
Fate/The Prince And The Assassin

The Crown Prince. A title meant to be for Hiro, but was stripped from him by the Prime Minister of the country of his Father and Mother. Hiro valued the title, but never over valued it. So when he was stripped of the title he didn't try to take it back, but when the crown was given to his younger brother, Hiro finally understood why. He understood that the Empire was corrupt, yet he did nothing. He watched it turn to what it was now. He watched the Empire of his Father and Mother turn corrupt without batting an eye. He watched it with an uninterested look. Learning of the Rebel Army and it's assassin group, Night Raid, he joins them not to save people or free the Empire from corruption. He joined them looking for a purpose. The spark that had died all those years ago.

KingGilHaku · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

2•Night Raid


Somewhere at the northern part of the Capital, probably about ten thousand kilometers or so away from the Capital, at one side of a mountain merged to it was a large reinforced building, which is currently the main base of the group Night Raid.

It had been four days and nights since Akame and the others brought back the blonde Hiro and the brown-haired Tatsumi to their base. The raven-haired girl had been quite worried for Hiro, seeing as he still haven't woken up.

Inside the base, at one of the bedrooms was Hiro, fast asleep, the blonde was had nothing covering his upper body while his lower still had his golden armor he wore when he faced against the Akame of Night Raid.

The door of the bedroom soon opened revealing the said assassin of Night Raid, carrying a tray with a few sandwiches and a glass of water in it. Akame turned back closing the door, then turned back looking at the blonde hoping for him to wake up. The raven-haired girl walked towards the side of the blondes bed as she laid the tray of food on the table and took a seat next to the slumbering Hiro, the raven-haired assassin of Night Raid had been repeatedly coming to this room hoping to see that the blonde had woken up from his long slumber, she had also taken off the top armour of the blonde leaving only his lower body covered a few nights ago.

During the four days and nights of Hiro sleeping, the raven-haired girl had been trying to remember who the blonde was, then it hit her when she looked at him closely examining his features and remembering his fighting style. The two had crossed blades for the first time a year before Akame's defection of the Imperial Capital. He and Akame crossed blades before and getting the same result four days ago, they fought in stalemate with each other. As Akame continued to remember memories of her meeting with Hiro, the monotone assassin of Night Raid gained a blush remembering what the prideful blonde had done when they parted ways.

Hearing a light groan, Akame shook the blush of her face and returned back to her expressionless self as she watched the blonde stir awake. The bloody-eyed teen sat up, lazily looking around the room as he rubbed his eyes.

Hiro: "Ugh... I feel refreshed... How long was I out?" 'God damnit. The lack of rest has finally gotten to me, I'm surprised I haven't died of overwork over the years.'

The blondes gaze landed beside him then focused on Akame, who sat beside his bed, it took a few seconds for he blondes eyes to adjust to the light before his faced showed his iconic smirk.

Hiro: (smirking) "Oh? Have you been the one taking care of me...? Have you finally remembered who I am?"

Akame: (nods casually) "Yes and yes I do remember you now. You are Hiro, the First Prince of the Imperial Capital."

Hiro: "Hmph, I was expecting a different answer but that should suffice... For now. So, where am I? I was knocked out by a man in a full body armour just as we were about to finish our fight."

Akame: "You're in our base, follow me the boss wants to talk to you about an offer."

Hiro: "Alright, do you have a shirt that can fit me? I can't be going around your base half naked can I?"

Akame: "Nope and and your fine going around like that. Follow me."

Hearing the casual answer of Akame, Hiro shrugged not even thinking of getting a shirt as the two of them exited the room, they exited the base heading towards the forest.

Later, Dusk...

Currently, both Akame and Hiro were sitting by a campfire, which was at the embarkment by the river. Akame was casually eating a of an evil bird, same with Hiro who also had a glass of wine in his other hand.

Sitting in front of them on another log, was a silver-haired woman with an eye patch, one of her arm was a mechanical green arm, her purple eyes cautiously observing Hiro, who again was laid back.

Najenda: "To think I'd meet the famous 'Golden Knight of the Empire', huh?"

Hiro: "First of all, I'm no Knight, I know not of chivalry, it would better suffice calling me a Golden Archer... Then again, my bow does turn into two swords. Anyway, I was told you have a proposition to me."

