
Chapter 3 Arrival: (part 3)

It confused Lee Jihye as she gave a slight glare at the admiral.

"Servant? Do you mean a civil servant? If so, then no."

Yi Sun-Shin gave her a confused look and asked.

"But what you did was a noble phantasm, is it not?"

Lee Jihye is now more confused than ever. Shin Yoosung tugged at her arm and Lee Gilyoung tugged harder, causing Le Jihye to stumble a little forward, almost falling face first but regaining balance.

"Why you do that for you brat!?"

Lee Gilyoung looked at her with a smug face.

"Well, it's because you aren't paying any attention."

"Unnie, these people might be the 'Chaldea' the scenario was talking about."

"What makes you say that Yoosung-ah?"

Lee Jihye looked at Ritsuka's and Mash's outfits, and Yi Sun-Shin's demeanor. Then she nodded in agreement with Shin Yoosung's statement.

"Hey, there my name is Lee Jihye and you two are?"

Ritsuka looked at her and noticed a sword hanging on her waist. Weird even Shin Yoosung has a dagger. Is this what Da Vinci meant by being closer to a lostbelt than a singularity?

"I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, and this is Mash Kyrielight."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah, nice to meet both of you. Want a ride to Seoul?"

"Yes, we would appreciate that."

Mash and the admiral nodded, but the boats disappeared and the jade dragon went down from the sky. Shin Yoosung, Lee Gilyoung, and Lee Jihye went on top of its head.

"Come on ajhussi!"

Riding a dragon this'll be the first time for Ritsuka and Mash, excitement filled their eyes as they looked at each other, as they climbed the dragon Yi Sun-Shin hopped on top of it, to give Mash and Ritsuka a hand, then he telepathically said to Ritsuka.

(Milord, it looks like they aren't servant, and the girl who summoned my 'noble phantasm' does not know about servants and the holy grail war.)

As they rode the dragon, they felt like they were back at 'Arash Express' but this time it was much safer than before. The wind felt cool as they weave past the air at great speeds.

[The constellations are looking at you]

Constellations? like the stars in the sky? Ritsuka broke the silence as he noticed that not only Busan was in a horrible state but everywhere the eye could see, not a single place was left in ruins, except those places where humans built their fortresses on.

"Um, Lee Jihye-san, what happened in South Korea?"

Lee Jihye's eyes widened as she looked back. She figured out that they must not be a part of this world.

"The scenarios happened."

That explained little but Shin Yoosung explained it much more thoroughly the scenarios are like quests that you gain in-game, but with high risks and horrible consequences if they were to fail the scenarios, such as death, and the dokkaebis and the constellations are the ones behind said scenarios, but mostly dokkaebis are held responsible.

After the explanation, there was a long awkward silence as they continue their journey. The atmosphere around the group became stiff as some of them remembered what has happened during the first scenario and what happened to Kim Dokja during the scenarios.


[You have entered 'Kim Dokja's Industrial Complex']

As the jade dragon landed, Ritsuka's hair was whipped back because of the wind. The admiral scuffled his hair, and it went back to normal. Mash then said.

"Senpai, there's a signal here. We might be able to communicate with Chaldea now."

"Chaldea, huh? So, you are the ones in the scenario?"

A beautiful lady sucking on a lollipop showed up and went to them. She has short black hair and a beauty mark resting underneath her left eye. The lady looked at Mash up and down. And then she focused on the admiral, making the same remark as Lee Jihye.

"Umm Miss?"

"Ah, oh yeah, I'm Han Sooyoung, the leader of this place."

"Nice to meet you, I'm-"

"Mash, and your Ritsuka yeah."

Ritsuka nodded and Lee Gilyoung then said.

"Leader? we all know that Hyung is the leader!"

Han Sooyoung glared at him, and Lee Gilyoung shuddered a little. Lee Jihye just laughed and then Shin Yoosung said.

