

Almost the whole city can be seen from the terrace of the second floor of the castle of the Count of Vanein. Today the streets are full of life. From early morning, suburban residents, small nobles and merchants are huddling along the main street.

The night before, one of the Force of the Fate's messengers brought news of the battle in the snow to the city. All night in the inns there was talk of nothing but the bloody battle of red snow.

Now the whole city, including Count Zacharias Vanein, his eldest son and his daughter Gemma, are waiting to see the soldiers returning from the border. Gemma knows that the war has not yet officially started. This event will still have an accelerating effect. "It is now a matter of time. Luberistan will not shut up after he has discovered the death of four hundred of his men. The battle has been within their borders and the attacker is a neutral force, mercenaries. But this does not interest politicians. The war will soon break out. "

Gemma arranges the long pink and purple dress that her father has given to her. The long dress is heavy enough to protect it from the cold but well designed not to cover female curves. The long hair is loose and embellished with a simple diadem. The girl is standing to the left of the seat on which Zacharias rests. To the right his elder brother in the military uniform of the city.

The noise of the crowd grows. "I see nothing." He screams. "Ah yes there they are!"

In the distance we can see a large group of men and women. In the front line a big man armed with a war hammer advances with his head held high. The crowd shouts "Reginald! Show young people how a veteran fights! "

Behind the guild leader, the adventurers advance in a disorganized and festive way. Some stop to talk to people in the crowd. A woman twirls two swords at a crazy speed. A big man carries a little boy armed with a bow. A group is completely dressed in animal skins. A very tall woman has her face completely painted blue and green.

In the crowd, many know the adventurers and shout their names. Gemma whispering to his father "Do you know them?"

"Not all, some are quite famous. Those dressed in leather are called wolf brothers. The woman made up of blue and green comes from a distant land. We once fought together. "

"But where is Simon? I do not see them."

The merchants of Gregor advance behind the group of adventurers. The merchants advance with their wagons. Gregor's wife, Shimmer, launches some products to the crowd.

The count "clever merchant, knows that it is all his business and he is ingratiating the people giving a part of the goods. It will earn less money but it will dampen hatred. "

When the members of the guild are now near the walls of the castle courtyard, the crowd near the edge of the city is silenced. After a few seconds a series of rhythmic strokes gets louder and louder. Finally Gemma can see something.

Thirteen armored soldiers in full armor and shield advance in synchronism. On the shields stands the starry mountain.

Gemma has never seen those armor. Zacharias opens his mouth and then closes it again after a signal from one of his assistants.

Behind the first row are the spearmen, the swordsmen and the archers. The weapons shine in the sun.

While no words advance, no noise except that of footsteps.

Once you get to the road you can see at the end of the mercenary company two wagons with officers and freed slaves.

Then they saw the crowd erupt in screams of joy. The soldiers then respond with a single powerful roar.

The crowd begins to encircle military training when they understand that the soldiers are the same people as their mountain villages. The suburb people start intoning "Force of the Fate" in an increase of shouts and screams.

Gemma annoyed "Everyone saw the magnificent entrance of the mercenaries but nobody noticed their commander. I do not understand why he did not face the troops. "

The count "That boy is strange. Even when he helped me, no one suspected until the end that he was the one pulling the files backstage. As far as I can tell, do not look for admirers, look for reliable and lasting allies. To do this he keeps a profile defiled, does not offend anyone and lets those who fought in the front line taste the glory. Those who taste it will still want it. To have them again they will have to follow him. "

Gemma "I would have liked to see him in armor, riding a horse coming towards the castle ..."

Brother "Sister, I think you have read too many stories. Also I would not turn off your enthusiasm but I understand that he has defeated an army twice his own to save the family of that girl. Yes, the young woman sitting next to him on the wagon that keeps staring at him. "

Gemma looks at Selin thinking "She did it! She did something. "

In a few minutes the improvised parade ends when all the people who arrive in the city reach the courtyard of the castle. The count and his entourage greet guests and calmly go down to the ground floor.

Zacharias gestures with his hand, indicating three people among the many. Reginald, Drevor and Simon approach the count.

"Welcome back my friends. I have two words to say to you, then we will celebrate. "

"Beginning with bad news." He turns to Drevor and starts talking again. "As you may have guessed, I have to punish you for your actions. The capital has called for the closure of the borders and you have broken this prohibition. The punishment will be pecuniary. The load that you bring with you today will be seized, but we will not withdraw the license from merchants. "

Drevor lowering his head "Certainly my Lord."

Zacharias takes up the word "The fact remains that thanks to your actions it was possible to free some slaves. One of my promises to the people was this. So from a certain point of view I have to thank you. This thing will obviously remain between us. "

Drevor returns to breathe and raises his head meeting the smile of the people next to him.

The count starts talking again, resting a hand on the shoulder of the guild leader "Reginald, dear friend, your readiness, your courage is unparalleled. As soon as you know you went to the rescue of these people. "

Zacharias leans over to see all the adventurers "It will be my concern to repay your intervention in the rescue of our citizens. Great job adventurers! You are the pride of our city! "

The adventurers taken aback suddenly improvise screams of assent.

"Finally, Simon. I knew you waving a wooden sword in a meadow and you present yourself at my castle with a fully armed army. You managed, in enemy territory, to defeat four hundred soldiers with just over half the men. Your messenger told me you only had about twenty victims! "

Simon with a sad look "Every time a soldier dies, we all lose something. If I had real experience, maybe many less would have died. "

Reginald "I already told you boy, you're too strict with yourself."

The Count "The only thing I can do for you boy is finding a mentor to teach you something more about the war. I have veteran friends in the capital. I have decided. The war has now begun. I need your men. I will use my contacts. " Then turning to the mercenaries " Great job guys! "

The troop "Yes my Lord!"

"You transformed them, the mountaineers who fought for me in the woods are no longer."

The count turns to ask some information to his staff "I would say that we are almost ready. Rest for a moment and get ready to take part in a small party to celebrate. Tonight you are guests of the city of Vanein. "

Reginald laughing "What timing! We must also celebrate the boy's engagement. Sir, you really had to see him yesterday. After throwing himself into the middle of enemy soldiers and killing tens, he could not finish a meaningful sentence with our Drevor, the girl's father! "

Zacharias "Oh well, then you will also need to call your parents. I'm happy for you Simon! But I have to admit that I would have preferred to celebrate in the part of the father of the girlfriend. "

Gemma with completely red cheeks coughs "What do you say father ?!"

"Only the truth, months ago I would not have entrusted him with a goat. Now I would be in seventh heaven if he had asked for my daughter's hand. Gemma, I think you have to refine your female limbs, grow up without a mother, with a clumsy father like me who did not help you. "

Simon in utter embarrassment "Can you make certain speeches without the direct stakeholders present?"

The noble bursts out laughing and clapping his hands, dismisses those present.

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