Najenda: "I was hoping you could help us in our endeavor against the Imperial Capital."

Hiro: "The Capital is filled with corrupted and unjust mongrels but, do you even know if I was part of them to begin with? Do you even know who I am?"

Najenda: "Of course, you are Hiro, the Golden Knight of the Empire."

Hearing this Hiro began to chuckle calmly as it began to turn into hysterical laughter, hearing as the leader of Night Raid, doesn't even know who he truly was, but that was expected as his existence itself was hidden to the public. But the blonde had expectations of them having information of who he was, but... That expectation couldn't be met.

Najenda: "Why are you laughing?"

Hiro: (calms down from laughing) "Hah... You, you would make a fine jester. For your question on why I'm laughing is because Y-"

Hearing the blonde mock her, the leader of Night Raid, got her annoyed at the fact that Hiro called her a jester but, still listened to his answer. But before the blonde could answer, Akame finished his sentence for him.

Akame: "You had no proper informotion of him, you only heard of what he had done around the empire." (points at Hiro using the cooked thigh of the evil bird) "Formerly The Crown Prince of the Empire, Hiro, the older brother of the Empire's current Emperor"

Hiro: "Heh, your own employees know more than you do."

Hearing this Najenda was surprised, at the fact that she a former General of the Empire, didn't recognize Hiro. Well it was expected as Najenda never knew of Hiro's existence as the First Prince, the silver-haired woman stood up, causing the blonde to raise an eye brow curiously, as she kneeled in one knee in front of Hiro who was frowning.

Hiro: "What are you kneeling for?"

Najenda: "To show respect"

Hiro: (Scoffs) "The leader of Night Raid kneeling to an Imperial Royalty? How. Utterly. Boring. Stand up mongrel, I need not you to kneel to me. You are part of the Rebel Army, to kneel to a Imperial Royalty is utterly stupid and..." (Turns to Akame) "Ever since earlier this morning I've been wanting to know how you know of my existence as the First Prince, I know we've already met but you seem not remember such meeting, so tell me how do you know about such information that was kept a secret. Don't tell me I was a target of assassination of Gozuki's little team?"

Akame: "Yes, you were a target of the old assassination team, Elite Seven. They gave us the information of you containing a photo, but the assassination was postponed as you're location was unknown."

Hiro: 'Ah, yes... That should be the group, I always saw Akame with back then when we would meet by chance.' "Hmm, how sad, I was actually hoping to be able to fight that team of assassins."

The raven-haired girl looked down sadly, remembering the fond memories she had when she was part of the Elite Seven. The blonde looked at Akame then sighs as he turns back to face the leader of Night Raid.

Hiro: "I'll put this simply, I don't care for the Empire as of late, but this seems rather interesting so I'll join. But do take note, I will only do jobs that I will find entertaining enough." 'And maybe... just maybe I'll find what I've been looking for, for years on end.'

Najenda: "Very well, Hiro, welcome to Night Raid."

With a nod and hum, Hiro acknowledge being part of Night Raid, not for destroying the Empire, nor for the money, but cause it seemed interesting to him and to find the spark that had died all those years ago.

???: "There, that there is Akame, cute right?"

Both Akame and Hiro turned their heads around slightly. Walking towards them is the blonde buxom woman, Leone, and the brown-haired teen, Tatsumi. His mouth agape at the sight of both the red-eyed teens, holding drumsticks in hand.

Tatsumi: 'Which part of her is cute?!' "Is that an evil bird she's eating? She killed it all by herself!?"

Hiro: "Oh. Do pray tell how you figured that out Sherlock?"

Hearing the blonde mock him, Tatsumi gritted his teeth in annoyance and anger, but kept it to himself knowing he won't win against Hiro.

Leone: "Akame's a feral child"

Akame: "Eat some too, Leone"

Leone: "Oh! Thanks!"

Akame's previous demeanor vanished in an instant, her having an hungry look as she tossed a drumstick towards Leone. Still holding her own, she stares at Tatsumi, who looks nervous just from her stare.

Akame: "Have you... Joined our team?"

Tatsumi: "No..."

Akame: "Then there's no reason for me to give you this meat yet."

Tatsumi: 'I don't need it nor want it!'

Leone: "Too bad, Tatsumi." (turns to Akame) "Aren't you splurging a bit much today?"