"Come on already, let's go inside. Ahjussi is waiting for us."

Going inside the main building, it just looks like a company, as the name of their group implies, [Kim Dokja's Company]. As they scaled the building, Ritsuka looked out the window to see different people walking in the [industrial complex] there were elves, humans, and what seems to be dwarves.

While the admiral just kept on with a serious look on his face and has not been talking since arriving here. Mash as well, until the admiral sent a telepathic message again.

(Milord, be careful. There are multiple humans that have an immense amount of magical energy. If I dare say so, it can rival that of most of the strongest heroic spirits there is. Not only that, there are a lot of eyes on us more so than before.)

"We've arrived."

Han Sooyoung opened the door and revealed a man looking out the window while wearing a white coat. He then said on the spur of the moment, while turning back slowly.

"I've been expecting you."

Han Sooyoung sighed and face palmed, and Lee Jihye said.

"That's cringe ahjussi."

"What are you saying, noona? that was cool."

"Ahjussi, we're back!"

The two kids ran to the man in the white coat and hugged him. He then turned around and looked at Ritsuka's group before sitting down on a chair.

"So you're the nebula called <Chaldea>?"


Han Sooyoung then answered first.

"A nebula is a group of constellations and incarnations, for example <Olympus>, and <Vedas>, the former being the group of olympian gods and incarnations, and the latter is a group of Indian gods and incarnations."

The man then said with a smile, but irritated face as Han Sooyoung stole his moment.

"Han Sooyoung is right, and this place belongs to <Kim Dokja's Company> me being the leader of the nebula. My name is Kim Dokja."

"Nice to meet you, Kim Dokja-san. I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, and this is Mash. And I'm pretty sure you've met the admiral already."

"Nice to meet you as well, Kim Dokja-san."

After arriving at the place, the admiral finally said something while wearing a stern face.

"There are too many eyes on us, milord. Are you sure they can be trusted?"

[The constellation 'Queen of the Darkest Spring' is surprised at your remark! And says don't worry]

[The constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' says not to worry about them]

[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says just worry about the constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire']

[The constellation 'Most Ancient Liberator' is laughing!]

[You have been sponsored 10,000 coins]

Kim Dokja then sighed and looked at the air. He then said.

"Biyu, turn off the channel."

A big fur ball appeared out of nowhere, and it went ba'at. then a message appeared.

[The channel 'BI-90594' has turned off]

"Okay, what is it that <Chaldea> needs?"

"Just to clarify things, I'm not well suited to answer the questions. Will you let lady Mash here to set up communication with Chaldea? They could answer your questions."

Kim Dokja looked at his party first. Before nodding, Mash put down her shield in the middle of the table. She fiddled with it a bit, and then a projection was shown.

*BZZZT hello... BZZZT ah here it is BZZZT*

A girl appeared on the screen, short in stature.

*Hehehe, the universal genius Da Vinci, has done it again!*

*Hello, Mash, Ritsuka can you hear us?*

A man appeared, they can only describe as an English man, in a well-outfitted manner, while holding a pipe.

"Yes, we can hear you, Holmes-san."

Han Sooyoung's eyes widened. Then she grabbed Ritsuka's arm.

"Wait, you mean the Da Vinci and the Sherlock Holmes?"

*Oh, then we shall introduce ourselves. I'm Sherlock Holmes, a servant belonging to the ruler class*

*And I'm Da Vinci, the unrivaled genius of the rider class*


Da Vinci just laughed at their reactions and proudly said.

*Yep that's right, this cute gal is none other than Da Vinci*

While Sherlock just sighed and pulled Da Vinci back, then he said.

*Ritsuka, Mash I have a question. Have you encountered any other heroic spirits yet not including the admiral, of course?*

"No, but the people here are powerful, and might even take down some."

Da Vinci then answered.

*But we've been detecting high magical energy in that place, no wait everywhere to be exact*

Kim Dokja then interjected because of the overloading of information coming into his head. Everyone else is in a complete daze.

