
Fate/Naruto Fanfic

Vincent Dioland died and transmigrate into the body of the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi as he got knocked out from the hit of Kyuubi on 10th October which got taken over by Vincent. (The prologue only give the gist of his life in Fate world. The story starts when he arrives in Naruto world.)

AliefLucas · Cómic
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7 Chs


Vincent Dioland born March 17, 1910 as the Second Child of Dioland Family, little brother of Faldeus Dioland. He was called a genius as he grows up, he grow fast, everything he learns from his father he master it beyond even his father ability in a fast pace, his strength raised at fast pace, etc. ( He has the starter ability of Kurokami Medaka from Medaka Box)

Because of this, his father hopes that he inherited the family instead of his brother even though he thinks of it as Troublesome and never desires it. This incites his brother Faldeus Jealousy and a sense of crisis. So as when he was ten, right after their father's death Faldeus crippled his magic circuit and kick him out of the family.

Fortunately, it was not all destroyed. From his inborn 100 Magic Circuit, he was left with 16. Swearing vengeance he got himself conscripted into American Army for training, he trained there in every aspect of War and military while not forgetting training his magecraft with all he has left, he can only do Reinforcement, and Projection.( Like Emiya)

When he was 18th, he accidentally created a new technique which he called tracing, making his learning rates increase by tracing many weapons in war.(Unlike Emiya who can only trace swords, he can trace anything he wants)

After a year of mastering Tracing, he tried to bet and traced his Magic Circuit on his own nerves according to his memories which is a succeeded thanks to his advance healing factor, even thought he was in agony when doing it. Because of this incident, he got himself a Comand Seals for the third Grail War which will happen in a year.

Knowing he was chosen as a master for the Grail War, he immediately packed his belongings and weapons then left for Fuyuki, Japan knowing that his brother was one of the Master. On the way, he continues to add more Magic Circuit into his own nerves every time he got healed from doing that. (I got the inspiration for this from fanfic Projected Denial)

Five months before the start of the war, he summoned his own Servant without using a catalyst. Because he wants his servant to be someone who can understand him. He got himself Caster, Medea of Colchis.

During the five months before the war which they lived in Ryuudo Temple after sending the monk off, they got to know of each other and fall in love as the time goes on. Wanting to be with Medea and fulfill her wish to live happily, he got more motivation to win the war.

When the war begins, they take the Edelfelt Sister of guard and use Rule Breakers to the youngest stealing her servant, the Younger Lancelot. Making them having two servants on their side.

On the second day, as the other master and servant fight themselves. He was observing his own brother who did not participate in the fight, also observing the other with his Servant Assassin. Making Lancelot go to face Assassin, he and Medea face Faldeus and kill him. The day ended with two masters eliminated, his brother and master from the Einzbern family.

The war goes on with master of Lancer, Saber, and Rider facing each other with him and master of Archer which is the Tohsaka observing. Rider was defeated, killed by Older Lancelot. After that, Lancelot and Lancer were killed along with their master and the master of Rider which is from Matou, being sniped by Archer when they are exhausted from the fight.

Employing the same tactic, Vincent let Lancelot fight with Archer while he and Medea goes to kill Tohsaka Master making them the winner of this war.

Winning the war, he wishes for the third True Magic Heaven's Feel and with it he bound Medea to him, Making her live with him.

After winning the war, he goes incognito to live with Medea peacefully in Fuyuki, because he has already achieved his wish and revenge, making others thought that there's no winner in the war. No one knows about him, since he never got in contact with the Magic side ever since he was cast out by his own brother except Faldeus whose already dead.

Twenty years after the war, with Medea's help. He created new body with bloodline he stole from other Magus family, one of which he stole from descendant of King Arthur. While at it, they make a fake birth certificate to make his new body as a descendant of himself. So to continue his bloodline and claim his inheritance from the Dioland Family.

They make the body around 20 years old. Using his inborn Talent and Heaven's Feel he created an ability to hacked into other's Body, Bloodline, and Soul and was able to use the family traits or skill of the person he Hacked. In those twenty years, he also learns magecraft from Medea while also many Martial Arts in the world.

After that, they live as usual. While Vincent changes his body again Twenty years later making himself his own grandson. In 1991, Vincent, whose new body now around 41 years age got contacted by the Tohsaka who want him to adopt their youngest Daughter which is Sakura to which they accept since they can't have a descendant since Medea is still a Heroic Spirit which can't get pregnant.

At first, Tokiomi was going to give her away to the Matou. But, his wife Aoi rejected it as she has heard the Horror Story of that family from her childhood friend and former fiance Karia Matou to not want her daughter come close to that family. After debating for a while, they decide to ask the Dioland family who has been living in their Fuyuki since the last war.