Akame: "The boss is back"

Turning to where the raven haired girl was pointing, Leone sees Najenda, waving, and let's out a small 'Yo'.

Leone: "Boss! Welcome back! Did you bring me anything?"

Najenda: "More importantly, Leone, about that job three days ago...?" (metal arm starts creaking) "Is it true the operation went overtime?"

Leone: 'Crap!'

The blonde lioness of Night Raid quickly turns around and tries to run away. But surprisingly Najenda's mechanical arm was also a grappling hook, it fired towards the running Leone as it grabs her by the back of her scarf. She lets out a squeal of terror as Najenda had a grin on her face, as she kept reeling Leone.

Najenda: "It's not good to enjoy fighting strong enemy too much... We need to fix that habit of yours."

Leone: "I know! Juts stop pulling me!"

Najenda lets go of Leone's scarf, completely reeling back her mechanical arm.

Najenda: "Anyway, who's the boy?"

Leone: "Ah!" (Wraps one arm around Tatsumi's shoulder) "Right, boss! I'm nominating this talented guy!"

Tatsumi who was clearly irritated by this.

Tatsumi: "Hey, Get off!"

Najenda: "Does he show promise?"

Leone smiles confidently.

Leone: "Very much so."

The silver-haired leader of Night Raid stared at the brown haired boy, assessing his strength, talent, speed, everything about him. Hiro glanced at Tatsumi one time. He saw the potential he possessed but he didn't really care about his potential, he kept his gaze at Akame who continued to eat, smiling to himself in his thoughts.

Getting up from her chair, Najenda smirked a bit, her trench coat waving with the wind.

Najenda: "Akame, gather everyone to the meeting room. I want to hear every detail... The outcome of your mission, about Hiro and about this boy too."


After a short period of time, Najenda gathered the rest of the Night Raid into the meeting room. With Tatsumi's back facing everyone, while he was facing Najenda. Leaning up to the wall with crossed arms, was Hiro, who was listening to the conversation while having his eyes closed.

Najenda: "I see. I've your current situation. Tatsumi... Do you have any desire to join Night Raid?"

Tatsumi: "If I refuse, I'm dead right?"

Najenda: "No, it's not like that... Buy we can't very well let you go home. We'll put you to work as a staff members of the base. Either way, you won't die even if you refuse. Now that we've cleared that up... What do you say?"

Looking down, Tatsumi remembered the only thing he can to the capital for...

Tatsumi: "I had planned on being successful in the capital... To help save my village from poverty... But the capital is just as bad!"

Bulat: "The rot in the center is why the countryside's so poor. Don't you want to rip out the rot from it's source? Like a man!"

Najenda: "Bulat used to be a skilled Imperial soldier, but when he learned about the Capital's corruption, he joined us."

Bulat: "Our job is to dispose of the Capital's bad guys. It's easier to do when your not in the midst of the corruption."

Tatsumi: "But... But killing the bad guys little by little... Isn't going to change the world in any big way, is it? It sure hell won't save towns like mine in the more remote region."

Najenda: "I see, the that makes Night Raid all the more perfect for you."

Tatsumi: "And why is that?"

Najenda: "Far south of the Capital is the headquarters of a Revolutionary Army that stands in opposition to the empire.

This shocked Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: "A Revolutionary Army?!"

Najenda: "What started as a small movement has grown into a large scale organization. They've inevitably had to create a branch for gathering information, assassination, and other unmentionable jobs. That's us. Night Raid. Right now we're exterminating the ticks in the Empire, but... Once the army goes into action, we'll join the tumult and crush the corrupt Minister... With this very hand!"

Tatsumi: "Crush... The Minister...?"

Najenda: "That's our main objective. There are others, but, we're leaving those aside for now. I can't say much to the specifics of when the uprising will happen, but we have a winning plan. When that time comes... This country will surely change."

Hearing this, Hiro, already figured out their plan, just but looking at the members of Night Raid.

Hiro: 'Heh, so their plan is to use Akame against Esdeath. Of course they would, she's the only one who can take her on at the moment, and the only who can actually kill her. Curious, very curious. Maybe joining you guys would prove to be entertaining."

Tatsumi: "Will... This new country... Be kind to its people?"

Najenda: "Of course.

Tatsumi: "I see, wow... So the killing your doing now are only targeting bad guys to take out the trash..." (Smiles brightly/naively) " You're like an organization at the side of justice!"