"Wait, wait, wait, so what is a singularity? And what are the Heroic spirits and servants you guys have been talking about?"

Da Vinci made a surprised face and looked at Mash and Ritsuka, only for them to shake their head. Then she cleared her throat, ready to explain.

*Okay! I'll be the teacher for today if anyone wants to ask a question. Raise their hands, okay?*

The party just nodded and Da Vinci started explaining. Then the fluff ball snuggled to Kim Dokja's chest went ba'at, and the channel opened again.

*First, let's get a thing out of the way. I shall explain what is the holy grail war first*

[The constellations are listening]

*The holy grail war is a ritual to gain the omnipotent wish-granting device, the holy grail. This ritual is performed by 7 masters, and 7 servants who fight in a battle royal, and the last one standing will gain the holy grail*

[The constellation 'Lily pin of Aquarius' says that the grail is not a wish-granting device!]

[The constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' is nodding in agreement with the constellation 'Lily pin of Aquarius']

[The constellation 'Most Ancient Liberator' is telling them to shut up! And just listen]

Da Vinci continued. Even with the bombardment of messages, it looks like she can't see them.

*Anyway, now that's over with before we go on, questions?*


*Okay, time for 1 of the main questions what are Heroic Spirits?, well Heroic Spirits are spirits of heroes who achieved great deeds in life, and have become objects of worship after their deaths, like admiral Yi Sun-Shin for example, servants are the same with heroic spirits but they are the ones who take part in holy grail war being the 7 servants. Now there are 7 classes corresponding to the 7 servants: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Caster, Rider, Assassin, and Berserker*

Kim Dokja then thought about something, What if, just what if, being a constellation is the same as being a heroic spirit won't that mean they could summon the constellations in the holy grail war?! at the same time he looked at Han Sooyoung who was also thinking the same thing as him.

Kim Dokja trying not to think much about it, but suddenly the Midday Tryst has activated.

[Midday Tryst has been activated]

[HSY: Do you think we can summon constellations with this?}

[KDJ: That won't work. If it did, then there's such a thing as the probability that will heavily weaken the summoned servant]

[HSY: Idiot! Have you seen the scenario?]

[KDJ: .... This'll be a hard time, but doesn't <Eden> have the holy grail]

[HSY: <Eden> is gone, remember dumbass]

*Now, to the last question, what is a singularity? I'll explain it easily. Basically, it's the destruction of humanity because of the appearance of a being strong enough to wipe out humanity, or in that case someone who uses the grail to do this*

Kim Dokja then stood up and said.

"Wait, so this will all end if we give you the holy grail, right?"

Sherlock Holmes then interrupted.

*Oh, so you have it then?*

There was a knock on the door, and Lee Jihye opened the door. A large man accompanied a woman with white hair with a sword hanging from her hip.

"Huiwon-noona, why are you so late?"

"Hehehe, well, we have to calm the people outside of the complex, because of the sudden change of scenarios."

The large man then looked around, and then he nudged the woman.

"Ah, Dokja-ssi, what's happening here?"

After a lot of explanation and introduction later, the woman with white hair is Jung Huiwon, and the man with a large build is Lee Hyunsung.

[The constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' said that she stored the grail somewhere]

[The constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' said that she has found the grail]

[The constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' is incarnating into the scenario]

*Huh? the magical energy suddenly skyrocketed. Be careful Mash and Ritsuka!*

Ritsuka's group went on the defensive. But everyone else seems to be calm. In the corner of Ritsuka's eyes, they could see Han Sooyoung smirking.

"Milord and lady Mash stay behind me."

A woman appeared with her wings widespread and a golden halo floating above her head, she has golden hair styled half-up and half-down, as she opened her eyes that is the color of emerald, in her left hand, she held a chalice, familiar to Ritsuka's group, the holy grail.

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