
Fox Miko

My companion and I walked toward a temple not too far from our mansion. As we arrive, I can feel a bounded field surrounding the temple and its surrounding area. Yasaka then touched the barrier, and a second later, a massive gate appeared in front of us. We then processed walking inside the inside, then greeted by a gigantic building. The palace itself is like the Tokyo Imperial Palace, but the one that amazes me is the garden. The garden is full of flowers and trees with different colors.

"Welcome to my home."

Yasaka then led us inside the palace, where she ordered her servant to show us the room where we will be staying.

"Please, Follow the servant to your room. I need to meet some people and tell them about the last event."

Yasaka then bowed a little, followed by Kunou, who bowed to us shyly before running toward her mother.

We then began to follow the servant who led us toward our room, which is several rooms that has one King-sized bed in each place.

"Please enjoy your night in here, now please excuse me."

All my companions look at me at the same time, asking for what to do.

"Well, I guess we accept the courtesy that Yasaka shows us."

We then processed to take the bed we wanted and began to sleep because tomorrow will be an annoying day I just know.


The next day, one of Yasaka's servants informed us that Yasaka is preparing a feast for us and already waiting for them in the dining room. After telling us, The servant then showed us the way to the dining room, and a few seconds later, we arrived and greeted by many variations of food that were on the table. The food is also not only from Japanese cuisine but also from western cuisine.

"Welcome, Please help yourself with the food on the table."

After hearing it, My servant and I began to sit and eat the food on the table. Lily started to stuff her plate with food at a fast pace while also maintaining her manner. Emiya also enjoys his food while trying to figure out the recipe. The two Cuchulain is enjoying the alcohol on the table while Kokabiel and George enjoy their food by eating them slowly. Asia, Valerie, and I are enjoying the dessert on the table while having a pleasant conversation with Kunou, who opens up to us after seeing that we are good people.

After we finished eating, Yasaka invited us to the meeting room to meet the elders. So we walked toward the meeting room, which is also the throne room, and met several people already sitting beside the long table.

The youkai in the room have different races from each other. One of them is a Kitsune, next to him is Karasu Tengu, The next one is a Kamaitachi and lastly, Nurarihyon himself sitting on the chair.

"So, this is the one helping you dealing with the enemy?"

"Yes, They are the ones that were defeating the Shadow Servant as they said it."

"I see, I on behalf of the Youkai faction, thank you for rescuing our leader."

The elders rise from their chairs and bow toward me and then sit down on their chairs once more.

"It's okay. We are glad we are able to help."

Nurarihyon nodded at me before he began to speak once more.

"Can you tell us who is the one that shadow servant?"

I hesitated for a moment before deciding that I should tell them some semi-truth information.

"They are the corrupted spirit of the hero of old."

"Corrupted spirit?"

"Yes, They are the spirit of a hero that is known through history but gets corrupted by the unknown meaning. That is the information that I know because the Shadow Servant is something new to us as well."

"I see, So about the Spirit of hero you say, what does that mean?"

"Well, just the name implies they are the spirit of a hero that got corrupted."

"Can you give us an example?"

"Very well, For example, the one that Archer fights is Lu Bu Fengxian or known as The General of Repetition."


"Yes, that is what I mean. They are a hero or at least a famous person that is known throughout history. Another example is the one that fights Caster is Musashibou Benkei, The warrior monk that served Minamoto no Yoshitsune."

"That is troubling."

"Yes, while the shadow servant is strong, they won't reach the level of Satan-Class level if we go with the Devil classification of power."

"But they can still reach the level of Ultimate Devil?"

"Yes, but it depends on the shadow servant itself. The more famous the spirit, the more powerful it becomes. For example, Lu Bu Fengxian is so famous because of the tale of three kingdoms, which makes his power is at High-Class Ultimate Devil in physical power. Still, he has a low-level devil in terms of Magic because Lu Bu has known for his physical capabilities, not magic."

"I see, so that's why my best fighter has trouble dealing with just three of them."

"Pardon me? You guys have fought the shadow servant before?"

"Yes, a week before my man heard about a disturbance of the missing Youkai around Japan. When I heard about the news, I sent my best fighter to deal with the problem, but they came back beaten black and blue and also lost one of their comrades while three of twelve is dying and almost died if not getting healed immediately."

"I see, Then you guys are lucky that shadow servant is not known for their rate of spawning a high-tier hero."

"Pardon me?"

"Yes, In all our time dealing with shadow servant, we only encounter a High-Tier hero once, which is Lu Bu."

What I didn't tell them is that last time was the only time we ever encountered a shadow servant in the first place.

"I see, Then we must do something about it. Is there anything we can do about the shadow servant?"

"Well, Shadow servants will stop spawning from wherever they are coming from if we can destroy the one that is spawning them."

"Did you know who it is?"

"Yes, We know who did this"

"Who is it?"

"Do you guys know about the Vatican that got attacked by the Old Satan Faction?"


"Good, Their goal is to steal the Holy Grail from the Vatican, which is successful if the last event shows me."

"Is there something significant about the Holy Grail?"

"Yes, The hero grail is the key to the afterlife, right? So you can already guess where this is going"

"The Old Satan Faction corrupt the holy grail and use them to summon the shadow servant and order them to cause chaos."


"Who the leader of Old Satan Faction?"

"His name is Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the son of Original Lucifer."

"I see."

"That is not the main problem, however."

"Is there any more problem than the son of Original Lucifer?"

"Yes, The main problem is the group of The Old Satan Faction joins into."


"The Group is called the Chaos Brigade."

"Why are they a problem?"

"They are the problem because of the Group Leader."


"Ophis the Ouroboros Dragon"

The entire room became silent by the revelation before Nurarihyon snapped from his shock and asked me once more.

"Is it the truth?"

"Yes, That is why we didn't go after them. We didn't want to fight against the Ouroboros Dragon."

"I see."

After hearing the leader of Chaos Brigade Nurarihyon, then purpose an alliance between my group and Yokai faction with the approval of Yasaka. For the rest of the day, we have a conversation after signing the partnership between our group with the Youkai Faction. After finishing all of it, we have a relaxation time in the garden. While we were in her garden, I could see Yasaka walking toward Emiya and teasing him with her body. Sometimes I envy the charisma of the Ex-Eroge Protagonist, Emiya.

When the night comes, we get invited by Yasaka to have dinner together with her family. When we eat together, Yasaka once more teases Emiya with her body, which is working to an extent because I can see a little pink on his face.

As we went to our room, I then realized that it is not with us anymore.

"Does anyone see Archer?"

I see that my servant shakes their head.

"Where is he, I wonder?"



Emiya is currently in a tight spot as he gets dragged by the Vixen known as Yasaka to her room.

"Ahhh, Just relax Archer-San, let me treat you well."

All the clothes that Yasaka wore magically vanish from her body, including his armor, which was already on the floor with her clothes as well.

"Let me show you the special service we Kitsune is known for, so just relax. I will handle all of it."

That night Archer changed his job to Saber because his Sword is ready to fight.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts