules. Madam Li Na, also referred to Madam sour face by her disciples, was more strict when it came to her son, Li Xiwang. Even though little Li Xiwang was just a toddler, he had already mastered the hardest water channelling spell, the water whip strike. The spell is a self defence tool used when one is under attack.

Li Xiwang was predicted to be the future king of Qingcheng by a fortune teller and that angered a lot of people, one of them being the master of fire, Master Zhang Yong. He is the king's general and he wanted his son, Zhang Wei to be the heir to the throne and that caused a feud between the Zhang and Li families.

While the Li and Zhang families debated over who will take over the throne, King Wang Jun's wife, Empress Wang Jing gave birth to their first child, Prince Wang Zunyan months later. With this new development, Zhang Yong demanded to leave the Qingcheng mountain to form his own sect, seeing this as a chance to leave as well, Madam Li Na also requested to leave.

King Wang Jun was reluctant on letting them go but as days went by, his people started to complain that the feud between the Li and the Zhang families could possibly end in a war and he couldn't have that happen so, he accepted.

The Zhang people left and formed their own sect at the Lu Mountain. However when they arrived there, they found many magical beasts, their Neidan was stronger than theirs, Zhang Yong was forced to live with them, the beasts caused no harm to the people and that made things more easier. As time passed, his people built him a palace and named it the Zhengyi Palace. Months later, Zhang Yong named the mountain as his sect, the Zhang Shi sect. The sect that mastered fire.

Madam Li Na and her people also left Qingcheng, they found themselves land in Shangqing. The people built their leader a Pavilion and named it Xiangyun Pavilion. In Shangqing, a lake was then found deep in the forest and Madam Li Na named it Yuecheng Lake. Her husband was proud and happy to be free from the endless fued with the Zhang people. Madam Li Na named her sect Li Shizu sect. The sect that mastered water.

Back in Qingcheng, king Wang Jun and his wife Queen Wang Jing were at peace again, their son flourished and was in line for the throne. However on the hundredth day since their son's birth, a rogue cultivator appeared before them, his eyes were clouded over and his skin pale. His sword was lathered with the dried up blood of the demons he had killed. His once white robe was dirty and had blood smeared on the sleeves, if one were to come near him, the vinegary armpit smell could burn their nose hairs off. He was that dirty, clearly a bad impression on the royals.

"What do you want?" Wang Jun asked him.

The cultivator only cackled making everyone in the palace nervous.

"I have a fortune for the Prince, if you don't want to hear it, so be it your highness" the rogue cultivator said in response. With curiosity about her son's future, Empress Wang Jing spoke up.

"Let's hear it then"

The cultivator cackled again, this time showing his yellowing teeth, he stood up and bowed before them.

"In the next years, your Prince will portray unnatural behaviour, he will bring someone here to be his....partner, you will not accept that person because you know what will happen in the future if you did accept them, your son will then run off with that person...or not, you will also die in the process and that will be the end of the WangShi Jaizu sect." He said. The people gasped, who was this person and how did he have the nerve to say that to the king, master of all elements.

Wang Jun clenched his hand into fists, the words he had just heard were utterly ridiculous. His lips formed a mocking smirk, the only expression he could show ever since he had ascended the throne.

"You think you can come into my home and spew such nonsense? I will have your tongue chopped off for telling lies before the royal family" he said. The curtains swayed with a slight cold breeze, it was a threat he meant to keep.

The cultivator cackled once more, a dark grey fog formed in the middle of the ceiling and took him away, his echoed voice left behind taunting the royals.

"Fated love.....cannot be broken ...fated love......cannot be broken.... hahahaha...."

Queen Wang Jing turned to her husband, worry written all over her porcelain skin face.

"What should we do? If....if he was telling the truth then what?" She asked only making Wang Jun more angry.

"You should not believe such trivial things, humph!" He said and walked off, with a harsh flick of his robe sleeve, the wind slammed the doors behind him shut startling the Queen.

She looked at the small baby in her arms.

"But what if he was telling the truth...."

In Zhang Shi sect, Zhang Yong and his wife Zhang Min watched their 3 year old son, Zhang Wei play around the Palace, the people of Zhang Shi sect awed and cooed at the little boy as he waddled around.

"Your son is quite energetic, a good sign for a future sect leader" Zhang Min said in pride. Zhang Yong smiled.

"Of course he does, an energetic person makes a good leader and a great child baring man, I can picture it now" he said chuckling at the end. Zhang Min could only shake her head laughing. Her face turned serious after a minute.

"My husband, did you hear about what happened at WangShi jaizu sect this morning?" She started. Her husband sighed and placed the bottle of Liquor he was chugging on the table.

"What happened? Did they get killed?"

"No not that....apparently a rogue cultivator came before them and told them their son's fortune"

Zhang Yong chuckled, who still believed in fortunes? It's clear that most of them are just trying to trick you to pay them.

