
Chapter 1

"May, fetch me some more warm water. And do it NOW!"

"Yes Mistress!"

May Fisher scrambled to do her mistresses bidding. She had already made her Mistress infuriated when she had broken her favorite vase this morning.

"Not that I meant to. If that idiot, Blane had been watching where he was going, he wouldn't have pushed me down the stairs and I wouldn't have fallen down and broke the vase." She mumbled softly to herself. Her ankle still throbbed from where she had twisted it. But May knew better then to complain.

"What took you so long?" Mistress Lee barked as May came back.

"I'm sorry Mistress, but the kitchen is low on staff today and I had to warm the water myself." May bowed and began to pour the water in the bowl where her Mistress feet were soaking.


May settled into her bed exhausted from the days work. After Mistress Lee soaked her feet, she had ordered May to massage her back, arms, and legs. Then she went to bed, after ordering May to finish sewing her dress she asked for, for the Ball Mr. Lee was giving.

May gingerly touched her cheek. Mistress had slapped her twice today, once for the vase, and another time because she hadn't fetched that water quick enough. 'And my ankle hurts too, what else could go wrong' She mumbled as sleep overcame her.


"Mom!" May screamed as she sat up, sweat covered her shaking body. 'I keep having this cursed dream each night' She cried softly into her hands. 'Why? Why can't I get free....why must I stay here? I wish I was somewhere else!' She sobbed, as she reached for her Mother's necklace that was always around her neck.

"Do you really wish that?" A voice said from the corner of her room. "Because I've come to make your wish true."

May screamed and jumped out of bed. Grabbing for the small dagger she kept near her bed. Her whole body shook as she tried to see the stranger in her room.

"How are you in here? Who are you? What do you want?" She asked, her voice shook.

"There is no need for that." Came the voice again. Suddenly from behind her someone grabbed her and a hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her screams. She saw a sudden flash of light. Her head felt heavy, her eyelids slowly fell shut.

"no" She tried to say...but she couldn't stay awake.

This is my first time trying to write something. Please give me your honest thoughts? I'm pretty nervous. But I've always wanted to try writing. If you did take the time to read this chapter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means the world!!!!❤

Adayah_Pacecreators' thoughts
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