
Chapter 23


-Mifune City

3rd POV*

Lawrence sensed that the battle already ended, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. Although he trusted Shiki, he still can't help but worry because he know how twisted Araya is. In the original, he planned for years using various people just to break Shiki's mind. Sadly he underestimated Shiki's tenacity leading to his downfall. It was a disappointing ending for someone like him however Lawrence also considered it just and right.

"Now I just need to fix this place right? It would be bad if it continues being in a paradox" Lawrence muttered staring at his surroundings. The people who kept reviving already passed in the afterlife as Araya wasn't there to revive them anymore. Well if they do return then Lawrence could just kill them, this time using his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. His eyes is stronger than Shiki after all because he already comprehended 'Advance Death Lines' which Shiki avoid.

She mentioned how it would turn her into a monster if she try to comprehend it. That statement made Lawrence laugh because Shiki talking about it as if she wasn't a monster in the first place. Being connected to ROOT is already an anomaly so her talking about being normal is quite weird in Lawrence's common sense. He didn't stopped her though as he respect her decision, it is not within his authority to push her to get stronger. She can handle that on her own.

Lawrence browsed through the abundance of skills he has right now. He felt like choosing Dota to be obsessed with is not that bad, especially when each skills are adapting to this world. The skills becoming a Noble Phantasm is a great thing for him because it means that some of his skills are unavoidable and deal with concepts. "I guess I need to use that skill right now huh?" he muttered before a ball with antiquate design appeared on his hand.

He is familiar with this hero as he used it as a carry in his previous life despite it being a support. He gazed through the ball with his eyes turning tranquil, his expression appeared as if he is staring into something abstract. He gazed into the unknown for a few seconds before casting the spell on mind. "False Promise" 

The moment he uttered those words, the surroundings visibly changed. The whole world acknowledge that someone has escaped its fate and it couldn't do anything to prevent it, Gaia could only stare at the phenomenon still lost in words. It has no idea how can a simple human change a fate of something. Gaia made a note on its mind to observe this being checking whether he will become a threat or not before taking an action.

False Promise. The ultimate of the hero 'Oracle', the main idea of the ability is to change the fate of someone. However that was in the game, now that it turned into a Noble Phantasm, many of its function changed. Instead of temporarily changing fate, it became a permanent thing. It became even more dangerous when it could pierce through various defenses. Lawrence is careful about this ability as it will change the flow of the world if he keep using it.

The surroundings changed adapting to its new fate. The previous fate of being converted into a playground by Araya has been erased. It was replaced by the fate 'Crime-free and Peaceful block'. Lawrence watched the whole process with interest in his eyes. That was quite a fascinating scene for him as this is the first time he saw fate being manipulated.

He smiled when seeing that his job is finished, however he stopped when he sensed that Anastashia was still inside the building. He blinked to her side, "Ana? What's wrong?" he asked looking at her who was pouting. "That wretched woman Shiki won't admit that she cares for me!" Anastashia complained like a child which made Lawrence chuckle in amusement.

"I guess you changed too huh Ana" Lawrence commented patting her head gaining a cute moan from Anastashia. "Hnnm! What do you mean Lawrence~?" Anatashia asked squinting her eyes in joy. "I mean you used to be so obsessed with me that you won't even let me get close to other women. Now you are easily accepting them without complaints" he said feeling happy about her change. He doesn't really want an extreme yandere on his side.

Hearing his words Anastashia looked down, hairs covered her eyes and when she stared back at him, all light disappeared on her eyes. "Are you sure Lawrence~? Because if you do try to talk with some harlots, I won't hesitate to cut their heads off~! I am only holding back in the presence of Shiki and Fujino as I can see that you genuinely care for them… that won't work on others~" Anastashia said smiling hollowly at Lawrence.

'Alright I take back what I said. This woman is still insane' Lawrence shook his head and ignored Anastashia's words. "Don't talk about dangerous things when you are still engaged. Just bother me again if you are already a widow, I have a preference for MILFS" Lawrence jokingly waved his hand while walking back. Anastashia on the other hand widened her eyes at the new discovery, "Wait, really?" she asked for confirmation only to be ignored.


Their normal lives has returned, Lawrence has returned to London to take care of many matters involving his family. He is annoyed as he is constantly receiving marriage letters from other noble families, it was getting out of hand. Though this day is different from usual as Lawrence will be meeting a merchant that will sell him something necessary for the upcoming event.

"Is his item really genuine?" Lawrence questioned wondering if he will meet a con today. He stared at his hands which has a weird red like mark on it before sighing. "I mean I expected something like this to happen but… seriously?" he felt like this is too much. Letting him participate in that event will only result to chaos.

He initially wanted to withdraw from it but Anastashia and Shiki stopped him. Anastashia just because she wanted Lawrence to bask in glory once he win and Shiki because she wanted to fight the so called Heroic Spirits. She has lost opponents that can challenge her and is now seeking for opponents that will be able to handle her blows. She is even taking away the items that Lawrence has given her in a fight just so that she can experience the difficulty of it.

Of course she doesn't like being hurt so she is also being wary when fighting someone. Anastashia once challenged her because she feels pretty confident after copying Araya's magecraft, the result? Shiki destroyed her. All of her attacks got diced into pieces, though Shiki had to admit it, she feels satisfied during their fight making her acknowledge Anastashia.

Lawrence smiled reminiscing about that fight. He shoved those thoughts out of his mind as his secretary Hana already informed him that the person will be coming. The door was opened as a person wearing a suit entered, he has an amiable smile on his face showing his willingness to be friends with Lawrence. The person lowered his head to pay respect before taking a seat.

"I'll go straight to the point, are you certain that this artifact belongs to Caligula?" Lawrence asked with seriousness. He needed to confirm it, because although sources said that this man is trusted, Lawrence felt like there was something wrong that will happen. "Certainly my lord, this is said to be the mantle of the Emperor of Death, there is no doubt about it" the man smiled shrewdly.

Lawrence took the mantle from the hands of the person and inspected it. Once he confirmed that it was filled with mysteries his doubts were erased. "So? What would you like in return?" Lawrence asked smiling delighted at this confirmation. The person rubbed both of his hands and smile at Lawrence, "Is it possible to ask for a wicked items that hasn't' been released before?" he requested.

Wicked Items, a term used for the artifacts that Lawrence sell. The Mage Association decided to name it as such because all of the artifacts were impossible to find and never seen before. Their effects are also close to Magic which made it a hot topic for the magus. Lawrence smiled at the man's request, "You have quite the guts to ask for such thing. You do know the consequences of being the first person to hold the new item right?" Lawrence asked.

The man flinched for a second before regaining his composure, "Indeed, I am well aware of it. Yet despite that, I couldn't let this chance slide" the man said with determination. That was enough for Lawrence as he handed him 3 scrolls. The man immediately grabbed those scrolls afraid that Lawrence might change his mind.

"Those are teleportation scrolls. With this scroll, you can teleport to any place you have been before. The teleportation might take a few seconds so don't use it as a means to escape. Every travel will cost one of those scrolls so think properly when to use it" Lawrence gave him advice as the man literally grinned widely. That function is already mind blowing, this new wicked item will certainly blow the market once it appear.

The talk didn't last long as the man left in a hurry. Lawrence also didn't hold him back because he knows that his life is in danger. The way Lawrence requested for Caligula's mantle was in public so many magus knows that someone took the request. They can instantly connect the purpose of the merchant and will choose to target him instead of the 'Sun Magus'.

As for the reason Lawrence chose Caligula as his Heroic Spirit? No apparent reason, he is just interested in the mad emperor who declared war on the ocean. It was hilarious to read for Lawrence, he literally ordered his soldiers to stab the sea.

He is not interested in those busty Heroic Spirits that was made into waifus by the otakus in his previous life. He already has Shiki on his side, not to mention Anastashia who also has a rocket that can take down a strong man with just one feel on it. He does not need any other girls when he has two on his side, Bea is also quite devoted on him, there was no need for others.

"Now it has been 5 months, I need to visit them now. They should be waiting at Fuyuki already" Lawrence said packing his things. He ordered Hana to inform the public that he will be out for a while so they should not expect anything at that time. Besides Touko still has some stocks on her, they can just look for her if they need something. Lawrence took a one last look at the mansion before using the Boots of Travel. "Goodbye"


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