"And what did the 'fortune' say?" He asks. Zhang Min placed a withered flower on the table.

"The Prince will bring an end to the WangShi jaizu sect" she finished.

It was silent for a moment until Zhang Yong cracked up in laughter, his eyes welled up with tears from laughing.

"You can clearly tell it's a lie, WangShi jaizu is still the prominent sect out of all sects, if they crumble then what about us?"

Zhang Min sighed, her husband did make a good point.

"I get your point, we should probably stay out of their business and focus on our sect, it's time we proved that we are not to be messed with" she said, Zhang Yong nodded in agreement.

Just then little Zhang Wei came back with a small animal in his hands, the white fur making Zhang Yong nervous.

"It's a magical beast...how did he get the cub without it's mother hurting him?" He asks in shock. Zhang Min smiled.

"Because the beast chose him not the other way around"

Madam Li Na was at Yuecheng lake, her hands tucked in her sleeves as she watched her disciples practice their water channelling spells. The slight breeze making the young men and women shiver. She smirked.

"Let's go over the Li Shizu sect rules, Li Qiang, you go first"

Li Qiang, boy from a common family, he aims to be a cultivator to build up his family's reputation.

"Meditation three times a day, do not patronize others, do not....do not Feel jealous of your peers" he closed his eyes when he realized he got the last one wrong, his fate was sealed, he was about to be punished.

Madam Li Na smirked, her hand slowly raised to the air and so did the water in the lake making the disciples gasp. She was about to strike when someone tugged on her robe.

"Mother, what are you doing?" It was little Li Xiwang, his soft voice alone making her hardened heart soft again. She relaxed and picked up the small child, the water in the lake splashed down the disciples.

"Let's get you out of here before you get hurt" she said heading towards Xiangyun Pavilion. Li Qiang watched the two walk away, his eyes however fixed on the small boy, something about him was drawing him towards the small boy making him feel confused.

Time passed and the three sects still remained prominent, Zhang Shi sect rose to be a powerful sect thanks to their spiritual beasts, the beasts chose their masters to be with them and live in harmony with them, they would accompany them to night hunts, it was a companionship that benefited both the beasts and the people of Zhang Shi sect.

Li Shizu sect also rose to power, their water channelling spells and hard to learn swordsmanship led them to be the most feared sect right behind WangShi jaizu sect.

The royals still retain power and authority and still rise to higher ranks in power and cultivation.

16 years later, things were about to take an interesting turn. Li Xiwang is now a young adult, his face still retained his toddler like features, his soft rosy cheeks making the girls swoon over him, his ankle length brown hair making him look elegant, his robe style also made him stand out, the Li Shizu sect people wore sky blue or dark blue robes yet he wore soft pink and red robes. His voice made everyone shiver and get goose bumps, it sounded like his throat was coaxed by honey. His cat like eyes making his glare both fearful and arousing, his lips were plump and a natural soft pink, no one had seen them dry or cracked. His cherry blossom scent alone could make the most expensive perfume smell like bath water. The most interesting thing about him though was he never carried a sword, he carried a hand fan made from the rarest metal, the fan was also decorated in a bright red cloth painted with black cherry tree braches.

Zhang Wei also grew up, his eyes were a bright hazelnut and his hair a short and dark ponytail, his lips were always in a smile, his laughter was known by everyone in the sect and he held no grudges. his robe style was simple, dark green and light green colours suited him the most, his raspy voice made every female in the sect blush, his spirit beast, a white tiger with eyes like his was always by his side. His scent was like roasted peanuts, he smelled delicious. His sword was known as the destroyer, the cold blade was not like any other sword, it was designed to kill, the edges were jagged on both sides, the white jade sheath made it look more extraordinary.

Wang Zunyan had grown up to be the crowned Prince, his elegant presence demanded authority when it didn't want to, his striking brown eyes held emotions no one knew, his face was always serious, no one had seen him smile or hear him laugh. his hair was shoulder length and soft, it always swayed with the wind in elegance, his robes were dramatic and long, his favourite is the black robe with a long train, a gold belt to tie it around his waist and his gold dragon head shaped headpiece, his sword was sheathed into a golden sheath, it's blade made of pure gold aligned with silver on the edges, the sword handle made of black lather, it was a sword worthy to be the Prince's sword.

The three young men had not met and that was about to change, WangShi jaizu sect had sent an invitation for their Prince's birthday banquet, Madam Li Na saw this as a chance to show off her son, the future leader of her sect. Zhang Yong also saw this as a chance to show off how powerful his son was, he wanted to show them that his sect was in good hands.

Wang Jung looked around his palace, from the soft golden cloths hanging on the walls to the bright red roses which were standing on their vases making the palace look elegant made him smile.

"Let the games begin"

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