Hearing Tatsumi's proclaim everyone in the room laughed, except for Akame and Najenda. The brown haired boy looked around then, confused and irritated by the fact they laughed.

Tatsumi: "Wha-What? What's So funny?"

Hiro: "Hah... How naive."

Tatsumi: "What the hell it that's supposed to mean!?"

Hiro: "Oi, kid look at their eyes, their actions, can that still be considered justice? Of course not! What they're doing is murder, something so inhumane. There's never justice in doing that and never will. They went through their own personal hell to get to this point. Any second now or any day, all of them can be killed in a mission, that is the price for murder, everyone here will face their own retribution any day."

Najenda: "He's correct. Everyone has their own reasons to fight, but they're all prepared for the worse... Does that change your opinion?"

Tatsumi: "We'll receive compensation right?"

Najenda: "If you do a good job, you can probably save your hometown."

Tatsumi: "Then I'll do it! Let me into Night Raid! With such a huge goal... I'm sure Sayo and Ieyasu would agree to it too!"

Mine: "But you probably won't be able to waltz right back to your village, you know?"

Tatsumi: "That's fine, as long as everyone in the village is happy."

Mine: "Hmm..."

Najenda: "Then it's decided. Welcome to the path of carnage. Tatsumi."

Mine: "Just a moment, boss." (Points to Hiro) "Who the hell is this nudist and why is he here?"

This irritated Hiro.

Hiro: "Oi, brat. Careful of your words... They might just be your last."

Before Mine could refute, Lubbock's Teigu began to react. The string was violently spun, making loud noises."

Lubbock: "Intruders! Miss Najenda!"

Najenda: "How many and where?"

Lubbock: "According to how my barrier is reacting... There should be eight of them! They've already infiltrated the hideout!"

Najenda: "They're good. To be able to snuff us this close..."

Hiro: 'Or they could've just got lost in the forest.'

Najenda light a cigarette and smokes.

Najenda: "Oh well. Emergency dispatch. Don't let anyone back alive. Go!"

The first one to react among the members was Hiro, he already began to ran out of the building through a window, shattering it in the process. Landing on his feet, Hiro ran towards a random direction not sure why. He wasn't sure if this was an ability of Bab-Ilu or not, this had always happened, when lost he would walk towards a direction randomly and somehow find his path once more.

Knowing that his decision will always lead to the correct answer Hiro ran into the forest with his two golden swords in hand. Back at the base, the other's we're shocked on how fast Hiro reacted to the situation and how he quickly took off without warning. Nonetheless, the others took off as well when they got their orders, the only ones left in the meeting room was Tatsumi and Najenda. With the brown- haired boy bewildered.

Tatsumi: "Uh... Ah... Huh?"

Najenda smacks Tatsumi on the head.

Najenda: "What are you standing around for? It's your first battle. Take care of them!"

With that Tatsumi left the base. Leaving Najenda, she waited patiently in her chair, smoking her cigarette. She was looking forward to the performance of the two.


At the riverbank, Akame saw Hiro, he was already making ways work of the three intruders. The three intruders charged towards Hiro, who swung one of the sword at the bandits neck, decapitating him. The other two quickly surrounded him, but he turned his other sword in to a reverse grip and plunged it towards the abdomen of one of the two bandits, Hiro smirked, twisting the sword, making the bandit cry in pain, he then swung upwards, slicing the bandit in half.

The last one fell backwards seeing how easily Hiro made work of the two.

Looking down at the man shacking I fear Infront of him, Hiro smirked and raised his sword near the bandits neck.

Hiro: (Smirking) "Say hi to Satan for me."

Hiro swung the sword decapitating the bandit. His body fell to the ground, the blood of the three bandits created a small pond on where Hiro stood.

Hiro faced the raven haired girl, who was staring at him.

Hiro: "What? Wanted a turn?"

Akame: "No..."

Hiro: "Hmm pity, I'm heading back, the others should make easy work with the remaining bandits... If they live up to their reputation that is."

Raising the two sword, he swung them both to the ground, flicking the blood off the blade, putting the two sword back on his shoulder, the blonde began to walk towards the base casually, with Akame following close behind him, she stared at Hiro as she remembered what had happened the first time they both crossed paths, in their bout, the blonde had no smirk at the beginning of the fight, but as the fight continued Hiro gained a smirk as he began to truly enjoy a fight, however their fight was cut short much to the blondes discontent.