Having Sakura with them, Medea decides to do a ritual to make Sakura hers bloodline and teach her, her own magecraft. Because of this, her hair changed to match Medea and become purple. They decide that Medea and Sakura were going to leave Fuyuki three months before the war While Vincent was going to stay and watch the war.


The war end without winner because Saber Master which is Einzbern representatives Emiya Kiritsugu destroy the Grail because it was tainted from the last war by Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu sprouts out Cursed Fire in retaliation to him, destroying part of Fuyuki City.

Vincent saved one of a survivor which is a boy whom he named Shirou, Shirou Dioland. He walked into the cursed fire and save him, he easily nullifies the curse with his power.

Like Medea, he uses a ritual to make Shiro his blood and heir. Shiro was suffering from survivor guilt and has a need to be useful which he channels it so his existence is to protect his own family. For now, which is Sakura which later maybe his wife and children?

Over the course of the war, Vincent Kill Caster and his Master whom doing an immoral act of kidnapping and killing many children in the area. He also hacked himself into Berserker, Saber, and Lancer and got their skills.

After the war, Medea and Sakura comes back and they met with Shirou. Tohsaka Aoi who was now a widow comes to them and asks for their help to look over the Tohsaka fortunes until Rin was able to take over, as she didn't trust her late husband's disciple and she herself did not have the skill to do it.

Four years later, Emiya Kiritsugu who was dying from the curse of Angra Mainyu discarded his pride and visit them. He asked Vincent to save his daughter from the Einzbern as he wasn't able to breach their defense. He wants to meet her for the last time before his death. As payment, he gives them the Avalon which he has with him.

Feeling that the Magus Killer has suffered enough. Vincent decide to help him and save his daughter Illya from the Einzbern. He slaughters his way in and takes Illya along with her two Homonculus aid and while at it taking all the tomes and wealth of the Einzbern for Illya to inherit.

Kiritsugu died a year later, leaving Illya all alone. So, Vincent and Medea decide to take her in. They heal her and her Aid Homonculus so they can live long like normal. He even takes out the Lesser Grail inside her.

Matou Zouken, not having an heir for the next war tried to kidnap Sakura to make her his Heir which made Medea furious ending with her destroying the Matou family in rage. She takes anything of value from the family after that.

The Association comes to them with forces for almost ending two Family lines that have ties with them. Almost, because the Einzbern still has Illya which they sheltered. They go back in defeat when they find out that Vincent is the holder of Heaven's Feel which makes them afraid.

Five years later, the fifth Holy Grail War started early with the Shirou, Sakura, Illya, and himself become the Master this time. Shiro using Avalon summon the last Saber King Arthur, Illya using catalyst that she finds from the Einzbern summoned Berserker Heracles, Sakura using something they found from the Matou summoned Rider Medusa. Last Vincent summoned Assassin Scathach as Grand Servant.

Later that night, Aoi and Rin visit them and told them that Rin got herself to summon Archer which didn't want to reveal his name. But, as the user or Heaven's Feel, Vincent found out that he was Shirou from alternate universe.

CG Emiya at first want to kill his younger self. But, found out that he didn't follow the same path as himself decide against it. After the four kids gathered, Vincent told them about the truth about the Grail which already tainted and must be destroyed. So, the four of them decide to work together to destroy the Grail.

Vincent then decides to bound the Servant who wants to live in this era to their respective Masters to which only Archer who decline it as he already lived in this era.

As the war going on, they found out that the Archer from the last war was still existing. Not wanting to let the kid facing the First Heroes Gilgamesh, Vincent decides that he was going to defeat him and let the kid to take care of the other master and servant.

Vincent succeeded in defeating Gilgamesh with the help of Medea and Scathach and also get Gilgamesh's abilities as they fight. They find out that the kids were able to defeat the other Master Servant which is Kotomine Kirei and Lancer which is Cu Culain after Scathach recognized him. It was Shirou, Saber, Rin, and Archer who defeated them

The other master is Atrum Galliasta with Caster Servants which is Wolfgang Asmodeus Mozart. They were defeated by Sakura, Rider, Illya, and Berserker.

After that, they go to where the Greater Grail is and destroy it. On the way there, Vincent makes a copy of Avalon which will be tied to him with his new skill Gate of Babylon.

Angra Mainyu in his death decide to at least take out one of them with him to his death by focusing every last mana the grail have to tear off the space. Rin which is the closest to the Space tear almost got swallowed but Vincent rescues her.

But, as she was saved, it was Vincent himself who got swallowed by the space tear and with him disappear from there, Medea and Scathach also disappear and follow him through their bond.