As the two walked back to the base, they both came across Tatsumi. The brown-haired boy downed one of his enemies, who was bleeding out, Tatsumi raised his sword overhead about to deliver the finishing blow.

Bandit: "Let me live! If I die! My village...!"

Tatsumi paused, his eyes widening, his grip of his sword began to falter and the bandit saw this as an opportunity.

Tatsumi: 'He's also doing this for his village? But...'

Bandit: "Haha! You're too soft, boy! You will die for my tribe!"

He was caught off guard by the bandits action. The bandit had attampted to take Tatsumi's life, but and arrow flew towards him, hitting him in the heel, making him fall to the ground kneeling, Akame quickly drew out Murasame and stabbed the bandit from the back. Thanks to the special ability of her Teigu, poison cursed through the body of the bandit, making it's was to the bandits heart and stops it from beating.

The bandit fell limp and Akame takes her katana out from the corpse. She raised the blade up before she swung it to the ground, flicking the blood off the blade. Tatsumi looked at her shocked.

Akame: "Don't hesitate. The final blow has to be swift."

Tatsumi: 'She didn't even... Bat an eyelash..."

Hiro: (Scoffs) "Don't bother with him. If he can't even take a single life, then his not cut out for this type of job. People like him will just die and wilt away like the wind as if they never existed."

Tatsumi: "What's your problem!?"

Hiro: "My problem is that people like you is nothing but a bore. If you can't hurry up and face reality. Then you'll never get far as an assassin, let alone live in this world. You'll be nothing more then manure for the dirt."

Tatsumi: "Why you...!"

Raising his sword Tatsumi aimed it at Hiro, who merely smirks.

Hiro: "C'mon... Do it."

Hiro provoked Tatsumi even more, the brown haired boy was about to charge towards Hiro, forgetting about the fact that the blonde was on a different league.

Akame: "You two, knock it off"

Hiro: "Hmph, what a bore."

As Hiro was walking away from the two, Bulat in his armor popped out the bush, ready to fight, about to grab his spear behind his back.

Bulat: "The enemy fled here, didn't they!? Leave the rest to me!"

Akame: (Straight face) "It's already over"

Bulat: "...huh?"

Later, night...

Infront of the base of Night Raid, everyone was present, Najenda blew a puff of smoke, a grin bearing her face.

Najenda: "Good job on your first battle. Tatsumi, Hiro."

Tatsumi: "R-Right..."

With a nod Hiro acknowledge what Najenda said and continued to sip on the cup of wine he held.

Najenda: "I heard Akame's report. Hiro, good work on dispatching the adversaries in quick succession."

Hiro: "As long as it's interesting enough, I can do what ever job you want."

Najenda: "Alright. Tatsumi. I heard Akame's report on you is a point of concern... If you want to survive. I see now that someone needs to teach you the ropes. Partner up with either Akame or Hiro learn."

Hiro: "Pick Akame. I don't want a liability dragging me down."

Tatsumi: "I don't want to partner up with you either prick, don't worry."

Najenda: "Then you'll partner up with Akame. Sound good? Akame?"

Akame: (nods with a straight face) "Uh-huh."

Tatsumi: 'That fast!?'

Najenda: "If he holds you back, then you can kill him."

Akame: (Munching on a drumstick) "Uh-huh, understood."

Najenda: (Turns to Tatsumi) "Lucky you, getting though by a cute girl like Akame. Good luck not to get killed"

Akame: (Still Munching) "Is that all?"

Najenda: "Oh right, Hiro, you'll also be assigned to Akame, I need to see how you two work together, when I heard you fought Akame and was even, I'm curious to see if you two can work good together."

Hiro: "Alright, that sounds interesting, but if the mongrel holds me back, I'll kill him."

Najenda: "Understood."

Akame again gazed towards Hiro who was sipping on a cup of wine, her gaze filled with curiosity as the blonde earlier disagreed to partner up with Tatsumi, but when it was partnering with her he agreed swiftly. The monotone assassin of Night Raid had a guess why he acted like this remembering what he had done during their part when they first met, causing the raven-haired girl to blush slightly as she ate her food.
